GTPlanet Vinyling ClubMusic 

  • Thread starter Cap'n Jack
Granted I have no experience with that particular turntable, it appears to have the same generic mechanical bits as most other budget turntables.
Yea upon close inspection I noticed it did and I recently saw a video stating they were rubbish. My current turn table has it as well.
If that's what you can afford than the price is right for what it is, but I would certainly recommend searching for a used turntable first as you may be able to get a better setup for not much more.
The price is reasonable for me, but that's assuming it's what I am looking for. (which I am not certain about yet)

At the end of the day, theirs 2 things that matter to me:
1. That I can easily record straight to my computer and the recording, when exported as WAV, will be at least 20 kHz or more when viewed with Spek.
2. It can record without an annoying buzzing noise in the background. This is something my current turntable does, which I will get into tomorrow. (it's late here)

If it can do at least those 2 things, I think I'll be happy with it.
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My latest additions really couldn't be more opposite.

Elton John - Tumbleweed Connection

Nuclear Assault - Game Over: I actually forgot I even ordered this, but I'm happy I did as it's a great 80's thrash album. It also came on a rather cool looking splatter vinyl.


I also have 3 pre-orders in some stage of shipping as well, so it won't be long until my next post. :D
Ugh, I was tempted to get a couple more this weekend with some things I need to purchase from Amazon but I really shouldn't. However, 2 months into the year and another raise, as well as a promotion, is coming up sometime this month. Hopefully that's sooner than later because the itch is kicking in hard.
The first of my pre-orders is the new Foo Fighters album on purple vinyl.


The second one is the deluxe version of Transatlantic's new album. It contains both versions of the album on clear vinyl as well as CD versions and a DVD all packaged in a fingerprint magnet box.

A few more added this last week or so.

First is a double A side 7” from a Ugandan percussion and drum ensemble. Fast polyrhythms flying out the speakers.


Second is a 3LP from Murcof. This album is essential ambient electro / neo-classical and out of print now. It has been for some time actually and Leaf Label the record company this is on, found a few old stock in the warehouse.


Last is a new release from The Heartwood Institute and the Library Of The Occult label. Another nice package.


New record arrived out of the blue today. This is the new 2 track 12” from The Utopia Strong.

Handmade record and signed by the group is the third record of live recordings put out by the band like this. A limited pressing and sold out almost instantly and can command quite a high price online.

My dad noticed that I’ve been getting into vinyls and he decided to help me out with some equipment.


He was originally going sell it as it just wasn’t being used anymore but he said it would be better off with me. Still being new to this I wasn’t exactly sure what I was looking at, but after him explaining, as well as talking to some friends, I have to say I’m extremely grateful. Such perfect time too because I was already planning my path on upgrading my equipment, and this is a pretty big first piece to add to the puzzle. It’s in perfect functioning condition, so I look forward to getting this playing in the coming month or two!
Well this week has seen the release of one of the biggest albums this year so far and shot the band to No. 1 in album sales which is quite an achievement for its music genre.

Post Rock legends Mogwai released As The Love Continues. I picked up the indies Yellow pressing and skipped the boxset this time. I may still pick up a CD copy at some point.



Also this week my copy of Lions Drums - Kagabas arrived. Field recordings from Colombia mixed with sympathetic electronic and synth music. It’s as if Popul Vuh and Deep Forest had an album baby. Also in the same package came a nice freebie 3 track 12” with some cool techno tracks.



Another day and another new record.

finally the release of J-Jazz Vol. 3 from BBE Records. If you’re into Jazz and want to dip your toes into Japanese Jazz then this compilation series is a great place to start. I mean we all love Gran Turismo and since the first game they’ve used Jazz music in the BGM of the game so it was a natural progression for me.




seen here with Vol. 1 & 2. All the releases are excellently annotated and loads of info on the gatefold and pullout.

I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping someone here might have an answer for before I dive deep into the web: I purchased a receiver as well as some bookshelf speakers to get this whole project started, but I ran into a couple of snags. The speakers themselves work, but I'm having trouble with the deck producing sound. It's not necessarily mute, its just not playing actual music. What it sounds like is just the sound of the stylus traveling on the vinyl amplified to the speakers, just outputting not that loud - I can only hear it if I bump up the volume a bit more. The reason I think that is because when it goes over the imperfections in one of my vinyls the noise changes as if in a wave itself(I've also tried at least 2-3 other speakers and more or less the same noise.)

Now, the male RCA ends are corroded pretty good, so I'm bringing it into work tomorrow as someone in my electrics department can help me out with removing that. While I think that would definitely help, I don't think that's the actual issue. I'm also absolutely clueless in general, but the right ground wire connection to the cartridge was also snapped too. Another co-worker is going to weld that back on in the morning, but again, it can't be that either. The next step I think is the actual RCA cables in full. The SL-1300 is nearing 50 years, so maybe its actually the RCA cables in full that is actually the issue?

