GTP WRS-Online : Event 50 : F1 Summer Break Blues

  • Thread starter WRP001


GTP Race Admin
Staff Emeritus
United States


F1 Summer Break Blues


:: Only Open to Qualified GTP_Registered Members ::

:: Members are not obligated to take part ::

August 22, 2012

European Time Slot

3:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 PM Pacific / 19:00 GMT

North American Time Slot

10:00 PM Eastern / 7:00 PM Pacific / 2:00 AM GMT

Ferrari F10 '10 @ Circuit de Spa Francorchamps


Stewards Notes

Power Limit for the race is 100%
Tires for the race are Race soft.

After practicing with the car all drivers agreed that full power was the way to go.
It was also agreed that the novelty of different tire compounds wouldn't add enough to the race that they would want to have to learn to run both so the tires are restricted to Race Softs only.

More than in other events it is in all drivers best interest to attend a practice session and find out how the car responds in the draft by participating in a mini race. We will run more mini races than usual this week in order to practice both the start and the run through Eau Rouge.
The first lap will see all drivers following in single file through Eu Rouge and onto Kemmel straight. It is essential that everyone experience this before the actual race to see how it affects handling in order to prevent a lap 1 pile up.
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In the event of a field of 13-15 drivers we will disable mics and race with one grid. With 16+ we will split the grid between two mic-enabled lounges.


(table will auto update approximately every 30 minutes)


This WRS-Online event hosted by 3D3 Racing is open to GTP_Registered members only. If you are not currently on the registry run the GTP_Registry qualifier and join now!

Registration Instructions

The following must be performed by every driver for every event:
  • Click the registration button above, fill-in and submit the online registration form (use your GTP_ tag ID)
  • Leave a quick note in this thread to let us know you've registered and any other comments.
The following must be performed only one time per driver (not per event):
  • Send a PSN friend request to GTP_3D3Racing, GTP_3D3_A and GTP_3D3_B from your GTP_tag account.
  • Submit the 3D3 Racing Online Driver Database Entry Form. Your information will need to be verified before you are added to the db and before your ID will appear in the registered driver table above. You can view the official driver database here.

There is a 30 car/driver limit for this event (per region) and slots are awarded on the grid using a first come first serve basis. Reference the registered drivers table above for availability. This is a stand alone race and points are not tallied for a series. Future WRS-Online races hosted by 3D3 racing may have different driver limits and will require re-registration using the same first come first serve basis and participation in future events is optional.

Registration Changes

If you want to change your time slot, add a time slot or update your color choices just click on the registration link and fill out the form again and submit with new values. Your last entry will override any previous entries.


If for some reason, after you register for the event, you are unable to attend please click the registration button above and complete the form again selecting "cancel" as your status. Please also post a note in this thread as the table above can take some time to update.

Delaying or Restarting Race Start

Once the race countdown timer has started, the race will only be restarted in these cases:
  • Multiple drivers report a black screen/hang, instead of the 3-2-1 countdown.
  • One or more drivers get disconnected before race-pace has begun ("GO" for grid-starts, end of formation lap for rolling starts).
  • Steward realizes there is a condition that would lead to an unfair or poor race experience.

Once the race countdown timer has started, the race will explicitly NOT be restarted for:
  • Latecomers, even if you've registered
  • Driver realizes he picked the wrong car parts (ie, tires) or driving options (ie, Auto tranny)

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Lounge Settings (@ GTP_3D3Racing)

  • Race Quality: Standard
  • Voice Chat Quality: Low (Disabled if grid is over 12 drivers)

Official Practice Times

  • NA: Tuesdays @ 8:00 PM Eastern / 5:00 PM Pacific / 12:00 AM GMT
  • EU: Tuesdays @ 19:00 GMT / 3:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 PM Pacific
  • Pre-Race: The lounge is open for pre-race practice appx 1 hour prior to the official start of each event

Course & Car Settings
  • Track: Circuit de Spa Francorchamps
  • Car: Ferrari F10 '10
  • Tires: Race Soft
  • In Event Tuning Settings: Tuning Allowed - R/A functions allowed
  • Example Tunes: TBD

