GTP WRS-Online : Special IV - Laguna Mixed Class Enduro - Apr 29

  • Thread starter WRP001
Key things to review one last time before the enduro race today. One change I made is the pole sitter starts on the left side of the track.

Simulated Driver Change
  1. To begin the simulated driver change enter the pits as normal during the driver change window (race clock between 1:00:00 to 1:30:00).
  2. Begin the pit stop as normal allowing AI to take over and then selecting tires and added fuel amount and select OK
  3. After that screen is dismissed hit "Start" which will show the options buttons ("resume", "chat", "options" and "exit").
  4. As long as you see those option buttons you will not be released from your pits. Do not click any buttons including chat or you will be released when you dismiss that screen.
  5. The AI will drive the car into your pit stall and begin your normal pit stop. At this point you should be watching the race timer and the crew member with the release flag.
  6. When the flag man raises the release lollipop, your 5 minute wait officially begins.
  7. Note the race clock time (or current lap time) and write it down. Manually add 5 mins and write down this time which is when you can leave the pit.
  8. Take a break, stretch, pat your dog and do whatever else makes you feel refreshed.
  9. After the target time has been reached on the race timer hit start and proceed with the remainder of your race.

Driver Change Verification and Infractions:
  • All driver changes will be reviewed and penalties applied for improper execution before the results will become official.
  • If you do not serve the total 5 minutes a double time penalty will be applied to your finish time. e.g. if you serve only 4 minutes then 2 minutes will be added to your finish time.
  • If you accidentally leave the pits early you can avoid a penalty by returning to the pits and serving all of the remaining time on the *very next* lap.
  • Any driver that doesn't attempt a proper driver change will be DQ'd and removed from the official results.

Rolling Starts By Class

LMP cars will leave the grid first and get into a staggered formation. Pole sitter on left side and alternating all the way back. Target speed is 63 MPH / 100 KPH. GT cars should form up the same way shortly behind. Both fields should close ranks after exiting the final corner on the formation lap. Maintain formation lap speed until the start/finish line when the pole sitter will accelerate to race pace. All other cars should accelerate when the car in front accelerates. There should be no overlap with the car in front of you during the start. The GT pole sitter should time the start to maintain a safe gap to the LMP cars. Ideally the GT cars would be accelerating to race pace at the start/finish line when the LMP cars are in turn 3 (a little less than a sector).

Mixed Class Racing Rules

Both classes must share the road and show some courtesy to the other class!

LMP Class Ground Rules:
  • Be Patient: Your job is to get around the GT class responsibly. Do not dive bomb a GT class car under braking putting them in jeopardy if you make a mistake. Understand where you car holds the advantage and utilize those areas to execute passes safely.
  • Have good situation awareness. If GT class drivers you are approaching are engaged in close battles don't expect them to stop their battle and let you go by. You may have to slow and pick your passing lines carefully. You may lose a gap you've built over a competing LMP driver, but that's the nature of multi-class racing. Everyone has a right to the road and everyone is going to get stuck behind a slower car at some point in the race.

GT Class Ground Rules:
  • Be predictable. Pick your line and and hold it. Don't suddenly change your line thinking it will allow faster cars to pass. You will just surprise them and mess up any plan they've already made to get around you. If you are taking a corner on the inside hold that line on exit and allow the LMP car to pass on the outside. If you are on an outside line in a corner, maintain that line on exit.
  • Have good situation awareness. Understand which cars and how many are around you. Is there one LMP class car attempting to pass or a pack of them. Where do the LMP cars have a big advantage over you (straight, under braking, mid corner).
  • Do not block: GT drivers do not have to move aside for an approaching LMP car, but they are not allowed to "block" or interfere with an LMP car trying to pass.

Race End


  • At 2.4 hours (2:24:00.000 on the race clock) the "white" flag will be waved.
  • The first time the overall race leader (from the LMP class) passes the finish line after 2.4 hours (2 hours 24 minutes) the checkered flag is waved and the leader's race is over. I.e. the first lap completed after 2.4 hours completes the leaders race. After passing the start/finish line the leader should immediately slow to 50 MPH and announce the checkered flag (press start and type "Checkered Flag"). No car should pass him at any time going forward. Any close finishes at the line will be reviewed with replay for the official results. Note: if in doubt, finish your lap and the results will be reviewed.
  • After the checkered flag is announced all drivers should complete their current lap and their race is finished when they next pass the finish line. They should line up behind the train of cars that have already finished moving at 50 MPH. When the last car passes the start/finish line we will announce race end, record the results and then allow everyone to exit track and save the replay.
  • If you are in the pits beyond the start/finish line when the leader takes the checkered flag you can complete your lap *only* if you can exit pit road before the leader passes the pit exit. You cannot past the leader on the parade lap.
GTP_3D3_B lounge is open.

