GTP Awards® 2015!

  • Thread starter DQuaN
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Shouldn't there be a best racer/driver award on this forum?
Although this is actually not a terrible idea, it'd be basically the 'Did You Win the GT Academy Award'.

Then again the Most Knowledgeable Award is basically the 'Are You an Admin Who Types in Indigo Award'.
Is there a catagory for most premium users in one page on a thread?

Because everyone here on this page is a premium user apart from me and @Latvija27 :P
Is there a catagory for most premium users in one page on a thread?

Because everyone here on this page is a premium user apart from me and @Latvija27 :P
I know how you feel. Many people brag their premium. While for us its just a wish.
I haven't really seen anyone brag about getting premium, unless it was gifted to them...
"I'm premium trolololololol". OK, moving on.
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I was quite stunned when I first got gifted Premium. I didn't think anyone would've considered me worthy of having it.
Many people brag their premium. While for us its just a wish.
Shouldn't be too difficult for most of people on here to find 13.50€ for a GTP Premium. Some people spend more on coffee alone in less than a month.

Sorry, if someone here really can't afford it.
Shouldn't be too difficult for most of people on here to find 13.50€ for a GTP Premium. Some people spend more on coffee alone in less than a month.

Sorry, if someone here really can't afford it.

To be honest, I've spent more than that on coffee in a day - damn you Amsterdam.
Premium is different than I remember it. It's still worth it and you get to support the site. Plus you become eligible for the "Yellow Arkanoid brick" award.
Never for a Spy Kid. :sly:


Well . . . I'm off to the polls . . . is there a closing date/time, Dunc?

My thoughts on the 'secret' candidates this year:

Most Knowledgeable
Who here has the biggest brain?

IIRC, voted twice over the years for this category (for two different people) but this year I have been impressed by not only a particular well-travelled member's wealth of knowledge spanning everything from the subtle nuances of social skill to Self-annhilation, but also the succint way his near-detached intelligence is expressed in the use of that knowledge.
He might be surprised if he knew. But wouldn't disagree.

Best Quote
If possible, please include the quote in your nomination.

One from the Quotes thread. Where else?

Best Thread
(The thread and Started By, link if possible.)

Too many to vote for. Eeny, meeny, miny, no.

Most Helpful
We're pretty much all a helpful bunch here. But who goes out of their way to help as many people as possible?

Really hard for me this year - since I started up various projects in the gaming Forums - projects that would not have been as successful as they came to be without the immense help provided by literally dozens of members. As Dunc put it we're all pretty much a helpful bunch and reach out quickly when someone needs it. It's part of our GTPlanet spirit, a strong characteristic of the site - and that shouldn't be unusual - it is a gaming forum to which many people come looking for help of one sort or another - sometimes gaming help, other times merely a quantum of solace over some great loss.
In the end I had to stick to voting for someone who was significantly helpful to all in the Gaming Forums.

Who always greets you with a smile on their face (if you could see it), and warm hearted messages?

A repeat vote for me - the same guy I voted for last year. May he win - for if he does, then I know that the community truly realises that he is one of the friendliest guys at this forum - some would say too friendly - but that is their mistake, not his.

Who makes you laugh the most with their great (or awful!) sense of humor?

The funny guys of yore are missing - really, really. funny guys. - guys I voted for before and guys who also got multiple votes from the community. I hear some are still around but hang out mostly in private parts fielding puns and suchlike.
Since I rarely visit the private lounges, I have to pick a funny guy from the public areas of the forum - yet strangely enough it was a guy I voted for before.
This means one of the really, really funny guys is still around.

Best Avatar/Title/Sig combo
Does what it says on the tin.

For awhile there this was a runaway trophy - but with all the new tools that Jordan offers there is so much that can be done (and is done) by members) that competition for this is fierce.
It is also one of the few categories I can agree with as 'legitimate.' This year I based my choice on a member who took this avatar a few years ago - and stuck to it. Now when I see it - it is very distinctive, too distinctive to be plagiarised - I know immediately who is talking. The winning point is that most often than not the avatar matches the tone of his posts - enough to always bring a smile upon reading.

