GTA: Liberty City Stories - Record Book

  • Thread starter Jonas_AH
Jonas posted a score of 2:00 for Karmageddon to open the topic. I think he must have worked a little on many of his records, both Karmageddon and Go Go Faggio seemed much better than simply passing the mission the first time. It took me quite a while to find a strategy to compete in Karmageddon, and even longer to pull it off. But I'm sick and miserable, and Toni feels no pain, so I hung out all night in LCS.

Go Go Faggio have I only done enough to complete it once.

<spoiler warning>
To get 100% you must complete Karmageddon twice. The first time I only had 18 secs left but the second time I improved to 2 minutes. I haven't really tried it since.

  • Added new records and screenshot by Orion_SR
  • Added new record by Spuds725
Go Go Faggio have I only done enough to complete it once.

<spoiler warning>
To get 100% you must complete Karmageddon twice. The first time I only had 18 secs left but the second time I improved to 2 minutes. I haven't really tried it since.
Ha! A spoiler warning in a record book topic. Sorry, this just struck my funny bone.

Really? Well, then... if I include a respectable time for Wong Side, and very consistent scores in Bump & Grinds, that was a very impressive set of numbers you posted. I had you all figured for spending a few minutes on each event so your times wouldn't look too bad as they were eventually replaced. Nicely done, Jonas.

Does anyone know if the double vehicle damage bonus for 100% helps with the bike shooting missions?
Most kills in RC Triad takedown - 135 - Spuds725

Longest wheelie - 54 seconds - Spuds725

And I noticed this today-- I started a new game to get the Heli in False Idols and the avenger bike-- and I was just looking at my stats and saw I have 70 hours of play time-- and I'm still on Portland.... I don't think the game reset my timer when I started my new game-- another "purple nines" type of new game glitch I think..
Sure wish I was recording for this one. Landed, lived, and saved this one.

Max Insane Jump Distance - 152.55 - Orion_SR [screenshot]

I'm not having any luck matching Phreak's face plant distance. It's starting to get a little frustrating. Oh hey. Has anyone else noticed that the vehicles Toni uses in races seem to be much more fragile than other vehicles? It's not as noticable when racing with a double damage car after 100%. Maybe it's my imagination.
Yep, same spot. But I've got a new trick to improve my success rate. I suspect Phreak went back for an Avenger, I know Spuds did, so I'm hoping to put this stat so far out of reach that they give up in frustration without even getting close. Actually, keeping secrets goes against my nature, but it seems appropriate for this context. This leaves me somewhat conflicted, but I'm not sure what to do about it. I hope I get to document some of these locations and methods eventually.
Rounding up my 2nd run through Portland

Passengers dropped off - 250 (in a row) - GTA Phreak

Highest Avenging Angel level on Portland - 101 - GTA Phreak
Most time left on Wong Side of the Tracks - 0:23 -GTA Phreak
Fastest lap on Thrashin' RC - 0:33 - GTA Phreak


Highest Slash TV level - 5 - GTA Phreak :rolleyes:
Total cash made on Slash TV - $74177 - GTA Phreak
Opponents killed in Slash TV - 750 (in a row) - GTA Phreak
Cars sold - 34 (in a row) - GTA Phreak
Cash made selling cars - $18974 - GTA Phreak


Slight improvement on Redlight:

Fastest lap on Red Light Racing - 0:29 (Manchez) - GTA Phreak
Fastest time on Red Light Racing - 1:34 (Manchez) - GTA Phreak


Highest score in Scrapyard Challenge - 24 - GTA Phreak
Highest score in Scooter Shooter - 12 - GTA Phreak
Most kills in RC Triad Take-Down - 207 - GTA Phreak

(no p1's in that lot)

Noticed a few glitches / oddities:
During "Avenging Angels' the bribes did not respawn (could only pick up each once), - even after finishing they did not come back. Had to save and reload to make them reappear :confused:

In RC Triad take down, - I once noticed that the timer stopped (on 0:07) It did restart on the next kills though (it didn't happen on the posted score).

Sure wish I was recording for this one. Landed, lived, and saved this one.

Max Insane Jump Distance - 152.55 - Orion_SR [screenshot]

I'm not having any luck matching Phreak's face plant distance. It's starting to get a little frustrating. Oh hey. Has anyone else noticed that the vehicles Toni uses in races seem to be much more fragile than other vehicles? It's not as noticable when racing with a double damage car after 100%. Maybe it's my imagination.

Nice jump!!! and nice to know that beating my face plant is proving painful :lol:
And I did use the Avenger for my posted long jumps, - I think all but the 1st post was done using the Avenger

On the race car, I think it's your imagination, - in fact I think you get a free engine (not bodywork) repair when you complete the race.
Bump & Grinds with Sanchez
Fastest lap on Course 1 - 0:15 - Jonas_AH
Fastest time on Course 1 - 0:49 - Jonas_AH
Fastest lap on Course 10 - 0:23 - Jonas_AH
Fastest time on Course 10 - 1:13 - Jonas_AH

Fastest time on Red Light Racing - 1:36 (Manchez) - Jonas_AH

  • Added new records by Jonas_AH
Fastest time on Red Light Racing - 1:34 (Manchez) - Jonas_AH

  • Added new records and screenshot by GTA_Phreak
  • Added new record by Jonas_AH
And I think Orion missed a trick on the hitmen stat:

Hitmen wasted - 118 - GTA Phreak
Oh, Dude! Okay, I'll trade you a secret. What's the deal with the hitmen stat? My guess is that they keep respawning during the 1st Hitman mission and I've missed my chance.