I've read around of people opening up the deck and removing the RCAs completely and soldering on new Monster Cable RCA's, that also happened to help in the high end as well. If the corrosion removal, as well as re-soldering the Cartridge connections doesn't work, I think my next step will be to completely replace the RCA as a whole.

Suggestions on what it might be, anyone?
@ImaRobot does your receiver/amp have a phono stage or your turntable a pre amp?

It sounds like that's your issue, basically the signal needs to be amplified.
@ImaRobot is the phono stage a MM (Moving Magnet) or MC (Moving Coil) and the cartridge on your Turntable is it MM or MC?

It’s more than likely your Amp is a MM phono stage but your Shure IV cartridge is a Moving Coil...

So it’s going to need a MC Phono Stage to get sound. You can either get a dedicated MC Phono Stage or buy a new MM cartridge.

edit- New Records!!

some new stuff in today.

New out today is the latest from Madlib and what an album. Some of the best chilled Hip Hop instrumentals.


While in town picking up Madlib I took the opportunity to buy The Rajah by Lee Morgan on the Tone Poet series.


and last to arrive was an overnight delivery from Juno Records. Part of the Verve Acoustic Sound Series is Peggy Lee - Black Coffee.

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@ImaRobot is the phono stage a MM (Moving Magnet) or MC (Moving Coil) and the cartridge on your Turntable is it MM or MC?

It’s more than likely your Amp is a MM phono stage but your Shure IV cartridge is a Moving Coil...

So it’s going to need a MC Phono Stage to get sound. You can either get a dedicated MC Phono Stage or buy a new MM cartridge.
Thanks so much for this, I was trying so hard to find something but not knowing what exactly I'm looking for it was proving extremely difficult. Gotta love the wide area of expertise you can find at GTP!

I'm having a hard time finding information on if the receiver is MM or MC. This is something else I didn't know was a thing, I'm learning with each new step basically. I think I'd rather keep the cartridge for now and just get a dedicated MC Phono stage - the cartridge itself is apparently a little valuable, and its in great condition.
@ImaRobot What’s the receiver? It’s possible the manual may have its specs.

Edit- looks like it could be the DH190?

if so the manual has this...


page 28 has..


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@ImaRobot What’s the receiver? It’s possible the manual may have its specs.

Edit- looks like it could be the DH190?

if so the manual has this...

View attachment 995707

page 28 has..

View attachment 995708
View attachment 995709
That would be the one. Unfortunately the manual they gave me was only in French and Spanish lol. I was going to look into a digital manual when I got home from work today. Thanks for that :).

With my cartridge being MC, is whats posted in that manual going to help any? I'm sorry if I just seem dumb here, but I honestly am in this regard. My deck is at work with my right now because the solder on the ground wires connected to the cartridge had snapped, and my electronics department is helping me remove some corrosion.

EDIT: Actually, I might be in luck. Looked around a bit and I think the cart is MM too. I'm going to go off what you just posted on my lunch and test my luck. Crossing fingers!!

I had originally misunderstood and thought that you said it was an MC cartridge, I didn't realize you were just offering up advice on what you think might be the problem. I'm giddy with anticipation.
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So close, yet so far.

I removed the H from HTTPS because it kept hotlinking it when I didn't want it to. Add it back in in the browser to see the video

@Sprite So, while raising the phono output to max DB did produce music, its not amplifying it nearly enough. So I'm guessing I should get a dedicated phono preamp regardless at this point?

Also, I noticed that the right speaker wasn't producing the music, but still the sound I had mentioned originally and I remembered the cartridge right speaker connection seemed a little weird compared to the rest.


Looking at the connection again right now, I'm thinking that issue might be solved by getting a better fitting wire/clamp installed. I'm going to pick up a set and just install brand new ones, they're extremely cheap anyways. Hopefully that fixes the right audio situation.

I'm inching closer to this being fully functional, and I'm anxious to get it sorted!
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@ImaRobot Looking at the article for the cartridge you have, I do think it’s a Moving Coil and this is why it’s so quite for you.

A MC cartridge can be better at retrieving fine details of a groove but they output a lot lower than a MM.
@ImaRobot Looking at the article for the cartridge you have, I do think it’s a Moving Coil and this is why it’s so quite for you.

A MC cartridge can be better at retrieving fine details of a groove but they output a lot lower than a MM.
Yeah there was a lot of back and forth on some forums I was reading it making me a bit uncertain of that after I initially said that. I couldn't find anything Concrete. The good news is that somethings actually happening and I don't think I'll have to rip open the RCA cables. Next up, new cart wire connections and dedicated phono stage. That'll have to come later in the month though.

Thanks @Sprite, you've been a tremendous help.
@ImaRobot sorry mate I meant to get back to you yesterday with a more detailed response but life got in the way, anyway it looks like @Sprite has you all sorted out.

