GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
Is the 190Z coming out this Tuesday?

Considering it was jumped last week, I'd say it's a solid "probably".

Also just in case people aren't tired of hearing about it already, here's some of what you missed yesterday:

Unfortunately it didn't capture the chat (hence why I've thrown some over-the-top music in there) and I lost a few rounds worth of footage, but this turned out alright, I'd say.
Sometime ago I decided to answer a question that quite literally no one asked, What’s the fastest way of getting to 120+ft under the sea? :P

So armed with a Stromberg and a Avenger, I set out to answer that question.

Also I thought I touch on my daily grind routine just incase someone can learn from it.

  • Spawn at either vehicle warehouse or bunker( depending on if bunker is creating stock or not.)
  • Complete a sale from either one and then do the other one if applicable.
  • When done, do a Headhunter in the city(not the desert as they spawn closer in the city.) and leave the nearest target to your Ceo office for last.
  • Head straight to the office and source another vehicle and providing it all goes well and isn’t the little seoul gangsters one or the amateur thief, you can be done inside the 10min cooldown of Headhunter.
  • After storing the car, go straight into a Hostile Takeover at LSIA, a Buzzard or Duluxo work best and complete like normal.
  • If you started it BEFORE the Headhunter cooldown finished, you can then jump straight into Headhunter while everything else is on cooldown.
  • This time save the nearest target to your vehicle warehouse for last.
  • Normally Hostile Takeover has a 20 min cooldown, but I’ve noticed it defaults to 5 mins like everything else after headhunter is done, even if I did headhunter in under 2 mins. ;)
  • Go to the Vehicle Warehouse and sell a car(high end preferably), After which Hostle Takeover should now be ready thanks to the trick, again at LSIA and then after that Headhunter should be ready again.
  • Repeat steps 3-9 to until bunker is ready for resupply, pay or steal supplies, your choice. :P( I used to steal, but now pay as it’s quicker overall and the two events offset the price of a full resupply over the 2 hours and 20 mins it takes a upgraded bunker to use all supplies.
Remember to start Headhunter well inside the city limits so they don’t spawn out in the desert. 👍
Came up with a little different scheme today. While the biker contract missions don't pay quite as well as headhunter, they are more interesting and the cooldown timer is basically non-existent if you account for the time it takes to get back to your clubhouse.

The way I've been playing is:

-Spawn at clubhouse
-Check on business supplies (coke + cash) and buy/sell if necessary
-Complete biker contracts while businesses make products
-Sell cash right before 2 product bars are full, ensuring only 1 delivery vehicle.
-Steal cash supplies as necessary to keep supply bar basically full
-Complete more biker contracts
-Sell coke when 2 complete product bars are full (coke doesn't seem to like being sold as partial units, so you lose money if it's not exactly full bars)

Essentially, what I'm doing is running coke as passive and cash as half active/half passive and filling in the production period with contract missions. It's not as lucrative, of course, as VIP or I/E, but it's a little more fun and I can stay more or less "in character". Once into the cycle, topping off the cash supplies with steal missions is actually a nice change of pace...just think of it as a mission that pays out $15k, which actually aligns nicely with the contract missions. Since the payout doesn't increase with the size of the delivery, and since a single product bar of cash actually sells for a decent amount, I find it better (from a time point of view) to sell the cash in 1-vehicle sizes, otherwise the sell missions instantly becomes an additional 10-15 mins...or worse if you get stuck with the post-op truck. For coke, I wait until the supplies are totally drained and sell for a nice and tidy ~90k profit.

I figure the contract missions take between 5-8 mins total (some take longer) and pay out $15k. Since that 8 mins accounts for cooldown, that equates to $115k-$180k/hr. If you add in the cash which I sell about once an hour for an additional $30k-60k (profit, depending on how the supplies were delivered) and coke for ($90k profit /2 hours = $45k/hr) (and allow for the time the deliveries take) you end with something like $200k/hr, but somehow it doesn't feel as much of a grind compared to other methods.
Considering it was jumped last week, I'd say it's a solid "probably".