Qualification Procedures

  • Type: Two Stage Knock Out Qualification
  • Stage One: Two Hot laps
    • All drivers will complete a standard single out lap and two hot laps qualification session parking their car in the runoff area following turn 1 when they are finished.
    • Once all drivers times have been confirmed everyone will exit to the lobby.
    • The top half of the field will then move on to Stage 2 which the remaining drivers can watch from the lobby.
  • Stage Two: 3 Laps - 2 Hot laps
    • The top half of the grid will be established according to the times set in the second stage. Even if the drivers in stage 2 do not beat the stage 1 best lap, the winner of stage 2 has pole position.
    • The drivers that have advanced will enter the track in reverse order (slowest first) and space themselves out accordingly during the out lap. Every driver will then run their first hotlap.
    • The second hotlap will be an option lap and should be started as if it was the second hot lap.
    • Should a driver decide that they are not happy with their second lap for any reason whatsoever, they have the option of discarding the second lap and running a third lap.
    • In order to indicate a discarded lap the driver must lift significantly after exiting Stavelot 2. A lap cannot be discarded due to a poor third sector.
      This essentially provides all drivers with a 'Mulligan' that can be used if they don't feel confidant in their second lap.
    • Any driver that completes their second hot lap must park their car in the run off area following turn 1.
    • Once times are confirmed all drivers should exit to the lobby and wait for the full starting order to be confirmed.

  • Starting Order: Will be determined by the group rankings. The fastest driver from round two will start first and the slowest driver from round two will be the driver immediately in front of the fastest driver of the group that did not advance.
    If a driver does not complete a hot lap in round 2 his original time will serve as his qualification lap for the purpose of grid placement at the discretion of the stewards.
  • Notes: Drivers not in the lounge by the time the first driver has entered the track after reset will not be allowed to qualify. They are welcome to join the race, but will start at the back of the grid.

Event Settings

  • Game Mode: Normal Race
  • Laps: 33 (+1 formation lap)
  • Start Type: See Below
  • Grid Order: Fastest First
  • Boost: No
  • Slipstream strength: Weak
  • Penalty: Off
  • Automatic Race Start Cycle: Disabled
  • Race Finish Delay: Set to 110% Average lap (130 sec)
  • Grip Reduction: Real
  • Mechanical Damage: Light
  • Visible Damage: Off
  • Tire Wear / Fuel Consumption: On
  • Pits: Open & Optional

Regulation Settings

  • Performance Points: N/A
  • Power: 100% <<--- See Stewards notes
  • Weight: Stock
  • Engine Tuning Modifications: N/A
  • Intake, Exhaust Modifications: N/A
  • Turbo or Supercharger: N/A
  • Aero: N/A
  • Tire Restrictions: Race Soft
  • Tuning: See above
  • Skid Recovery Force | Active Steering | ASM: Disabled
  • TCS | Driving Line | ABS: Optional

Formula One Style Formation Lap and Standing Start

  • Once the starting order is established all drivers should enter the pits. When all drivers are in the pits a steward will start the race.
  • After the system places you on the grid for the start, drivers will line up single file and proceed with the formation lap with a steward leading the group.
  • The formation lap will be quicker than normal, but at no time will the Pacing car exceed 250 kph and turns will be taken at resonable speeds.
  • Weaving or other tire warming procedures are NOT allowed during the formation lap.
  • Following the exit of the bus stop chicane all drivers will proceed to their appropriate grid starting marker.
  • The race clock in the top right corner of the screen will then be utilized for timing the race start.
  • At exactly 3 minutes the race starts.
  • Should any driver mistakenly start prior to that mark they must lift immediately so as to not gain position from the error prior to turn 1.
  • Be cautious and courteous in the first turn. Dive bombing will be penalized and will not be tolerated. These are tricky cars and turn 1 is tough period here. Err on the side of caution and use the large runoff areas if necessary, but do not use it to gain positions.
  • Please take the time to practice this start procedure at least once in a practice session.