Enjoy it when it's all done.
Good afternoon. This morning the Postie dropped off this bad boy boxset. Put out by Lapsus Records in Spain this set covers the Black Mill Tapes by Pye Corner Audio.

The 5 LP set covers all the early works up to a new set of tracks on LP 5 released only in this set. I’m a massive PCA fan and have most of his stuff on wax. Seen here in this family photo...


Martin Jenkins (PCA / The Head Technician) is a modular and analogue synth genius and his dark moody sound really clicks with me. When this set came up for order I knew I needed a copy so bagged one, it wasn’t cheap but certainly worth it. Lovely heavy card slip cover and everything is high quality. The wax too is nice and clean and well pressed.


Slip cover


Photo Booklet - All the photos taken by Jenkins


All the record sleeves






All the coloured wax


Nice little sticker.
Well it’s another weekend and more records ordered and more records delivered. Even had one bounce back to the seller on Discogs which is being sent to me again because of the mess our postal system can be.

Anyway today I bring you... Guedra Guedra - Vexillology released via On The Corner Records. It’s Abdellah’s first full LP for OTCR and its absolute fire. Start to Finish this is Moroccan House delight after delight. Just like his EP, Son of Sun from last year (show here together)




Next we have another release from Library Of The Occult. This time it’s “Messers Circulating Library by Drew Mullholland”

Technically I wouldn’t call this music, it’s more ambient soundscapes all framed in a mystical dreamlike and robotic package. Think Jules Vern meets Lovecraft and they play some sounds and then it’s all messed with and slowed to create filmic soundscapes.


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Another day another record. This is a repress of hard to get Japanese Jazz album. Even if one comes up for sale they usually are missing the Obi or Insert or both. They are usually very expensive too, so getting a good reissue is the only way to own such unicorn records.


@Sprite I aspire to soon start upping my collection at the speeds you do! :lol:

Tomorrow I should be purchasing the final piece to the puzzle(hopefully.) So I was looking into a few phono preamps for MC cartridges and wasn't trying to break the bank yet and came to this conclusion:


It's for both MM and MC cartridges. I figure it would be best to future proof myself for now just incase I ever want to switch from MC to MM carts. Plus, once I get more acquainted with the world of turntables, I think its good to stay in the lower ranges for now. This has been a long journey, and I've learned a lot. Look forward to connecting this when it arrives and hopefully this is the final step.
@Sprite I aspire to soon start upping my collection at the speeds you do! :lol:

Ha, its easily done once you start digging into different genres or other pressings of the same record etc. Only tips I can give are to Be Picky about what you buy, at the end of the day its your money and you want to make sure you're happy with what you buy. I've had records that are sub par in quality and then a few months later another label issues the same record but better quality for the same price. Also don't go looking for the special RSD ones as a few months later usually re-presses of the same record are done and the cost is usually a little cheaper. However also some of the RSD items can be worth picking up but I wouldn't let it get you down if you miss out and certainly don't fall prey to the flippers/scalpers on ebay or discogs as give it a little while and the prices stabilise.

Enjoy buying records but it can be addictive and cost a fortune. I've currently got another 13 records on order due to arrive over the next few months also I have my eyes on a few more with also a request to a friend whose new album is coming and I have two orders for that too. Get friendly with your local store owner too as they will learn what you're into and turn you onto limited pressings and new releases you may miss otherwise.

The Schitt should see you well and give you some good flexibility with different cartridges should you wish to experiment. @coryclifford is a Schitt user so he maybe able to offer some advise regarding your purchase.
It works! Success! Just partial success, however. The right speaker isn't producing any audio through the input the deck is connected to. I'm guessing I'm going to have to split the right RCA open at this point because the speaker itself works on any other input besides that.

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I've been rather busy lately so I haven't been able to update my purchases on here, but considering my latest batch pushed me over the 300 album mark I figured I probably should. I'm not really sure which of the 4 would really be considered the 300th album either, but considering Black Sabbath's Master of Reality was the very first album I ever bought on vinyl, I'm going to say one of the 2 Sabbath albums are the lucky album. :lol:

Epica - Omega
Elton John - Madman Across the Water
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell & Mob Rules


The Epica album also came on glow in the dark vinyl, which seems rather useless but is cool none the less.


I am also planning on slowing my collecting a little as admittedly I've been getting a little out of hand with it. I'm certainly not stopping my collecting but will be far more selective on what I pre-order as that has been what my primary issue has been.
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Well last week had the release of the new DJ Muggs the Black Goat instrumental Hip Hop LP. However mine has been in the post since last week so only arrived yesterday.

A fantastic Gothic/Horror Hip Hop album all instrumental and vocal samples taken from films and TV only no rapping at all. It’s also got some Trap sections which I’m not a massive fan of. Overall it’s a good dark album and will play nicely with the Clipping albums ‘There Existed an Addiction to Blood’ & Visions of Bodies Being Burned’ at Halloween.
