GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Was just about to post that trailer. Seems I've been beaten to it.

So that's why R* has been so kind with money recently.

Also, given that he's also identified - among others - a P-51, MiG-17, ME-163 and the Apache, my brother (who's been asking for WWII stuff since forever) has already declared this the best update in GTAO. Public sessions are somehow going to be even worse than they already are, but hey, nothing new in that.

Also, that orange car on the thumbnail - I'm seeing some MK II Escort in that.

Here's hoping the payouts are as high as the hype. And hopefully they'll let us create our own land-air-and-sea races as well.
Was just about to post that trailer. Seems I've been beaten to it.

So that's why R* has been so kind with money recently.

Also, given that he's also identified - among others - a P-51, MiG-17, ME-163 and the Apache, my brother (who's been asking for WWII stuff since forever) has already declared this the best update in GTAO. Public sessions are somehow going to be even worse than they already are, but hey, nothing new in that.

Also, that orange car on the thumbnail - I'm seeing some MK II Escort in that.

Here's hoping the payouts are as high as the hype. And hopefully they'll let us create our own land-air-and-sea races as well.

Where did you see the P-51?

Also, I wonder if the drip feed will be rough this time. Imagine all of the cool aircraft in the trailer are released, then we get a Sukhoi Su-35 or Su-57 two weeks later for $10 million. :lol:
Where did you see the P-51?

My brother says it was in the chase scene through the canyon about halfway through. This sort of stuff is as up his alley as cars are up mine, so I trust him on this one. And I do see more than a few similarities as well.

Something else I'd like to point out - given that the Titan is featured in the opening shot and that the cargo bay is clearly open on another transport plane.. I imagine it's much the same scenario as the Insurgent and Technical, but, if it can be stored as a pseudo-PV, surely that means the cargo bay can actually be opened now?

I'm just generally getting more hyped by the minute.
Well for one, Nice nod to the Smugglers run games as they were quite fun/frustrating to play and good for their time.

For two, I'm about to go broke again because of this so i'm going into grind overdrive to offset that.:irked:

And for three? Well it's not just hydras we'll have to worry about for now on. :scared:

I am digging the The Crew 2 style land, sea, air races mind you. :D

But as already mentioned, the Hunter is returning, Brown Thunder will be waged upon Los Santos. :P

And instead of NPC's being killed to go the next level of Vigilante, it'll be us instead, but is the Hunter gonna be ready to fight the likes of the Savage, Buzzard and Valkyrie?

Watch this thread folks. :lol:
Holy crap. That looks ridiculous. Thank god for that MK1 Ford Escort! One of my favourite old cars....


Well every trailer makes things look exciting and awesome. The reality is different. It will be an expensive set-up, a huge money grab followed by a none stop grind fest.

Deep down you know it will be a let down.
Well every trailer makes things look exciting and awesome. The reality is different. It will be an expensive set-up, a huge money grab followed by a none stop grind fest.

Deep down you know it will be a let down.

I want this to be good, but it has me worried. Especially since there are so many kids with explosive snipers now. :(
I want this to be good, but it has me worried. Especially since there are so many kids with explosive snipers now. :(
the gun running update trailer looked really isn't awesome. Same with the Biker stuff and everything else.

This update will just be very expensive and yeah, it will result in lobby's full of over powered planes and everything else.

I feel it's my job to keep this grounded and bring a halt to the hype train. You just know we will have to buy a hangar for millions, then a plane mod shop and all sorts of other things and before you know it you are 20 million down and bored of the smuggling grind.

I'll buy a few things but this time I'll wait a few weeks for the hype to die down before I waste money like I did with my bunker.

But for everyone who watches trailers and believes the hype.....

This is why I still grind.

That said, Lee is correct. I have no delusions. It will be a bigly yuuuuuuge expense on the outset. Like the CEO office update(I forget the official name) I don't expect the new activities to cover the costs in any timely fashion(much like despite now having a Silver Securoserve Trophy the activities in that update never covered the content that came out, and it wasn't until I/E that I got 'back' to my desired bank account range.) All the same, I'm happy to see the new aircraft. I can understand not all folks would be as interested, as for many the aircraft serve little to no purpose. I do agree this may likely continue to deteriorate conditions in public rooms beyond current. Most of those concerns aren't mine as I seem to be able to avoid confrontations most of the time, but valid nonetheless.