Also just in case people aren't tired of hearing about it already, here's some of what you missed yesterday:

Unfortunately it didn't capture the chat (hence why I've thrown some over-the-top music in there) and I lost a few rounds worth of footage, but this turned out alright, I'd say.

..."slight" cheating.

@rallymorten does another round after the Merryweather mercs are sent after him.

"..3....2....1.. start"

@Jamesyarders : Hey @STI9 do you still have an orbital strike?

Also, that "near miss" on my bike looked horrible from your end. Now I understand why you were wheezing from laughter :lol: 👍
Just in case you were wondering and either is away from your GTA or can't be bothered to check for yourself, yes, the 190z (not quite sure why the "z" isn't capitalised, but there we are) is now available for just $900,000.

Also according to the usual sources:
  • double cash on Smugglers Run (positive)
  • 25% bonus on Biker Businesses in addition to 25% off supplies (that's My Little Cocaine Lockup: Supplies Are Magic back in business)
  • the CEO crates are 25% off (I would do a longer calculation on exactly how much more that means they're worth but 1: I don't have the base figures with me, 2: I can't be bothered and 3: I'm sure neither can most of you)
  • Yachts, MOC cabs and Pariah, XA-21 and Raiden are apparently 30% off
  • 25% off both the Hangar workshop and Biker Business upgrades.
  • Targeted sales include 40% off Biker Clubhouses and 30% off Biker Businesses, Hangars, Vehicle Armor and aircraft weapons and countermeasures
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Yes. The 190z is out. And the amount of mods is insane.

13 different valve covers
19 arch covers
17 front bumpers
15 rear bumpers
9 brace bars
9 engine details
15 exhausts
12 grilles
18 hoods
11 liveries
13 mirrors
22 spoilers

It’s just a shame that R* took the wheel fitment and threw it to Saturn when you put the arch covers on it:indiff:
Just in case you were wondering and either is away from your GTA or can't be bothered to check for yourself, yes, the 190z (not quite sure why the "z" isn't capitalised, but there we are) is now available for just $900,000.

Also according to the usual sources:
  • double cash on Smugglers Run (positive)
  • 25% bonus on Biker Businesses in addition to 25% off supplies (that's My Little Cocaine Lockup: Supplies Are Magic back in business)
  • the CEO crates are 25% off (I would do a longer calculation on exactly how much more that means they're worth but 1: I don't have the base figures with me, 2: I can't be bothered and 3: I'm sure neither can most of you)
  • Yachts, MOC cabs and Pariah, XA-21 and Raiden are apparently 30% off
  • 25% off both the Hangar workshop and Biker Business upgrades.
  • Targeted sales include 40% off Biker Clubhouses and 30% off Biker Businesses, Hangars, Vehicle Armor and aircraft weapons and countermeasures
Figures. I bought the Pariah a couple days ago :ouch:


No matter which flavor of criminal adventurism you prefer, there's plenty of opportunity to make some extra cash this week in GTA Online. Team up with Nervous Ron and head skyward to earn Double GTA$ & RP on Smuggler's Run Sell Missions, or for the road warriors who prefer getting by on two wheels, earn 25% more GTA$ on all Biker Business Sales.


Reinvesting your earnings is a sound business practice no matter the legality of your affairs, so take advantage of 25% off Biker Business Upgrades & Supplies. Executives are also set to benefit this week as Special Cargo Crates are receiving 25% price cuts.


Now that you're done robbing the city blind it's time to spend that cash on goodies, because there's no sense in being rich if you can't flaunt it obnoxiously. From the Aquarius Yacht to the Ocelot Pariah, you can save some of that blood money with these enticing discounts:


  • All Yachts – 30% off
  • Yacht Renovations – 30% off
  • Mobile Operations Center Cabs – 30% off
  • Mobile Operations Center Renovations – 30% off
  • Bunker Renovations – 30% off
  • Aircraft Workshop – 25% off

  • Ocelot Pariah (Sports) – 30% off
  • Ocelot XA-21 (Super) – 30% off
  • Coil Raiden (Sports) – 30% off

  • The Doomsday Heist clothing – 25% off
  • Import/Export tattoos – 25% off
It is surprising as to how populated Bad Sport lobbies are, I must have destroyed at least fifteen personal vehicles before they put me back in here.

