GTP Forza Horizon 2 Car Club (Xbox One Chapter)

  • Thread starter Daniel


User user
New Zealand
(I totally thought of this before @SlipZtrEm did.)

The officially unofficial GTPlanet Car Club is currently Open To Friends! It's just a central place where we can all talk about FH2 and also use the leaderboards with it.

Add anyone else already in the club and they should be able to add you to it. 👍
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Sounds good. If any help is needed, I am currently "in between" jobs so I can lend a hand for any club activities or logo design etc. Looking forward to this!
I've made a GTP Logo on FM5, but as there's no way to transfer decals to FH2.
Right on. I made one for when we had the GTP forza 4 club but it definitely won't transfer to this one. Its going to be a bit before I jump on, is the club function working yet?
Not at all, haha. I'd give it a week or so before they're fully up and running.
I've made a GTP Logo on FM5, but as there's no way to transfer decals to FH2.
🤬 that's what I was afraid of since I couldn't find any options for it, secretly I was hoping it just because I hadn't shared any of them. That sucks so much since it was available in FH1
From the main thread:

I've made a GTP car club, not too sure how I can get people to join though.
Thanks Daniel. Clubs aren't active until after you race the train in the third showcase so it's a case of build it and they will (hopefully) come.

Perhaps if the original decals don't transfer across, we can make a new logo of an Xbox 360 with a cross through it :D:D
I made it Invite Only when I first created it but I haven't been able to change it to 'Open to Friends'; because some error pops up when I try to go to the main club menu.

Rest assured, you'll be able to join!

At some point.
I haven't even started the game yet but please invite me.

My GT is the same as my PSN ID UKMikeyA.
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D'oh, didn’t see the edit in the original post. So all we have to do is befriend Bustified and we can join up? Sweet, see you in a day or three.
I made it Invite Only when I first created it but I haven't been able to change it to 'Open to Friends'; because some error pops up when I try to go to the main club menu.

Rest assured, you'll be able to join!

At some point.
Added you.

my xbl is symo63
I'll see if I can add you guys via Smartglass tonight. I'm not gonna be able to access my Xbox until tomorrow.
Thanks for the invite Daniel. From the looks of things you don't have to finish three championships/showcases to be invited to a club and can join at any time.
I've joined.

Could have joined earlier so XP I've earner has been for nought doh.