So again, this is why I still grind to maintain. When this drops, I have no concerns about financing and can buy whatever I desire. Then I can recoup the expenses at my leisure.

I'll be interested in the performance of the various additions. Not from a racing perspective, but purely for scaling. Many of the existing aircraft have had their top speeds adjusted over time in attempts to effectively enlarge the map(see also: Jets that travel only slightly faster than a BOP A-body from the early 1970s) and still the result is that it takes but a couple minutes to run out of airspace in the most extreme distances the map affords. An ultralight would have to travel at a relative walking pace to demonstrate any realism in relation to the speeds the current jets run. It'll be interesting to see how this all comes about.
Even the mighty MOC can't last 2 strafing runs of the Hydra/LAZER's explosive cannon fire.

So if an aircraft can last it, it won't be 5 seconds of the thing for sure. The only thing that can outlast a few runs, and still the most OP vehicle in freeroam, is the Fully Loaded Ruiner 2000.
I hope some of these aircraft are armored. Would be a letdown if you can still Hydra everything out of the sky.

I agree, but at the same time I doubt it. Much like anything that you can drink champagne out of prevents Passive Mode and how the Luxor deluxe is a gilded invitation to be blasted out of the sky at low altitudes, I don't expect R* to let a good griefing opportunity go to waste.

Just to review; you can go into Passive in a Hydra, but not in a Luxor Deluxe. Think about that, and keep it in mind when attempting to apply any path of logic to this game/developer.
I've learned my lesson from the bunkers and probably won't be getting a hangar. That Escort on the other hand...
Bunkers were pretty much a better biker business that's easier to manage. For a money maker, I'm more than satisifed and paid it off a while ago. As for research, that's just a bull:censored: way to make people play the game longer.

With that said, I'll have to wait a few days before I make any large purchases with the new DLC.
Setting a low MTU worked great yesterday. Tuesday, and today however, someone manages to find a way to my lobby. When that happens, it's like a portal to a new world. Add one person, 6 more joins in no time.

Yes, because others can join you it can snowball quickly. Once past 3 people it can expand easily. That said, at a low MTU you can tear the room down again, as approaching other players can cause the room to split as the packets are lost and the game senses the lag and splits.

Furthermore, people who get dropped into a private public session often see a small peaceful room, and then invite 29 of their closest friends. As well, because people in general are not an intelligent creature, those who cannot make their own room will often invite a friend and then vote kick you to take the room. I am probably a little less tolerant of people than some lately, so I rarely allow unknown folks to hang round long.

Just the other day had two people join a room with myself and a friend/GTPL member and then subsequently ghost their organization. They mustn't have been too bright, as why would anyone ghost in a small room if they weren't looking for trouble. So I booted one of them, and of course the lone special education student left was so upset his friend had to leave so quickly that he decided to attack my office while I sat inside comfortably sipping some gin.

So yes, I tend to control a low MTU room regularly, and if you act a clown you will be dealt with in one form or another. If you go off the radar, etc when there are 4 of us in a room, you're asking for it.

Oh yeah, if you have a great consistent connection it can take a lower setting than 800 to reliably run solo. I have had to go as low as 650 before, but it does increase load times and timeouts. I tend to run 800 myself if I can, because it allows you to still hang out with friends a bit. At 650 nobody can even get in the same vehicle with you and sometimes can't even stay in the room. I have been able to host GTPL folks in an 800 room, that stayed stable with maybe 10 people for an hour or two.
Stunt racing in GTA Online had you flipping and carving your way across enormous corkscrews and loops and other crazy tracks, while Special Vehicle Circuit Races harnessed the power and unique characteristics of the Rocket Voltic, Ruiner 2000 and the Blazer Aqua for adrenaline pumping challenges.

Now, racing in GTA Online will once again be transformed with intricate circuits that demand mastery across air, sea and land vehicles.

New and strategically placed checkpoints will instantly change your vehicle class to match the portion of the course ahead, creating dynamic racing with ever shifting challenges to take the checkered flag…


So... Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed, anyone?

For real though this creator update looks really interesting and might get me back into the game. I'd be lying if I said it was the ONLY thing I was intrigued by, but it's definitely something I'll have to check out when it gets added. Might have to get a new HDD just so I have space for it...
I'll pass on this update. Flying isn't really my thing. Plus, the gunrunning and I/E expansions (i guess you can call it that) leave me plenty happy with cash.