Standard Clean OLR Rules Apply:

  • Unless otherwise specified, all rules from the original WRS event apply.
  • You are expected to drive clean at all times as if you are racing in the WRS. All participants are required to follow the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules & Guidelines.
  • 3D3 Race Stewards (who are taking part in race, but will review the replay) reserve the right to kick out or invalidate the result of any driver from the Race Room for driving offensively. If you ignore any warnings from the stewards and are kicked out of the race room, you will not be allowed to participate in future 3D3 events.
  • 2 wheels on (or vertically in line with) the track at all times
  • Contact with walls should be avoided. Wall riding/bouncing to gain time will be penalized and/or can result in disqualification.
  • Rumble/ripple strips are part of the track
  • Runoff areas are not part of the track
  • Limit your contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible
  • No hybrids
  • No cheating of any kind
  • Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • Passing and Blocking: Aggressive blocking is not permitted, but the driver in front has the right to choose his/her line and braking point and drivers behind should respect that line. Be especially careful when you are on older tires than the competition as the speed difference may be significant. These events are "for fun" so just play nice and take a conservative rather than an aggressive approach when possible.

Good Luck, OLR Team:gtplanet:

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E/U starting grid


N/A starting grid
















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I say we go with a tire choice like F1 uses, where we have 2 compounds for the race and have to use both compounds for at least one stint during the race. Maybe go with Hard/Medium or Medium/Soft. Should make things interesting.

I also expect the start for the race will be after La Source? I think that's what you guys did in the Spa endurance race. The start line comes up so quickly after the bus stop with this track's current configuration. Of course, there's also the line for the grid start that could be used as well.
We are testing both the tire compounds and the start.
F1 uses standing starts exclusively, and we would like to as well. It's really just a question of the actual start point we are going to use from here.
Due to PD's online oddities we can't expect a grid to set up properly, so we are thinking along the lines of a formation lap and set grid, then start at a specific race clock time (eg: the 4 minute mark).

Tire choice is not such an important issue in a 1 hour race, especially as we will require all drivers to start on the same compound to ensure a 'safer' start, but it may come into play a little.

The quali for this one will be a little different as well. Not quite a proper F1 quali session, but if it all works out, a cool (and quick) knock-out quali will be used.
This being our first F1 event, there's a lot to consider: Stay tuned 👍
Definitely agree with Shaun's suggestion of using F1 tire rules.

And it wouldn't be Spa without changing weather, would it?
I'm not sure if I want to deal with changing weather in the F1.

Although, using the dynamic weather track without any weather provides better lighting than the normal variant.
A start procedure that always works well is to have everyone exit the pits and stop on the track in order (fastest first), then hit the race start button.
A start procedure that always works well is to have everyone exit the pits and stop on the track in order (fastest first), then hit the race start button.

Yes, it does and we used to do that when we ran grid starts as the standard.

However, it doesn't fix "delayed black screen". That is when everyone else is gone and you're still in your grid spot waiting for the screen to come to life. It's happened to me twice. Once from pole position and I ended up going into turn 1 in last place 2 seconds behind the entire field. Lately my game exhibits this more often... exiting the pits for free run practice and sometime I'm 20-30 feet out of the pits before I can actually see where I'm going. At Motegi about half the time I was off track at the end of turn 1 before I could see anything (just after entering track from lobby, not after a normal pit stop in race or practice). I think Motegi was the worst for that as on other tracks it's more rare and for a shorter period when it does happen.

A formation lap doesn't fix this, but renders it harmless and also gives time to identify invisible drivers or terrible lag issues before it's too late to do anything about it.

If doing a grid start I'm in favor of the formation and park maneuver. Upside is it's actually how it's done in real life. Downside is it blows away 2-3 minutes that could be spent racing as opposed to parading.
A single formation lap + line up on grid and then waiting about 5-10 seconds until race start might be best.

Might need a few tests in practices to see how it would work out. Plus, in real life, they aren't doing a 100kmh formation lap like we usually do. It's not all out speed, but it's pretty fast. If we could get it lined up correctly, it should take no more than 2.5 to 3 minutes. Maybe up the formation lap to about 120-150kmh would be good enough.
'66 or '67 you mean. These are the tickets where you have the highest chance of grabbing the car you need for this.

EDIT: nevermind, wrong thread.
I could send you the 24 ticket but it'll be after reset.
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I've signed up, my g27s pedals seem to be working ship shape and have been for a few days now. If i get any brake flickering in practice/quali i will not race. Should be a good laugh!
Probably can't get much tighter than the start of the NA race last week. That was madness.