Join as early as you can so we can make sure everyone can see each other, and that tire noise is working, etc.
Which Lobby am I supposed to join? I think it's room b but I'm not sure. I'm LMP class, qualified 10th
Yes Tom/Hugo, you're in B with me. GTP_3D3_B is the name of the lounge
Forgot to start up early and my screen has being doing this weird this lately where it goes black for a few seconds after about an hour of being on.
If I do something stupid at about the half hour mark, you'll know why.
Hopefully it doesn't cause any issues. Might get lucky and it'll happen on a straight (although i've made it through the corner a few times blind) :)

Good luck to everyone! Don't forget oil.
Forgot to start up early and my screen has being doing this weird this lately where it goes black for a few seconds after about an hour of being on.

Good luck to everyone! Don't forget oil.

I used to get something like that too Mark. It turned out to be the HDMI cable. I have no idea why, but switching to a different one cleared it up for me.

Good Luck today...Team Canada's a bit short this time around....
Streaming the race live from my perspective, w/ commentary. Link in my signature 👍
That was just awesome racing. Had one "big" mistake the entire race and otherwise drove pretty clean except for the minor tap or wiggle here or there.

Amazing race Biffy and congratz on the LMP win. I really wanted this one, but you had the pace. I assume T-L won GT, but I actually didn't verify that and had to run. :lol:

Official results will be posted later when we get all the simulated driver changes verified. For now I owe my 6 year old a lot of attention and a "big" prize of some sort for not interrupting me once for 2.4 hours. :lol: He ended up staying home with me because my older son and wife had the chance to go see the giants game and I thought for sure I'd have to do a 2nd "pit pause" at some point, but nope he was awesome.
What a race!!! Congrats Scott and Blair(I think) for the class wins, and everyone else for...surviving. :ill:

Scott and I are going to capture the data for best laps, number of laps, and 5min pitstop verifications for lounge B later tonight...after a little reaquaintance with our respective family members. :sly:
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I'm checking the driver changes for room A right now:

GTP_Litchi (OK): IN=1:00:59, OUT=1:05:59
GTP_jtv90069 (OK): IN=1:03:37, OUT=1:08:37
GTP_Biffy (OK): IN=1:11:26, OUT=1:16:26
GTP_EDK (OK): IN=1:13:02, OUT=1:18:02
GTP_gooners_17 (OK): IN=1:12:58, OUT=1:17:58

All clean, but with no time to spare!

GTP_MadMax86 (OK): IN=1:10:52, OUT=1:15:55
GTP_T-L (OK): IN=1:23:51, OUT=1:29:01
GTP_WRP001 (OK): IN=1:27:28, OUT=1:32.29

I left a 1 second cushion, Pekka left a 3 second cushion and Mark left a 10 second cushion.

GTP_Wardez (OK): IN=1:06:37, OUT=1:12:03

Eddie waited about 26 seconds longer than necessary if that's right.

That's everyone from A that made it to the driver change... Someone should re-verify mine just to be fair.
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Congratulations to Biffy and T-L for the room A wins and to Scott and Blair for the room B race wins.

Solid race by Tim and Wardez for the room A LMP podiums.

I had scary good pace and amazing tire wear, but a small mix up with Wes left us 20+ s behind on lap 1, and then at around 2 hours a miscalculation meant I ran out of fuel on turn one (of all places), so a full lap without fuel killed my race.

I ran 13 lap stints, was in a decent groove tonight.

Honestly without these two moments a win was more than easy for me (sounds cocky I know :lol:), but those 13 laps stints were definitely the optimum strategy. But that just shows that if you are running a marathon but train for sprinting, you're not going to get anywhere. And the top two guys in LMP ran amazingly fast and consistently. A pleasure racing with you guys 👍

Thanks for checking my stop Tim, sorry I can't check yours I was pretty mad at myself after the race and didn't bother saving the replay.
Here are the official results of race A:



After 2.4 hours the gap between Biffy and I was 1.8 seconds at the line. :crazy:

Does anyone have a screen capture image of support race 2 from the B room to put in the results post? I have the results from MadMax86 in text form if needed, but would be easier just to post a picture like the following from support race 1 and support race 2 room A:


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Just like yesterday, I had a really amazing time. Thanks again to the Admins for all the work you it in to make this happen. Know that it is appreciated.👍 Congratulations to Biffy, T-L, Blair, all the podium drivers, and all finishers. It really was a test of stamina.:cheers:

