GTP_WRS Week 5 : WRS 11th Anniversay Event - 1(11) Yea(R)s

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Hey Tuffers, try this. After the first right hander in sector 2, don't brake again until end of the long straight
When you get to the top of the hill, ease off slightly and turn hard right, then reapply until you get to the shadow in the tunnel, then ease off again, turn left and boot it. The car is quite grippy when you get the gas down and you can usually avoid the wall as you enter the long straight. This car can brake less than you would think.
Works for me, I somehow did 25.033 for sector 2.👍 I'm sure that will be beaten soon when the others turn up :nervous:
Also there is no braking in S1 apart from the last turn into the tunnel. To get less than 16 secs I have to keep the gas on pretty much from the very start and just try to get the right smooth line and feather the throttle slightly.
The start and finish is like a bucking bronco, you just have to keep your foot (or thumb) down and hang on!

Nice one fella. Yeah I've figured out my line in T1 and been getting it around 16.4x consistently. Might not be carrying enough speed off the previous lap to get it down further

As for T2 still struggling a bit as I've neutered it in tuning but this car is not as petulant as I thought it would be.
Have been running assuming the yellow areas are off limits and tarmac outside white lines likewise, first splits running stock:

S1: 17.918
S2: 44.768
S3: 1.07.702

Am sure I will be much quicker once I change the set up but the best for now, although have been quicker in S1.
Do I follow the Driving Line or don't I? I am confused as the track is kind of bumpy in spots and cause the car to loose traction and rip the wheel out of my control. Those spots seem to be along the line.
Do I follow the Driving Line or don't I? I am confused as the track is kind of bumpy in spots and cause the car to loose traction and rip the wheel out of my control. Those spots seem to be along the line.
The driving line is never really right.
How do you reset a setting in GT6 ?!?
You don't. Except manually. :(

I find the easy way to reset setting to the original.. is to simply remove the part.. then re-install it.. 'hay presto'..
the setting are now at default.. :)

Have been running assuming the yellow areas are off limits and tarmac outside white lines likewise, first splits running stock:

S1: 17.918
S2: 44.768
S3: 1.07.702

Am sure I will be much quicker once I change the set up but the best for now, although have been quicker in S1.

All tarmac is allowed.. yellow or not..

Had a quick few laps.. with no adjustments..

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Have been running assuming the yellow areas are off limits and tarmac outside white lines likewise
Why would you assume such things, when we make the boundaries clear in the OP?

Tarmac and Rumble Strips are Track. No Other Surfaces Are Track

I find the easy way to reset setting to the original.. is to simply remove the part.. then re-install it.. 'hay presto'..
the setting are now at default.. :)

All tarmac is allowed.. yellow or not..

Had a quick few laps.. with no adjustments..

Please don't triple post. I've merged your posts together. If another member does not post before you want to add something, just use the edit feature.

Multiquote is a snap on the new forums. Simply press "Reply" on every post you want to quote, and that text is added to the reply box.

Need to update your splits? Simply use the Strikethough feature, and add your new splits.
Why would you assume such things, when we make the boundaries clear in the OP?

Tarmac and Rumble Strips are Track. No Other Surfaces Are Track


Need to update your splits? Simply use the Strikethough feature, and add your new splits.

Thanks for clarifying the 'yellow bits' 👍

We've been told in the previous TTs that strike through is not working, has this been fixed? We have had to double post for Fetchy to pick up splits.
Thanks for clarifying the 'yellow bits' 👍

We've been told in the previous TTs that strike through is not working, has this been fixed? We have had to double post for Fetchy to pick up splits.
Yeah, you're right about that part. If it's just to update splits, OK to DP. But would also say, if you are running a long session, just wait until the end to post splits, instead of stepping in here every few minutes and posting. I'm really not particularly picky on this, I normally just merge posts and get on with life. But when it's 3, I have to say something. :)

You need to repost your splits - Fetchy doesn't read edited posts.

You're currently top of the leaderboard with a Sector 3 time of 6 seconds.

thanks 👍, but i think fetchy got it right , but someone else [ @GTP_ollie57 ]has posted wrong T3 & which has messed up the board

Yes, sorry about that - I see it's fine, didn't think it would get picked up.
Ah yes, a tuning combo and at a track where I somehow managed the best last sector time out of everyone in a prior GT5 event. Ah yes, if I can only re-create that magic, I'll be set. Been spending my time in the Seasonal TT events lately, but I think its time I join my good friends here for some "King of the Mountain. :lol: (In reference to a game we used to play as kids on the big snow piles created by the snow plows in the Michigan winter) Anyways, Happy Birthday to the WRS and congrats to Kevin for being a part of it for so long. 👍 You are truly the engine that makes this thing run. :cheers:

I was wondering if you would come out of your rats nest for this one 👍
Here is my quick tune from the first page.
If I choose to switch ride height around - to alleviate the crazy tailwhipping, would I adjust the springs too - if so, what would the numbers be?

Anyone have a transmission tune to share with the clueless?
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Why would you assume such things, when we make the boundaries clear in the OP?

Tarmac and Rumble Strips are Track. No Other Surfaces Are Track

I was assuming because I wasn't sure, and hadn't seen a reply to my post earlier seeking clarification to this so I was being cautious. And because it is confusing when on some tracks we are supposed to stay within the white lines (not including the rumble strips), whereas other tracks we don't have that limitation (ie Rome where we could drive in the green area outside the white lines). I haven't been doing the TTs long enough to know when the white line rules apply and when they don't. And, in fairness, the sentence you quoted doesn't acknowledge the white lines (what would normally be considered the track boundary) and whether they are ignorable or not.
I was assuming because I wasn't sure, and hadn't seen a reply to my post earlier seeking clarification to this so I was being cautious. And because it is confusing when on some tracks we are supposed to stay within the white lines (not including the rumble strips), whereas other tracks we don't have that limitation (ie Rome where we could drive in the green area outside the white lines). I haven't been doing the TTs long enough to know when the white line rules apply and when they don't. And, in fairness, the sentence you quoted doesn't acknowledge the white lines (what would normally be considered the track boundary) and whether they are ignorable or not.

That rule is applicable to all TT's. When there is any exceptions you will see pictures or certain mention of run-offs or whatever. As there is no mention of that, the rule still stands - tarmac and red/white rumble is track - cement beyond the red/white rumble here is not.