GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
..yes, but it wouldn't sell as many Shark Cards if it was only $200,000, now would it?

I'm sure they need money, but an 1100% price buff for a car that is mostly the same as the original Comet is a bit steep. For that kind of money I would expect bigger changes, or at least a ton of customization options that goes beyond merely repainting a few bits of body panels here and there.
I'm sure they need money, but an 1100% price buff for a car that is mostly the same as the original Comet is a bit steep. For that kind of money I would expect bigger changes, or at least a ton of customization options that goes beyond merely repainting a few bits of body panels here and there.

..again, to understand R*s decisions, you need to think like R*. The question isn't whether or not you can justify selling it for $1,150,000. It's whether or not you can justify selling it for more. It's not like being overpriced is a new phenonemon.
I will probably pass on the new Comet until after they nerf it. :lol:

Nothing to do with pricing, just not enough differentiating it from the original. The original is plenty fast on its own, and its main attraction is the lively handling and engine sounds. I'm not sure how much more lively they could make it before it becomes difficult to handle. Not unhappy about this, as another 911 would upset my garage layout as I have no room left in that collection.
..again, to understand R*s decisions, you need to think like R*. The question isn't whether or not you can justify selling it for $1,150,000. It's whether or not you can justify selling it for more. It's not like being overpriced is a new phenonemon.

It's not about understanding their pricetags, it's about wanting more for that kind of money.

Those other examples are at least new vehicles, or heavily modified. In this case it's just a cheap copy of the standard Comet with some minor changes and an extra digit to the pricetag.
I hovered over the buy button for the new SR, then I backed out to test it in creator. As soon as I saw it in the "flesh" it's just so copy and paste it's insulting.

So I purchased the OG comet from back in the day. I sold one a year or two ago and always liked it. Now with more garage space I can get it again and save all that money.

Plus I have the comet retro and the comet safari so I'm not really missing out.

Shame they didn't put more effort into it.
It's not about understanding their pricetags, it's about wanting more for that kind of money.

..and again, with R*, it's not about how much the car is actually worth, it's about how much they can justify selling it for because the more expensive an item is, the more Shark Cards it sells and the more money there is for Uncle Strauss McZelnick to put in his vault atop the Vinewood Hills.

They are only a AAA publisher after all. Everybody knows they can't afford to stay in business without the Sharks. Pun somewhat intended. From their side.
How is any of that relevant to me expecting more for that kind of money?

That's just it. You're expecting this to be GTA Online anno 2013-early 2014, where you'd get brand new, mostly-competitive, fairly-modifiable cars like the Jester in the Sports class for $240,000 and the Super-class-killer Zentorno for $725,000. All fairly reasonable.

The problem with that thinking is that this isn't GTA Online anno 2013-early 2014. It's GTA Online anno 2018 where the amount of Shark money an item can make R* is more important than what price people actually think is fair.

Look, it's really simple: the more expensive something is, the more you'll need to grind for it. The more you'll need to grind for something, the more likely you are to buy a Shark Card, particularly if you're a Shark (i.e. "big spender") yourselves. The more Shark Cards you buy, the more cocaine can flow through the T2 offices on a daily basis.

What *you* want doesn't matter. What matters is that both of your hands are busy reaching for your wallet at any given time.
That's just it. You're expecting this to be GTA Online anno 2013-early 2014

But I don't expect to pay less. I expect more content for the money. Paying a million for a car is perfectly fine - if the car has a strong selling point. I don't see the selling point of the 1.1 million Comet SR, because it's virtually the same as the standard 100 k Comet. The strongest selling point is that you can remove the spoiler, but that's not worth a million dollars.

At the very least they could have given it some nice body modifications.
I don't mind them giving some of their older models a refresh and reselling them as such but an additional million is a lot to pay for an updated Comet.
I can't say I'm surprised. I do wish that the gaming community paid more attention to how atrocious the prices in GTA have become, but because all eyes are currently on lootboxes and because GTA has nothing of the sort, it doesn't get any media attention when they add a new car that costs $15 in shark cards just to buy. In fact I'm pretty sure that's the reason that the casino was never added, because they know they're already on thin (but incredibly profitable) ice without adding gambling systems to the game.
Just got this message from Xbox. Not sure what the January Xbox Quest was, but I'll take it!

I actually feel like the Comet SR is well worth the money. Sure, it's 10x the price of a regular Comet but I think the performance more than justifies the price. Pretty sure it's the now 2nd in Sports class behind the Pariah.
I actually feel like the Comet SR is well worth the money. Sure, it's 10x the price of a regular Comet but I think the performance more than justifies the price. Pretty sure it's the now 2nd in Sports class behind the Pariah.

It's worth it just to remove the spoiler mate.
I do zero racing, so the speed doesn't attract me at all. In fact, I often find myself 'detuning' cars I had modified in the past as they are easier to drive slowly in traffic. The spoiler removal would be more appealing if the roll bar was removable to complete the 'street car' package, and I was disappointed with the neutered handling. The car has a real bad steady state push, where the original was nice and twitchy. All in all I'm not unhappy about it, as the above makes it somewhat redundant in my collection(I already have a Comet with a roll cage with lively handling) and I'll save the space for now.

Depending on whether or not we gain access to additional garage space and if this is in conjunction with enough desirable new cars to fill it, I may buy one in the future. I'll have to tint it to hide the bar, though, which I rarely do because it is inconvenient when using first person view.

I will say that $20+ USD to remove the spoiler and neuter the handling is well into $illy territory, but we've been there a while now.
How long have the Marshall and Duke o' Death been free? I know they've both been out for years now but I've never seen them for free. Went ahead and got both in case it's a limited time thing or something.
How long have the Marshall and Duke o' Death been free? I know they've both been out for years now but I've never seen them for free. Went ahead and got both in case it's a limited time thing or something.
IIRC they’ve always been free on XB1/PS4/PC for returning players from PS3/X360
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..I'm fairly certain this has nothing to do with that tax rebate thingy. Mainly because it's more than that $250k stimulus + up-to-$1m cash-back.

Oh well, here goes The R*-Gave-Me-Money Theme Song again.

Not to be a cynic (okay, that's a lie, when it comes to GTA Online I'm almost constantly going to be cynical at this point) but I'm starting to suspect all these random cash rewards are being given out specifically so that people share them and get people to hop onto GTA in the hopes that they might get a reward as well.
Not to be a cynic (okay, that's a lie, when it comes to GTA Online I'm almost constantly going to be cynical at this point) but I'm starting to suspect all these random cash rewards are being given out specifically so that people share them and get people to hop onto GTA in the hopes that they might get a reward as well.

I'm ok with this.
Not to be a cynic (okay, that's a lie, when it comes to GTA Online I'm almost constantly going to be cynical at this point) but I'm starting to suspect all these random cash rewards are being given out specifically so that people share them and get people to hop onto GTA in the hopes that they might get a reward as well.

Suspiciously likely.

*OR* it's a response to my many posts at the top of this page.

In which case, R*, drop me a few hundred billion GTA$, get rid of the limit on how many properties we can own, and give us that Vigilante/Cops-N-Crooks update, and I will never talk 🤬 about GTA again.