So the race went really well on my end. I was very lucky to minimize mistakes and come out with the overall victory in B lounge. Lucas and I had some really fun racing and it seemed like we swapped positions quite a few times the before the Hour and a half mark. On lap 10 I made a pass after he lost traction exiting turn 4 but he regained the lead exiting the pits after we both made a stop.:yuck: We made contact a few times, all my fault. Twice in the cork screw and I think one other place. The first time I missed my brake point as we were passing a GT car and the second just miss judged the dirty air. Both times would have allowed me to take the lead so I pulled over and let him regain the position. No harm no faul I believe. We did drivers changes at opposite times and when I was exiting mine I saw the unfortunate site of Lucas approaching turn 1 as I am but he had a full head of steam and I was in the exit lane going a cool 40 less mph.:crazy: At some point I was able to regain the lead, I honestly can't recall how, and was able to slowly build a lead that I was able to hold on to.

Lap time wise I was much slower than yesterday, but still consistent. 1'16.676 was my fastest and for some reason it felt like I couldn't do faster than that. Even in warmups I was lucky to break '17. I don't know if it was focus or trying to be consistent rather than fast. Luckily I did run consistent and had only 2 offs I believe, no spins, and only one or two :scared: moments.

Racing with GT class was once again really fun and clean as far as I could tell. I think I made contact only once, maybe twice, but it was a minor tap and no damage to either driver. In the end I think I enjoyed this even more than Spa. A little easier to pass GT class but there was always someone around you on the tighter and smaller track. I will try to take pictures tomorrow to put up. Again, thanks to the admins and congrats to everyone.
I'm really gutted I had to pull over.
My GF had some sort of 'major crisis' going on and was distracting me too much.
Sorry you were the victim of that distraction Kevin as I was on my way to pull over in the pits.
Replays and drivers change have been checked for B Race submitted to Gravitron.
A few pictures to get the train started... hopefully more contributions from all the drivers tomorrow. Looking forward to stories and pictures and maybe even a video or two.

LMP Formation:


LMP Start:


GT Start:


LMP Lap 1 Turn 1:


LMP Finish:


*After 2.4 hours that's the margin of victory (1.8 seconds) and the agony of defeat.
At some point I was able to regain the lead, I honestly can't recall how, and was able to slowly build a lead that I was able to hold on to.

:ouch: Oh, I remember it well, and I even took a tell-all picture of it (but will have to put it up tomorrow as I'm about to fall over). Agreed about the fun we had today, and you definitely had many less mistakes than I did. D'oh!

With Scott's help, we verified all the 5min pitstops in B, and gathered the data for the tables below. Thanks Scott! GTP_lapi didn't do his 5min pitstop, which I believe he mentioned in the lounge afterward. No change in the results due to that.


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I've got 3 pictures for you right now Tim, more tomorrow.

Lucas will like this one. Us drag racing exiting the pits. I entered with the lead, Lucas left with it.


Lucas(middle), myself(left), and HugoSTIGlitz(right) almost going 3 wide on the straight between 4 and 5. No contact and everyone made it through clean.:)


Different angle.
Lucas, myself, and HugoSTIGlitz almost going 3 wide on the straight between 4 and 5. No contact and everyone made it through clean.:)

Don't try this at home folks! :sly:

This was the first race (GT planet)
Results are not good. The system (gt planet, endurance) now know.
I did that stupid big. --- According to Time (at 1:25) I went to the pits.
I set, tires and fuel, and then pressed the wrong button and it was not five minutes in the pit.
Next round - box, again failed. Then again, the next round box, and finally got a replacement driver Simulations. (At ..... 1:33)
The race ended in my (three pit stops in 10 minutes) but I went through the honor.
I have more endurance for the next experience. "Racingworld" they were good Battle for many, many rounds.
Thanks, see you later. :)
Another great 3D3 event. :)

Thanks to Tim and Lucas, and all the admins. who helped make this race happen. 👍

My first "official" 3D3 race win. :) Yee Ha.

From lap 1-10 or so, Joe and I had a great battle going with him leading the way. I was right on his bumper but couldn't find a way past, we were both turning laps well below our quali times. It wasn't until he made a slight bobble entering the uphill back straight that I managed to pass him. You were really flying those early laps Joe. 👍

From that point up to my first pit stop (at 20 laps), I managed to build a decent lead which I gave back to Joe after entering the pits to fast on wasted tires. I couldn't get slowed down and went nose first into the pit wall. :dunce: Joe went past while I was exiting the pits and now I had to chase him down and try to pass all over again. This took many laps as he was flying again while in the lead.
I finally got past when he made a slight mistake in the cork screw, and I slipped inside him before the next left hander.