Biggest impression on GTP
Who has made an impression so big, if they were to leave, GTP would never be the same again?

2015 was a great year for GTPlanet - not only in terms of diverse traffic but also in attracting and keeping many new members - like-minded individuals who have realised that the site is diverse enough to find a niche in which to fit in.
But when I think of this category - this may be the only one I don't look at on a yearly basis.
This belongs to one of the stalwarts of our community, and there are many - some of them going back to the very inception of this site. Some may not even come around that often. But there is always that presence around - posts they have judiciously scattered that come up often and are reread - 'tones' they have added to GTPlanet that have influenced others - and pics and posts of their lives over the years that have coloured the face of GTPlanet. I could think of a dozen members right off the bat any one of whom suddenly leaving, or passing, will change the flavour of GTPlanet.
In the end I couldn't honestly vote on this. They all deserve my vote.

Most likely to be wheeled off to the nut house
Bonkers, barmy, nutty call it what you will. Who is the most... that?

I look on this person as someone who is more droll than troll - and aren't we all that in some way or another? But, yes, maybe some more than others, and there was no lack of people dodging the men in the white coats.
Since multiple categories for the same member were not allowed, I had to put aside "The friendliest member' that I would have voted for this vote, too, and after some thought realised that there was one person who was so nutty he makes the Stooges boring, so Dunc - prepare to be surprised.

Most Improved member/Best Turnaround
Who was on their way to bandom, but managed to change their ways and become a contributing member of the community?

Couldn't think of anyone - though i could think of some that unfortunately couldn't change their ways and failed, even given long enough a leash to learn.
Didn't vote on this.

Most Opinionated
Who seems to voice their opinions more than most? Perhaps they may be found in discussions or debates?

This is a completely confused concept - and the person voted for can be construed as someone whose opinions are so strong as to be unchangeable.
I take it instead that it stands for a member who voices their opinions strongly - another concept altogether.
In which case there were many new voices this year - many great opinions voiced without rancour or fear. and opinions on one thing or another voiced not only with articulation but with informed empathy and respect for other viewpoints.
A hard choice again, and one only the members who frequent all points of GTPlanet - from the Opinion Forums to the Online Gaming Forums - will truly experience. I had to think hard on this one - and finally it was a choice that would only win if the votes that come in were not only limited to picks from the Opinions Forum but to someone who actually roams around the site - and voices their opinion strongly on something when they felt it was necessary.

Most likely to be crowned a moderator
Perhaps someone with great knowledge of the site, who is always friendly and helpful?

Are these the qualities of a GTPlanet moderator? IIRC, I've never voted on this either. It would be more of a 'popular' vote than one based on optimum skills required in providing assistance towards running an active social-networking site - because that is what this is (under the guise of being a 'Forum'.) The old days of bulletin boards are gone - the internet is a buyer's market. Sites vie for custom. Pewdiepie rules. Being banned for those with sufficient social skills is ho-hum. Facebook is a goldrush. There is no lack of attention to be got - even if it was only uploading your videos for sarky comments.
The skills needed for the job we still term 'moderation' do not come easy, as well - each Webmaster has a different vision to fulfil, even while watching the dollars - so I have always thought that is it Jordan, and only Jordan, who will truly feel who could, and would, make a significant contribution to, and with, his team.
My vote isn't going to get anyone elected to do the job.

Best new member
Someone that has joined in the last year and has needed no tuition in how to be a great GTP member. They have contributed to the forums from the word 'go'!

There were so many new members this year, especially via the Gaming Forums, and many of them fitted that bill - great additions to the community that I'm hoping will make GTPlanet a solid part of their virtual web. Half a dozen stand out for the way they synched in effortlessly and made themselves a valuable part of the machinery and it was hard for me to be pick someone. There was however a recently joined member who fulfilled all those characteristics impressively - and though not many in the Rumble Strip would have even heard of them I'm going to vote for them - just so that Dunc will know!

Darwin Award
I never vote on this; such judgement comes from a point of ego long dead.


Edit: Votes sent in.
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