GTP_WRS Week 56 : Sliding Purple People Eater

  • Thread starter EDK
At the end of yesterday's session, I realized there were a few tenths to get still in the first sector. Didn't expect to be able to get them without losing some time later in the lap, but lo and behold, gained almost 4 tenths at the line! :dopey:

@si_berian_tiger Each week will have different Race Specifics. Notice this week has no mention of white lines, so they are meaningless as far as track boundaries go.
Race Specifics (Rules for This Specific Event):
  • White Rumble Strips, Red and White Rumble Strips and Tarmac are Track Surface. No other surfaces are track.
  • The various green sections are not track.
  • Rumble strips with grass between track and rumble strips are not track.
If you kept at least 2 wheels inside the track or 2 wheels touch visibly the white line, then you're good 👍
As Lucas mentioned, no white line rule this week.

I normally don't use it, and it's actually confusing here, since some of the white lines are intended for other track layouts and will create unnecessary boundaries. Rather than taking that corner by corner, I'm letting you guys have at it, except for those weird rumbles/concrete that have a foot or two of grass between the track and rumble. Turn 1 exit is one example, but there are others. I don't think you can gain time doing that, but I'd rather not find out........
Any of you guys using a G29? I have had issues with mine for a long time, I am only getting 50% braking and that's pushing down hard.
Do any of you guys have experience after taking the rubber out the brake pedal? Is it any better?
The only time I had something similar with mine it went away after I attacked it with a high powered vacuum cleaner it must have got fibres from the living room rug inside it.
Any of you guys using a G29? I have had issues with mine for a long time, I am only getting 50% braking and that's pushing down hard.
Do any of you guys have experience after taking the rubber out the brake pedal? Is it any better?
Have you tried plugging it into a PC to calibrate it?

There's normally better troubleshooting tools in the PC driver/control module as well than there are in game.
btw If I take the game to my sisters and log in there (its my old ps4 there) will all my replays be available to me there?
No, they are stored locally until Shared via the My Library function. I guess you could submit your time on the assumption you won't be required to share your replay (no offence intended! :D). If your replay IS required, then you might have to accept a black flag because it sounds like you won't be back to your PS4 until after the deadline for sharing replays for this week (Mon Dec 31).
As Lucas mentioned, no white line rule this week.

I normally don't use it, and it's actually confusing here, since some of the white lines are intended for other track layouts and will create unnecessary boundaries. Rather than taking that corner by corner, I'm letting you guys have at it, except for those weird rumbles/concrete that have a foot or two of grass between the track and rumble. Turn 1 exit is one example, but there are others. I don't think you can gain time doing that, but I'd rather not find out........
Ahh, got it :cheers:
Nice splits, Mike! 👍

That's me done, really like this and there was more to be had if I was here on the weekend, I'll submit what I have.
Sounds like I might be lucky for you not getting another chance... Couldn't get a better lap today, though I did get close. But seeing as my best lap is only about 2-3 tenths slower than the overall optimum so far, I might just be at my limit for this week. Maybe I'll get another go on Monday. Fully expecting an alien to emerge and put us back in place any time now though. :eek:

Enjoy the stay at your sister's!