GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 5 : That Thing is an Isuzu? Really?

  • Thread starter EDK

Exit from the tunnel is killing all my good laps,seen a 46.0 but all went to dust there...:grumpy:,other then that,brilliant combo!đź‘Ť

@Rudi awesome setup mate,I just did a few minor changes to suit me...:cheers:

Brakes 6/5
LSD 10/40/30
Sweet times Zoky đź‘Ť

Will give this a crack tomorrow. I know I have a few more tenths left in it, but no way I could do a 46.0 :eek:.. Crazy
...seen a 46.0 ...
Holy crap! :crazy:

Another small improvement for me:

T1: 23.563
T2: 23.070

Can't seem to break into the for T2 and T3 on that lap was horrible... quite a bit of tidying up to do to get my best but don't think it will be good enough for a podium this week. :)
Spent the morning in the 5s in T1, but no improvement on the lap. Going to give Rudi's tune a go next.
A tidier lap this time... Don't you just love days off? Relaxing with a bit of WRS stress :sly:

T1: 23.689
T2: 22.907

Finally into the 22s for T2, lost 0.1 in T1... but a much better T3. If I can get that T1 back to a 23.5xx and keep the rest of the lap, I reckon I'm about done. Fantastic car to throw about but more rewarding when you keep it wound in a bit.

I changed my setup a bit. Slight tweak to the LSD, gear ratio for top speed and brake balance:

162 mph max - ratios unchanged

Initial 10
Power 38
Braking 21

Ride height -15/-20
Spring rate 9.9/10.8
Dampers 5/5
Anti-roll 4/4
Camber 2.5/2.1
Toe -0.9/2.0

Brakes 4/2


No TC or ASM

Shaun - had a small play about with various engine tuning parts to boost the low end torque but found it made little actual difference on the track. If anything it just makes it that bit harder to get the power down out of the tight corners without spinning the wheels. On average I ended up about 0.2 slower with tuning parts installed so went back to totally standard exhaust, intake, and engine. :)
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Really easy to get too excited after getting a good start on this one...and then completely blow it by not being careful enough with the pedals! :scared:

T1: 24.459
T2: 25.031

Haven't done any advanced tuning at all yet - just the chassis reinforcement, the 1st engine upgrade and a bit with of playing with the max speed on the custom transmission.

I noticed in the original post, it stresses that an oil change is required - I know changing the oil in a new car give you some extra HP - but curious as to why it's required/entries with the oil light on will be DQed - is there some sort of advantage to be gained by NOT changing the oil??
Your miles ahead of me! I can't even touch my current ghost at the moment.... Let alone take time from it! :(

It's alright munch, I will log back in by Friday with you further ahead then me :cheers:
Slightly improved splits, but improved .2 at the line :)


Using stock settings, seems like all the tunes posted here are slowing me down :odd:
Using stock settings, seems like all the tunes posted here are slowing me down :odd:

Sorry about that mate :indiff: That raises an interesting point though... Tuning seems very much a personal thing sometimes and I wonder what the balance is between tuning the car to maximise its grip/balance and setting it up so it simply suits your driving style ie. maximising yourself rather than the car. Rudi's tune doesn't work for me at all and I dare say mine wouldn't work for him.
I was wondering if any of the resident Aliens who are nesting at the top w/ regularity ever think of trying to teach there tuning tricks during these weeks that us hair pullers have to try to drive fast and make mistakes tuning. Much thanks to those who are confident in their driving ability that they are willing give up their setups before we don't have any hair left to pull out and we end up just a bunch of mid pack bald and confused participants.

I try all my real world tricks and some noticeably positive affects occur. Sure I can change my setups to reflect someone else’s idea of what works but it’s the reason why that fascinates me.

I am a student of psychological warfare and I can’t imagine that any of these setups would ever be a way to confuse the compo in their own division and be something in the way of “disinformation” but it is a competition even if only for bragging rights. I just wish I could understand how some of the changes by the fast guys that I look at can work better then my proven real world tricks do.
Hehe, good question Lefty...

OK, I'll dive in with my tuppence.

I start with standard settings, go for a spin and throw the car about in a fairly reckless manner. Laptimes are unimportant since I'm just getting a feel for the car's behaviour on the limit at this point.

Then armed with some info, I go to the settings and start fiddling. I hate understeer, so if a car has that as a primary feature, I start trying to dial it out before anything else:
Lower the suspension first, F/R by the same ammount initially.
F/R brake balance next to set the car up when I'm braking into a corner so it feels like the rear is just trying to break away as I turn in.
Camber and toe next to get a positive front end while mid-corner - usually a fair ammount of camber at the front with a small ammount of toe-out to make the steering more sensitive.

Go and test....

Feel the difference at this point then back to settings:
Make adjustments based on the 'new' front end
Beef up spring settings F/R if too much body roll/bounce with new camber/toe
Change damper settings to suit track characteristics with new spring settings if necessary. Same with anti-roll.

Go and test....