If I were to try and summarise what they are like, try to imagine if that one person on any given server who has the red icon and is charging around in a jet was every player on the server. It is something of a hell, but I like the energy.
Just in case people haven't already come across this, I'm just going to leave this here (because of the relevance to the topic of this particular thread. Also slight language warning) and nominate that person for Best Person On The Internet 2018.
To be honest, that only serves the clickbaiters, actually. It's literally just another channel of exposure. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if it were one or more of the clickbaiters themselves doing some alternative marketing. :lol:

That said, there are a few folks who have expressed interest in doing a car show in the coming days. So, I'll cut to the chase, spare everyone and skip the boring 🤬 tour; and host just a show.

GTPL & Associates Car Show

Friday 2/23/18

Room will be open by 9PM EST, with gathering to begin between 930-10PM EST

Current plans are to host in the same 'private' public lobby that I usually have going. If that appears to pose a problem, alternatives will be explored at that time. Show location will be at the Santa Monica pier parking lot. The lot on the pier, not adjacent. This will be a low energy, relaxed car show. There are no vehicle restrictions. If you want the world to know you're the kind of person who rocks gold leaf and dollar signs, have at it. I won't stop anyone from making fun, though. This is, as everything I've hosted; a peaceful gathering. Don't 🤬 around. I'm a pretty lazy individual, so if there is any outrageous clowning towards other players, superstreet has permission to kill the perpetrator until they are dead.

All are welcome, no invites necessary.

Eh, might as well have fun with it while we still can.

also there's a slim chance I'll be there. What to bring, though..
I think a "No Big Wang Spoilers" meet would be great. My eyes have a tendency to melt and I get an itchy trigger finger when I see them.

The Bad Sport system is laughable... Vehicular combat is a joke because the winner pretty much always gets bad sport points. I've gotten into and escaped dodgy status at least 10 times over recently and it's tiring. Just yesterday I saw a CEO and associate griefing a lower level in a Khanjali, destroyed the tank in my Deluxo and flew away with the victim. Yet I'm the bad sport somehow? Please.
The Bad Sport system is laughable... Vehicular combat is a joke because the winner pretty much always gets bad sport points. I've gotten into and escaped dodgy status at least 10 times over recently and it's tiring. Just yesterday I saw a CEO and associate griefing a lower level in a Khanjali, destroyed the tank in my Deluxo and flew away with the victim. Yet I'm the bad sport somehow? Please.
It's the same complaint against the Insurance system; someone griefing in a Deluxo (per example; not you or anyone specific) and once it's destroyed, the other player is slapped with a $20K fee.

To my understanding, Rockstar got rid of the insurance on PC, so many want it gone on the consoles as well. It with the Bad Sport system could use a lot of tweaking based on how someone has been behaving towards others.
The Bad Sport system is laughable... Vehicular combat is a joke because the winner pretty much always gets bad sport points. I've gotten into and escaped dodgy status at least 10 times over recently and it's tiring. Just yesterday I saw a CEO and associate griefing a lower level in a Khanjali, destroyed the tank in my Deluxo and flew away with the victim. Yet I'm the bad sport somehow? Please.
I also love how if I'm helping a friend during a source/sell mission, I get bad sports warnings simply for killing the AI that chase after them.
I logged in and R* awarded me with $100000. I'm not complaining, but I am curious as to why.
To be honest, that only serves the clickbaiters, actually. It's literally just another channel of exposure. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if it were one or more of the clickbaiters themselves doing some alternative marketing. :lol:

That said, there are a few folks who have expressed interest in doing a car show in the coming days. So, I'll cut to the chase, spare everyone and skip the boring 🤬 tour; and host just a show.

