GT5 better than GT6?

  • Thread starter Ki_Reddy
I prefer GT5. I tried GT6 and though the physics and graphics are improved, the AI is not as good during early races, I've noticed. They don't really challenge me, or each other. GT5 does this. Maybe GT6 gets better as the series goes along, I hope?

Either way, I've been skipping 6 while waiting to see how 7 is.
I think GT5 was a better game in it's form where it had everything accessible, although it's dubious now that they've crippled it by removing online and seasonals.

If you're considering buying it because you want something better than GT6, I wouldn't bother. Buy GT5P for cheap if you can find it. Or get a cheap 360 and Forza 4, because at least that would be a significantly different experience. GT5 and GT6 are mostly exactly the same game.
I think GT5 was a better game in it's form where it had everything accessible, although it's dubious now that they've crippled it by removing online and seasonals.

If you're considering buying it because you want something better than GT6, I wouldn't bother. Buy GT5P for cheap if you can find it. Or get a cheap 360 and Forza 4, because at least that would be a significantly different experience. GT5 and GT6 are mostly exactly the same game.
This. I get behind this 100%.
I used to have a PS3 with GT6 way, way back. Then my oldie 1st gen PS3 finally gave out, and I went without any console for a while. I picked up a 360 and Forza 4 some time ago; it's an awesome game and arguably a much more enriched experience than even GT6 can provide. And I don't even have Xbox Live!

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