BTW, I've got an imposter over at GTAForums. Someone is using Orion_SR as a username has posted a link to the old Helicopter video on google with a message that implies he made the video. See:
Well the Hitmen killed during the mission counts for the stat, - so kill 15 and fail the mission (let hitman #16 get lucky) and repeat.
There's weapons and health pickups on site so no preparation required between attempts, - the game even provides transportation ;)

Regarding the "Imposter", - you need to contact the administrator for that site/forum if you want anything done about it.
Felt someone breathing down my neck ...

Fastest lap on Red Light Racing - 0:28 (Manchez) - GTA Phreak
Fastest time on Red Light Racing - 1:32 (Manchez) - GTA Phreak

Fastest lap on Red Light Racing - 0:29 (Manchez) - Jonas_AH
Fastest time on Red Light Racing - 1:30 (Manchez) - Jonas_AH

Fastest lap on Low Rider Rumble - 1:08 (Hellenbach GT) - Jonas_AH
Fastest time on Low Rider Rumble - 2:18 (Hellenebach GT) - Jonas_AH

  • Added new records by Jonas_AH
Crap! 4 seconds? I don't think my Bickle is going to catch you this time. I'm not even sure if the Cruiser is up to the task. I might have to pull out the BFG for this one. So, if I beat my time with another vehicle can I leave my Bickle score up until it drops out of the top 5?

Well done, Jonas.
Fastest lap/time on Deimos Dash - 1:24 (Hellenbach GT) - Jonas_AH
Most time left on Karmageddon - 2:58 - Jonas_AH
Most time left on Wong Side of the Tracks - 0:22 - Jonas_AH

  • Added new records by Jonas_AH
Been working on these for awhile. :)

Bump & Grinds using the Sanchez

Fastest lap on Course 1 - 0:12 - bcks
Fastest time on Course 1 - 0:43 - bcks
Fastest lap on Course 2 - 0:19 - bcks
Fastest time on Course 2 - 1:01 - bcks
Fastest lap on Course 3 - 0:19 - bcks
Fastest time on Course 3 - 1:01 - bcks
Fastest lap on Course 4 - 0:19 - bcks
Fastest time on Course 4 - 1:00 - bcks
Fastest lap on Course 5 - 0:23 - bcks
Fastest time on Course 5 - 1:14 - bcks
Fastest lap on Course 6 - 0:23 - bcks
Fastest time on Course 6 - 1:16 - bcks
Fastest lap on Course 7 - 0:24 - bcks
Fastest time on Course 7 - 1:15 - bcks
Fastest lap on Course 8 - 0:29 - bcks
Fastest time on Course 8 - 1:32 - bcks
Fastest lap on Course 9 - 0:22 - bcks
Fastest time on Course 9 - 1:10 - bcks
Fastest lap on Course 10 - 0:22 - bcks
Fastest time on Course 10 - 1:08 - bcks

I have a seperate save im useing for the Sanchez records, and i plan to back it up on my other memory card so i take a pic of the records later. :D
Did everyone die?
Not me. I'm just pouting. Nice work on the Bump and Grinds races (perfectly good Manchez races just sitting there and...). I knew there were a few seconds in each of those races, but didn't want to spend the time to get them all perfectly. Have you tried the Manchez yet? I had a hard time keeping in on the track in order to compete against my Sanchez times. Maybe it'll be easier with longer tracks than the one I tried. And it looks like you've got the hang of the crossovers for Wong Side. It's an intense race at that speed. Well done.

And while I'm thinking about it. I need to come clean on my first 32 meter jump height - the one I could remember where I found it. Anyway, I was reviewing my glitch videos and discovered a 32m blue hell warp. If you follow the top of subway from Chinatown toward the Callahan Bridge and jump off to the right just before the bridge, it'll register a jump height in the 32 meter range. It might be interesting to try the jump off to the left. This will make the warp destination up on the bridge deck. I always avoid that side because that section of bridge is usually missing so Toni ends up taking a swim. But the lastest score is not a glitch - try taking the Jambalaya Jump in the opposite direction. If you get the angle just right the jump will register due to distance so fancy acrobatics aren't needed to score the insane stat.
No i havn't tryed the manchez out yet, i was kinda burnt out on bumps and grinds, will get to it eventualy.

The crossovers at a few of the spots give me trouble. I got that 31 on the first few trys of the day from a 29. Once i was warmed up, i had troulbe doing the crossovers good or at all. Bascily i fluked it correctly on the first few trys of that day, and since then i sucked it up.

31 is a good/great score though, the hardest of all the bumps and grinds for me was the 1:08 on track 10, i spent more time on that then any of the others. 1:08 is a mint time. :)