I made my second stop right at the one hour mark and took my much needed 5 min. break. After everyone had their mandatory break I cycled back into the lead and had a pretty smooth race except for a couple little mistakes. Missed my braking point at turn 1 on one occasion, didn't spin but kicked up a lot of dust. I made one potential race losing mistake on what I wanted to be my last pit stop. I should have added more fuel because I was running low near the end of the race and stopped again to be safe (Spa all over again). :dunce: Remind me to find a new crew chief for future Enduro's. :sly:

Apparently I had a bigger lead than I thought because after reviewing the results Joe was 1 lap down. I must of passed him while he was in the pits because I don't remember lapping him on track.

It was a very clean race overall, except for a couple minor taps along the way.
Everyone did a great job driving on a tight technical track. Well done everyone.👍

Congrats to Scott on the LMP win, and to all the podium finishers.👍

Now where do I find a new crew chief.

Ps, Congrats to Mark & Biffy on their room A wins!!
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Congratulations to Biffy and T-L for the room A wins and to Scott and Blair for the room B race wins.

Solid race by Tim and Wardez for the room A LMP podiums.

I had scary good pace and amazing tire wear, but a small mix up with Wes left us 20+ s behind on lap 1, and then at around 2 hours a miscalculation meant I ran out of fuel on turn one (of all places), so a full lap without fuel killed my race.

I ran 13 lap stints, was in a decent groove tonight.

Honestly without these two moments a win was more than easy for me (sounds cocky I know :lol:), but those 13 laps stints were definitely the optimum strategy. But that just shows that if you are running a marathon but train for sprinting, you're not going to get anywhere. And the top two guys in LMP ran amazingly fast and consistently. A pleasure racing with you guys 👍

Thanks for checking my stop Tim, sorry I can't check yours I was pretty mad at myself after the race and didn't bother saving the replay.
I'm sorry Mohit, I immediately realised it was too risky to go on the outside there. In the heat of the battle I didn't want to lose 2 positions in such a short amount of time. But running out of fuel probably had a bigger influence anyway. Better luck next time.👍

Congratulations to Mark and Biffy for their wins.:cheers:

P.S.: No endurance race with the controller for me anymore.:lol:
Let me start by saying thank you to all people who made this event possible, again I had a blast and enjoyed my G27 to the max 👍

Congratulations to everybody joining this event, to all the podium finishers in both races.

Congrats for the LMP1 drivers in room B, you all had splendid control over your rockets. And congrats to the podium finishers in GT in room B. Blair, Joe and Tyler, I realised quickly you guys handle your cars so well, I really was not able to keep up with you guys pace. Well done.

Then my race :

Although this all hapened in the back of the field, I am convinced that Peter (Lapi) and Dan (Aspecbob) enjoyed our numerous battle's as much as I did. Thanks and respect go to both for there fair and clean racing.

L2 : Dan made a small mistake on cold tyres and I was able to move up one spot.
L9 : First LMP's started passing ; Wow, that sound....when those rockets pass you :)
From lap 2 untill lap 15 me, Peter and Dan(who was recovering fast) had a nice fight going on and afther my first pitstop i ended up right behind Peter again. I was 3 rounds hard on his tale, when he made a mistake in the first left, i could easily pass him. Peter was able to recover and i handed him over 8th place again as i entered in lap 33 for my second stop.
L 34-50 I practicly did a solo stint.
L 50 as I decided it was time for my 5 minute break, I entered the pit, where my awsome pitcrew did all that was needed.
L 51 : I came back on track in last position. Managed to overtake Dan (lap 55) and Peter (lap 60) while they were in the pits. At that moment I was back in 8th place overall and 4th in GT.
L68 : I went to the pits for my last stop, and when i came back out, I was quite suprised to end up RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE between Dan and Peter.(at that time I did not know Peter was a lap behind due to his unfortunate pit adventure)
Knowing that Peter and Dan still needed to make their last pitstop, I knew i had to pull something out of my sleeve here. I had to do what I am best known for in my short online career ; Saving my tyres.!!!!
Only then I would be able to stay ahead of both. And so I did, I did all in my power to consume as less tyres as possible and ended up doing so with a 26 lap stint.

But what I am most proud off is that I ran this 2.4hr race, without spinning the wonderfull RX7 and with being with at least 2 tyres on track at all time. (first time I was able to do this online) The fact I did not had any form of contact with any car, also says a lot of the handling skills of all other drivers 👍

Like I said before, a wonderfull event, good times, lots of fun, excitement and above all GOOD RACING. Thanks