Back to settings and start to fiddle rear settings camber and toe based on what the rear is doing with a positive front end. If still understeering, reduce camber and toe-in, maybe introduce toe-out if very understeery. Personally, I like a rear end that feels like its always just about to break away while braking and turning in so I can control it more with throttle while exiting a corner.

Test... pay more attention to changes in the rear end based on throttle position. IE does it 'push' the front with trailing throttle or when accelerating, or does it start to break away under those conditions?

Settings... adjust rear suspension camber/toe with new info.
Adjust LSD power/braking settings if necessary. If pushing the front under power, reduce LSD power setting, if same while trailing throttle, reduce LSD braking setting - if opposite effect (ie oversteer) then increase LSD settings accordingly.

Test.... start to tidy the lap up and drive more smoothly, feeling the car's behaviour with new settings. Exit and adjust if necessary.. small adjustments based on the behaviour in the 4 key parts - braking, turning in, mid-corner, corner exit/acceleration.

That's about it, for what its worth. Probably doesn't help one bit... or even make sense. :sly:
@ VAGABOND I think your approach is quite good...I found you opinion very useful.
Will give it another shot tonight, as yesterday I was making more money on GT Life, just in case
New Splits from the morning:
T1: 23.684
T2: 23.105

I'll post my set-up when I get back from work tonight, although I don't know how helpful it will be. Still more time in T2.

Race ON!! :gtpflag:
Thanks Vagabond, what a great contribution to the brotherhood. The approach is as important as the mod, I hope others at the top can be so generous and let us know what their approach to the shakedown is and how they end up w/ a blazing fast setup.

I will start “exorcizing my demons” out of Rudi’s setup using your bread crumb trail and hopefully I can drive this weeks combo to my full potential and not deal w/ the variables that rear their head as a sign of the “domino effect.”
a small improvement

T1: 24.107
T2: 23.838

i still keep sliding in some corners
First splits of the week, sliding all over with this tires :scared:

Using Vagabond tune, thanks mate đź‘Ť

T1: 23.668
T2: 23.306
Would anybody be so kind as to share their lines through turn 1/2 and the crucial right-left just before the tunnel in T2?

This is where I'm losing my time I think and can't seem to find a decent line, braking/accelerating point that helps me :(
Thanks Vagabond, what a great contribution to the brotherhood. The approach is as important as the mod, I hope others at the top can be so generous and let us know what their approach to the shakedown is and how they end up w/ a blazing fast setup.

I will start “exorcizing my demons” out of Rudi’s setup using your bread crumb trail and hopefully I can drive this weeks combo to my full potential and not deal w/ the variables that rear their head as a sign of the “domino effect.”

Rudi's setup is amazing, once you learn how to push the limits. It just all comes together. Thanks again Rudi :cheers:
Would anybody be so kind as to share their lines through turn 1/2 and the crucial right-left just before the tunnel in T2?

This is where I'm losing my time I think and can't seem to find a decent line, braking/accelerating point that helps me :(

One trick I use is to suit up one step slipperier tires and the decrees in traction will force you to go slower and give up the line for your driving style and then restore your tires to the stickier ones and it’s like magic. :)

Rudi's setup is amazing, once you learn how to push the limits. It just all comes together. Thanks again Rudi :cheers:

You know Shig, your going to make "Little" impossible to be around when he gets back behind the wheel this weekend and sees where you and I are at on the leader board and now you have suited up Rudi's setup, it's just going to be all I can do to keep him focused without him blowing a gasket.... lol
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Finally some new splits to post! đź‘Ť

Gave Rudis setup a try and liked it, so a couple of tweaks and came up with some new splits!

T1: 23.789
T2: 23.822

Only .2 up at T2, but .6 up at the line!
You know Shig, your going to make "Little" impossible to be around when he gets back behind the wheel this weekend and sees where you and I are at on the leader board and now you have suited up Rudi's setup, it's just going to be all I can do to keep him focused without him blowing a gasket.... lol

I am pretty sure Little is going to be fighting for top 3 this week again đź‘Ť Off the topic, I am currently looking for a more stable setup for my wheel. It's quite annoying now since I am trying to move up the rankings but having a dinky little tv stand to mount my wheel is slowing me down.

I really am no good at all in the second sector, or rather, I think I lose it all in the left hander before the tunnel.
I am pretty sure Little is going to be fighting for top 3 this week again đź‘Ť Off the topic, I am currently looking for a more stable setup for my wheel. It's quite annoying now since I am trying to move up the rankings but having a dinky little tv stand to mount my wheel is slowing me down.

I couldn't agree more! Am also in the Market for sonething decent and sturdy! Have a silly little coffee table that sits infront of me with my legs underneath and the wheel just above them! It's kinda hard at 6ft 2 to make something that works!

But my birthday is in a couple months.... Maybe a playseat! Lol ;)
I can recommend the Wheelstand Pro. While it may not be as solid as a Playseat it is stable enough for most and also takes up much less space than the racing seat.