GTP WRS-Online : Event 49 : NS X-Men - Reunion

  • Thread starter WRP001
Sorry to report that I drove a 1'33.45 after switching to the Loctite NSX after the practice race saturday :scared: :dopey:

Edit: registered for the EU race.
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Sorry to report that I drove a 1'33.45 after switching to the Loctite NSX after the practice race saturday :scared: :dopey:

Edit: registered for the EU race.

I'm sure you're sorry. :lol:

Hopefully Twissy or Wes will register and give you a good battle.
Which lobby? I thought I just set up 3d3 lounge for practice!


Never mind! I set up A! I am in the correct lounge now!
Cats_Pajamas and I are in the lounge now if anyone wants to join.

Just ran a pretty good 3 lap free run stint: 1'34.538, 1'34.524, 1'34.512 :lol:

No way I could do a one stop pushing like that though.
Just registered on the reserve list. It will depend on work, as always.
Giving the F1@Spa a first go, and will head into the lounge in about 25min.
We're done. 1'34.8 best free-run lap. 1'34.7 best in-race draft-unassisted. Not very close to 33, I realize that. :grumpy:

The registration numbers are hovering in that area where we have enough confirmed to only support a single room, but enough reserves that if everyone shows up we may have some issues. So if you are on reserve, please try to update your status between now and the time we open the practice room.

Currently, if nothing changes for EU...
  • 10 confirmed which means we're running one lounge
  • 6 reserves registered = good chance we'll hit 13+ total thus we'll use GTP_3D3_A (mic-disabled)
  • 5 open slots for reserves to enter the lounge, awarded first come first serve

Registration is still open thus I'll update this one and make it final one hour prior to the event start time.

We've noticed that our special events have fewer technical issues and suspect that might be because we don't have to reset the room for qualification. All special events have the order determined before race day. Thus we are going to try a procedure today that doesn't require us to reset the lounge and see if that works better with the system.

Procedure we'll use today at the end of pre-quali warm-up:
  1. Everyone asked to leave track and stay in lobby for short drivers meeting at top of hour.
  2. After quick rules review *everyone* asked to re-enter the pits from lobby.
  3. Group 2 will then exit the pits to the lobby (which should clear their times from leaderboard) while group 1 stays in pits.
  4. Group 1 runs their 2 hot-laps while group 2 watches with a steward recording times.
  5. Group 1 exits track and Group 2 runs their laps while Group 1 watches with a steward recording times.
  6. Group 1 enters pits from lobby, Group 2 exits track to pits and we start race timer with everyone in pits.
  7. A steward will announce the qualification order and drivers will exit grid into formation in proper order regardless of where they are placed by the system.

Please ask any questions now. If we use the mic-disabled lounge it will be slower to communicate so best have all procedures cleared up in the thread first.
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I just cancelled my EU status. Have a good one guys, see you in the NA race 👍
OK, registration status for EU has been frozen in time:


All drivers can join GTP_3D3_A which is set up for pre-race practice.

The 12 confirmed drivers' (shown above) spots will be held/guaranteed until 5 minutes prior to race time at which point they are up for grabs if there are no shows, unless you post in this thread that you are on the way.

There are two guaranteed spots for reserves on a first come first serve basis, and we'll attempt to start with 15 unless we have network issues, so hopefully everyone shown in that list can race if they desire.

Do NOT go to the main lounge, go directly to GTP_3D3_A. We want to avoid a mass entrance within a short period to lower the chance of issues.
I most likely won't even risk racing tonight as there are severe storms that are going to be hitting this area between now and the scheduled start of the race.
DC'd. Wasn't entirely surprised, since I saw Jon disconnecting, Litchi frozen in the straight, noIZe disconnecting.... and I had what seemed like lag moments a few times in my awful first stint. Was settling down once alone and running decently well for me, then when I was starting to catch up *poof*

Apologies to Frank for the somewhat erratic driving; I think (hope) that wasn't all me.

Good luck out there today.
Great race Bart. I was hoping you and Litchi would battle for all 35 laps so I could ride your coattails, but you were too fast.

Great battle for 2nd Litchi. 👍

Sorry about the DC for jtv and ren. It happened at the same time so it had to be related to your geographic location.
Great attendance! Too bad about the DCs...

I walked into the house at 3:05. Bloody traffic! You know what they say about Montreal; if it isn't under 3 feet of snow, it's under construction :mad:

See you all for the NA race :)
I walked into the house at 3:05. Bloody traffic! You know what they say about Montreal; if it isn't under 3 feet of snow, it's under construction :mad:

So you have the exact same 2 seasons as Toronto?
Winter and Construction? :lol:

I got a 1'33.XXX best lap... but by the skin of my teeth! :dopey: In the Motegi Enduro my goal was to run a 1'39.XXX best lap and I got 1'40.000 so that one thousandth was on my side this time. :lol:

The 1'33.042 that Bart ran is just sick... almost 1'32! He is so fast in the final sector it's hard to hang on long enough to even use the draft. I think in Bart's qualifying lap of 1'33.5 he beat me by 0.8 just in the final sector!

Al, that was a very nice quali lap! I was watching the board when group 2 was doing their laps and you shot way up the board when that lap was logged. 👍 Too bad about having to cut your race short.

Our new quali procedure seemed to work out fine. With a fairly long track and a large grid with two groups it did take a while (we started the race at 20 past if I recall), but I think it would have with any procedures and this way saved us from that silly track reset. No issues with tire noise or invisible driver. 👍 But of course we didn't have 15 guys either... that will be the real test.

As far as pit strategy I think one or two stops was pretty close. Pekka started near the back so the results are a bit skewed. By the time he cleared the field into 4th place on about lap 10 he was 7 seconds behind Litchi and I. At the end of the race he was 6 seconds behind... that's pretty much the same.
👍 Tim. I'll assume that 33 was draft-assisted, of course. :dopey: Nice job, if no.

Thanks for the heads-up on pit strategies.

80min till registration freeze!
I'm in for tonight. Hopefully I don't embarass myself.

Work is gonna suck tomorrow but I'll worry about that later.
I had a great race right up until the in-laws walked into the house! Awesome racing with you Snow! Sorry to see we had a couple of D/C's today. I am so looking forward to an in-law free race this evening!

Just changed my status to confirmed for the NA race 👍

OMG, you want some more of this huh?

And with that we've got 15 confirmed drivers. 👍 Shawn said he was improbable and he's the only reserve so at this point looks like we're to the max in one lounge and we'll get to see if our lounge can handle 15 this week.

As for EU, we'll open up GTP_3D3_A (mics-disabled) for pre-race and just stay there for the qualification and race. No room reset, we'll follow the same procedure as earlier to clear the times.

Procedure we'll use today at the start of quali:
  1. Everyone leave track and stay in lobby for short drivers meeting at top of hour.
  2. Everyone re-enter the pits from lobby.
  3. Group 2 exit the pits to the lobby (which will clear their times from leaderboard). Group 1 stay in pits.
  4. Group 1 runs their 2 hot-laps while group 2 watches with a steward recording times.
  5. Group 1 exits track and Group 2 runs their laps while Group 1 watches with a steward recording times.
  6. Everyone can exit track and view the leaderboard to see the starting order (grid spots will be shuffled by the system).
  7. Everyone in pits, start timer and a steward will repeat the start order during the countdown.
  8. Form up in order with pole sitter picking their preferred side of track and staying at 100 kph/62 mph for the formation lap.
  9. Pole sitter accelerates to start the race at the start/finish line [directly under the blue sign].