GTP_WRS-Online : Special IV : Group 4 LAN Style Pick and Mix - March 28/29 and April 4/5

  • Thread starter EDK
Hello, I would also like to join - GTP_gooners_17

Put me down for all 4 slots.

I'll also join practice tonight (though might be a bit late). Didn't even know Blue Moon Bay had an infield section till seeing this post, so yeah might need the practice.
Where have you been? Under a rock?
Sorry, having trouble joining. Host server signal appears very low. Can't seem to connect to the room, but no trouble connecting to other rooms. ??
Sorry, having trouble joining. Host server signal appears very low. Can't seem to connect to the room, but no trouble connecting to other rooms. ??

Missed the first couple rounds, but got connected for the other races. Managed to take the Suzuka win against a field of TTs. I'd used my TT at the Nurburgring which worked to my advantage for Suzuka. Good example of how car selection in early rounds can affect later rounds. Thanks for the races everyone.
@Sjaak thanks for being the iron man and staying with us until 5 am. :eek:

For those who don't know, Sjaak is the guy who handed me the WRS baton. And is a LAN racer, through and through.

@roamer2629 @mohitraina91 @Gravitron @suprajef @routergod24 @Scaryguy4u2 @Pigpin13 @oldguy58 @nuthunmuch @rbkLanny @billyjoebobx @SRT DK Racing

Thanks for showing up last night and letting me test the format. 👍

I had a lot of fun, and I hope you did as well.

I realized a couple things that I need to sort before the official events.

  • I am going to send friend requests to all the racers who are not currently on my friends list and use private lobbies. My connection is rock solid (direct wide to modem) and we will take the risk that comes with a room imploding. Trying to manage randoms is just too difficult.
    • This messed up the qualifying, or at least the race start for race 1. Sorry for anyone who lost out on that deal.
  • 20 minute races are too long, there will always be some short breaks between. A different person has to pee, or get a beer, or go smoke after each race. So I am changing the lap counts to align to ~15 minute races, which should keep the event to a little over 2 hours, 2.5 max, which was my original intent.
    • This messed up some race starts when people were not present. I will set a hard break time of 4 minutes for the races on the weekend.
    • If you don't show up for the next race, it's on you
  • I am also going to change tire wear to 5x to help out the Audi and the Viper. The Viper can be competitive on some tracks, but the tire wear is killing it.
New lap counts, to be updated in OP.
  • Dragon Trail - 8
  • Suzuka - 7
  • BMB - 16
  • Laguna - 10
  • Fuji - 8
  • Spa - 6
  • Nurb - 2
Thanks again for being my guinea pigs, I promise the weekend will flow more smoothly.
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Double posting to make another couple of points.

  1. As I said previously, show up knowing the tracks, or plan to stay out of the way on tracks you don't know. Please.
  2. It seemed like last night's events were generally clean, but I did observe some side to side contact at times that could have been avoided with better awareness/leaving room, and/or radar. You should not need fuel or the lap timer on the HUD, please set your HUD to radar.
  3. Similar point here, but we all know there are "horses for courses". If you are in a car that you know is not a competitive, please don't aggressively defend. You can run your line, but don't be a 🤬
Would like to join 28th races if poss
Ok. Do you have time this evening to join a lobby to check your connection?

I say this evening, but more like 11 pm or midnight uk.

Let me know.
That was some serious fun racing last night.:cheers:

And some advertising pictures:
Quick Question, do you pick your car after the track is announced or before?

Gonna run some practice laps tonight if anyone wants to join, need to learn blue moon infield I've only done a handful of laps round there and I haven't ran a Gr4 car in general other than the Ferrari this week in ages :lol:
Quick Question, do you pick your car after the track is announced or before?

Gonna run some practice laps tonight if anyone wants to join, need to learn blue moon infield I've only done a handful of laps round there and I haven't ran a Gr4 car in general other than the Ferrari this week in ages :lol:
After. I will announce track right after race concludes, 4 min break, load next track, and go racing.

The infield we are using at BMB is simple. 2 braking zones, and a couple flat out kinks. Fun for draft and pack racing.

It was left out of last night's rotation, but we ran one for fun there.
@Hobie199 it looks like we have 15 right now for tomorrow. The priority will be racers, but if we stay at 15, you can join to watch.
Sorry I missed last night, I forgot
Thanks, will you have any time tonight to join an informal room so we can check your connection and make sure you can get in the room and run safely next to others without lag, etc?
Just to clear something up for the race, in terms of aggressive blocking, are we saying kind of like a track day approach, just always run the racing line, no going to the inside of the track ahead of a braking zone kind of thing, or does it just mean no overly aggressive slamming the door last minute/turning in across someone's nose. Either is cool, just seems like it would be open to slightly different interpretation's by different people.

Although i guess its impossible to cover every scenario, and if everyone has the right attitude/skills it should be possible to run side by side anywhere without contact :)

Edit - also for the practice room later - has it been decided what initial fuel being set at?
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Just to clear something up for the race, in terms of aggressive blocking, are we saying kind of like a track day approach, just always run the racing line, no going to the inside of the track ahead of a braking zone kind of thing, or does it just mean no overly aggressive slamming the door last minute/turning in across someone's nose.

I think you're okay to cover the inside on the straight, but pick a side early-ish. I think what he means by aggressive blocking is your latter description (the last second moves, zig-zagging on straights, running someone out of room, that sort of thing.

@EDK don't see my name on the sign up sheet. There seems to have been an oversight here :)
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Reactions: EDK
I think you're okay to cover the inside on the straight, but pick a side early-ish. I think what he means by aggressive blocking is your latter description (the last second moves, zig-zagging on straights, running someone out of room, that sort of thing.

@EDK don't see my name on the sign up sheet. There seems to have been an oversight here :)
Sorry, will fix that now.
Thanks, will you have any time tonight to join an informal room so we can check your connection and make sure you can get in the room and run safely next to others without lag, etc?
Thanks, will you have any time tonight to join an informal room so we can check your connection and make sure you can get in the room and run safely next to others without lag, etc?

Saturday night would be better
For all - We are up to 16 on Saturday. We will not run 2 rooms.

Any new registrants will be placed as provisional.

Those who are registered, show up at least 15 minutes before the race. Just like a flight, if you are not there by then, I might sell your seat. ;)