The Fuji NA start was a prime piece of goat copulation, but I'm down with a grid start for this one. Can't really get around the factor mentioned above either way unless we did a rolling start on Kemmel, and where's the fun in that?
Even though I'll be really slow, I don't want to miss this event. I thought I wouldn't be able to drive the F1 without Active Steering on, but I just did a few laps in my lounge and it actually seemed a bit easier. Maybe I was just driving it more carefully, who knows.
Even Bob can't break the engine in...
GT Mode - free practice - Indy SuperSpeedway - rubberbanded controller. :sly:
i say we go with a tire choice like f1 uses, where we have 2 compounds for the race and have to use both compounds for at least one stint during the race. Maybe go with hard/medium or medium/soft. Should make things interesting.
definitely agree with shaun's suggestion of using f1 tire rules.

The issue with Tires for a Wednesday race (as opposed to a special event) comes down to practice time available. The TT is on Softs, and if we introduce multiple compounds then all drivers will need to practice on them in addition to adjusting to online physics. That may not be entirely possible for all drivers and could leave many with a serious competitive disadvantage. This is already a very tough combo and making it even tougher is not really in the spirit of the Weekly races which are an extension of the TT as opposed to being a full on race event.

And it wouldn't be spa without changing weather, would it?
And it wouldn't be fun :( GT5's weather system is essentially uncontrollable (for example, you can't tell the system to start with sunny skies, rain for 15 minutes in the midle and clear back up for the finish). And even if you could, it would add a dimension to the race that is not in the TT and would require a lot ton of extra practice from all drivers.

the fuji na start was a prime piece of goat copulation, but i'm down with a grid start for this one. Can't really get around the factor mentioned above either way unless we did a rolling start on kemmel, and where's the fun in that?

The Fuji start was messy on several levels. It's not very often one gets that messy, but Fuji does have a habit of making turn 1, and the run to it very shaky. It's the dragstrip effect compounded by a very wide track that makes drivers feel comfortable going 3-4 wide, only to find out they have to actually turn....
And I agree 100% that a rolling start on Kemmel would just be terribly .... uninspiring. We have run race cars at Spa before with a grid start and it worked out really well. It was tight, but not as tight as it may seem due to the run off area. Not to be used for gaining positions, but certainly to avoid contact. We will definitely hold practice sessions with standing starts to be sure it works.

The standing start idea at the moment involves a warm up lap, with the drivers taking their grid positions at the end of the lap - just like in real life.
The Race clock will need to be the start timer in this case as all drives will need to have the exact same reference to ensure a proper start.
When the race clock (not lap time) hits 3 minutes (just an example for now, it could be 3:30, only a test will tell what works best) the race will start.
A similar start system was used in GTPlanet's GT5 Prologue online races and it worked very well 👍

I do agree that there are so many F1 rules / regulations that could be implemented here, but for the sake of ensuring a fun, and accessible Wednesday race the overall struture for this one will need to remain relatively simple.
It's going to be tough enough to stay on track for the whole hour as it is. I don't think any of the registered drivers have ever competed in an online F1 race - a guess, but I'd bet on it if I had to ;)
Anyone have any thoughts/guidance to share on re-tuning from the TT set-up to what'll be needed for the race? My thinking at present is, less grip online means drop the spring rates. Absent other ideas I'm inclined to start by halving what I'm currently using for the TT, testing it, and assuming there's grip take the rates back up in increments of 1 and then 0.5 until the car is dancing again. But I'm far from being a tuner, so advice is appreciated.
I'm running my offline tune with only slight changes to the LSD and toe.
I dropped the Decel LSD setting to 6 (from 9) and added ~+0.10 to the rear toe (from 0.00) and lowered the rear BB by 1 (5/2).
I the car turns too fast online you could always just drop the front damper rates by 1 at a time until it handles the way you like. eg:
Becomes :

I didn't find the grip changes required much re-tuning TBH, it's still really well balanced, but turn 1 was getting to me - cutting really close to the apex caused several spins.
I doubt I'll get a lap in for the TT this week, but I'm planning on doing this race (even if I'm slow). I'll be back in class the following week, so this will be my last for awhile.
I'd love to race this one but I only have the F10 in my other account not the GTP account. Does someone have a spare 24 (or whichever ticket has the F1 car) ticket they could send ?