GTPL & Associates Car Show

Friday 2/23/18

Room will be open by 9PM EST, with gathering to begin between 930-10PM EST

Current plans are to host in the same 'private' public lobby that I usually have going. If that appears to pose a problem, alternatives will be explored at that time. Show location will be at the Santa Monica pier parking lot. The lot on the pier, not adjacent. This will be a low energy, relaxed car show. There are no vehicle restrictions. If you want the world to know you're the kind of person who rocks gold leaf and dollar signs, have at it. I won't stop anyone from making fun, though. This is, as everything I've hosted; a peaceful gathering. Don't 🤬 around. I'm a pretty lazy individual, so if there is any outrageous clowning towards other players, superstreet has permission to kill the perpetrator until they are dead.

All are welcome, no invites necessary.

I should be able to join :cheers:

The Bad Sport system is laughable... Vehicular combat is a joke because the winner pretty much always gets bad sport points. I've gotten into and escaped dodgy status at least 10 times over recently and it's tiring. Just yesterday I saw a CEO and associate griefing a lower level in a Khanjali, destroyed the tank in my Deluxo and flew away with the victim. Yet I'm the bad sport somehow? Please.

I've always hated how acting in "self defense" against weaponized vehicles (which are usually one sided encounters) gets you nothing but a $20,000 insurance fee because you destroyed another player's vehicle :irked:
There's one thing in particular I never understood: Destroying PV's during VIP/CEO work doesn't net you with the insurance fee; destroying them during sell missions charges you the fee. :rolleyes:
The whole PvP model of the game is intended to pit players against each other, where each loses(financially.)

Literally, the only way to win the PvP game is not to play. At least winning defined as financially, which of course is the entire focus of this game as announced from the start. "Cash is king" and "New and exciting ways to kill other players" are R*'s own words for their philosophy. They're tuned in pretty well to their target market. After all, they developed a business model that charges you a few hour's work for one single player kill. And people buy it, and use it! :lol:

The raging mega huge boners are real. :lol:
I've always hated how acting in "self defense" against weaponized vehicles (which are usually one sided encounters) gets you nothing but a $20,000 insurance fee because you destroyed another player's vehicle :irked:
Exactly... If a broomstick-loving tryhard keeps lunging at my Deluxo with endless Oppressors *the Deluxo hard-counters the Oppressor, btw* I'm not the one who should walk away with a load of bad sport points and a dent in my wallet.

I like the idea that weaponized vehicles shouldn’t be covered under insurance on Reddit.
That^ and armored vehicles shouldn't have insurance bills either. Viseris, Savestra and Revolter excluded because their weapons don't stand a Panto's chance in hell at ever killing anything lol
To be honest, that only serves the clickbaiters, actually. It's literally just another channel of exposure. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if it were one or more of the clickbaiters themselves doing some alternative marketing. :lol:

That said, there are a few folks who have expressed interest in doing a car show in the coming days. So, I'll cut to the chase, spare everyone and skip the boring 🤬 tour; and host just a show.

GTPL & Associates Car Show

Friday 2/23/18

Room will be open by 9PM EST, with gathering to begin between 930-10PM EST

Current plans are to host in the same 'private' public lobby that I usually have going. If that appears to pose a problem, alternatives will be explored at that time. Show location will be at the Santa Monica pier parking lot. The lot on the pier, not adjacent. This will be a low energy, relaxed car show. There are no vehicle restrictions. If you want the world to know you're the kind of person who rocks gold leaf and dollar signs, have at it. I won't stop anyone from making fun, though. This is, as everything I've hosted; a peaceful gathering. Don't 🤬 around. I'm a pretty lazy individual, so if there is any outrageous clowning towards other players, superstreet has permission to kill the perpetrator until they are dead.

All are welcome, no invites necessary.

I would love to, however that is around 3am my time and with children that get up about 5:30-6:00 I'll really regret what will turn into an all nighter. :lol:

If there is an earlier one in the future though I would like to turn up.