GTPlanet vs. Wham! Episode IV: No More Hope

  • Thread starter Daniel


User user
New Zealand
After going to the employee induction for my first job at a big retail store, I've noticed that Christmas is being advertised before Halloween even finishes! Aisles are filled with price tags saying "perfect for the kids!" or "Gifts for Him/Her." Plastic trees already line the sliding doors, and decorations have been put up. And the worst of it? Popular charting music is replaced with decade-old holiday songs that everyone pretends to like. One of those crappy songs?

Yeah, you guys know the drill:

  • The challenge is to survive the year in your time zone (no time travel, cheater!) without hearing the original Last Christmas.
  • Only the original song eliminates you. Covers (such as Taylor Swift's or Glee's) and remixes (such as Whamnam Style) don't count.
  • If When you hear the song being played, consider yourself Whammed! This means that you've been eliminated from the competition.
  • Only the audio counts. Seeing a GIF, image or muted version of the video doesn't count.
  • Hearing any part of this song warrants to a Whamming. If you start to hear what you may think is Last Christmas, continue listening to make sure it is/isn't the original rendition.
  • This thread is a safe area. Don't post misleading links to the video, or enable it to autoplay.*
  • Post here before December 1st, and you'll be added to the Original Participants list. This documents all members who will be attempting to survive for longer than a month.

*Just a warning in regards to posting elsewhere and autoplaying:
Autoplay isn't exactly fair play. We need at least one neutral area where players are safe and can check their score.That said, if you can find a way to incorporate it into another topic in a manner that isn't strictly off-topic... :D
Errr. No.
Posting fake links anywhere else in these forums with links to a Wham! video will earn you the same treatment as Rickrolling, i.e. an infraction for Useless Post / Spam.

Just so we're clear on this.
Besides cutting off your ears, here are some tactics to avoid the song this holiday season:
  • Don't trust anyone.
  • Don't listen to any radio stations that may play Christmas songs. If there's a chance they'll play Christmas music, they'll play Wham!
  • If you must go out into public for shopping, dining or any other reasons - bring your iThing for protection.
  • Don't trust anyone.
    Turn off the volume before clicking on any links.
  • Don't accept calls and links (Skype, PSN, Facebook) from other GTPers. We're all evil and cannot be trusted.
If you haven't heard the song before, I've posted the video up to. That's the only time you can listen to the official version without losing - anywhere else you hear it and you're out!
GTPlanet vs. Wham 2010
GTPlanet vs. Wham 2011
GTPlanet vs. Wham 2012
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Original Participants:

  • adam46
  • Adamgp
  • adamp93
  • Akmuq
  • Apok
  • AudiMan2011
  • axletramp
  • Azure Flare
  • Beeblebrox237
  • Bopop4
  • Brando-K
  • bluemoon_19
  • Callumfromleeds
  • Carbonox
  • Crash
  • Custom878
  • Daniel
  • Dano20
  • darren200cook
  • David
  • DaxCobra
  • Dean
  • Deko Wolf-GTPT
  • dhandeh
  • dice1998
  • disinfected
  • djinline
  • DK
  • Dooblewasur
  • DQuaN
  • Driving Park
  • E28
  • ECGadget
  • Emptyone
  • F1 Fan
  • FireEmblem10
  • Firehound427
  • GranTurismo916
  • GT HP Nut
  • GT5Power
  • haitch40
  • hawkeye122
  • Hayden
  • homeforsummer
  • Hyped
  • ilikewaffles11
  • iMikeTheKing
  • Ittybitty Stigy
  • Jimlaad43
  • Jahgee1124
  • Joey D
  • Justin
  • Katie
  • Korza
  • L8erBaby
  • lbsf1
  • mattythedog
  • Minty
  • Monatsende
  • MSTER232
  • Nero9
  • NissanSkylineN1
  • Noob616
  • PeterJB
  • photonrider
  • Pluxtheduck
  • Pupik
  • Robin.
  • Roger the Horse
  • R0ssingt0n
  • Ross
  • Rykon Zero
  • Sanji Himura
  • Sharky.
  • Shaun
  • shem
  • Sir Tuddle
  • Skython
  • Slashfan
  • SlipZtrEm
  • Small_Fryz
  • Spacegoat
  • sparkytooth
  • Stormtrooper217
  • Star
  • Stiggy
  • SVT Cobra GT
  • Taiga
  • TB
  • terminator363
  • Terronium-12
  • The Stig Farmer
  • TheBook
  • TheKitten
  • Turbotwin01
  • uMadson?
  • Villain
  • White & Nerdy
  • Wiegert
  • Yauma9
  • ziopaperone
Whammed! User Log:

  • 15/11 - axletramp - Just adding Steve here as a technicality. Out of the competition due to being frequently Whammed by his wife.
  • 17/11 - darren200cook - Taken out with a one-two punch provided by Billie Piper and George Michael, Darren is our first Whammed of the season!
  • 18/11 - Ross - Celebrate the season with our fitting soundtrack! Listen to festive classics such as Oh God I Hate These TV Specials and What the Hell Do I Get Jane This Year?
  • 20/11 - bluemoon_19 - Last Tuesday, we played some Minecraft. But the very next minute, your brother started listening to Christmas music on TV. Not as catchy but you get the point.
  • 22/11 - Firehound427 - This is the third time an advert for Now That's What I Call Last Christmas has Whammed another member! Stay safe and keep the radio off, the TV off and AdBlock on! White-list GTPlanet, of course :3
  • 22/11 - dice1998 - Whammed by fellow comrade/traitor TB. Who knows what lies within certain signatures?
  • 22/11 - Jimlaad43 - Self-inflicted Wham!shot to the head after a momentary lapse of sanity. One near casualty but they're recovering nicely.
  • 22/11 - Hayden - Older brothers - Whamming hard since 1984, those 🤬.
  • 23/11 - E28 - Whammed! at the barbershop. Too bad it wasn't a Quartet cover.
  • 23/11 - GranTurismo916 - Macy's. It's not just for Thanksgiving anymore.
  • 23/11 - Sanji Himura - Mexican food + boredom = Whammed! Why, oh, why couldn't it have been Feliz Navidad instead?!?
  • 26/11 - Star - Whammed! by TB's sig. DO NOT CLICK TB'S SIG.
  • 26/11 - Korza - Being lied to sucks. Being lied to at work about Wham! totally harshes my mellow.
  • 26/11 - DaxCobra - Last weekend, you went clubbing. But the very last song, you found yourself Whammed!
  • 26/11 - Wiegert - Every year, someone gets caught doing something they shouldn't on Skype. Don't be that guy. Turn your audio devices off. It's best for everyone.
  • 26/11 - homeforsummer - Now That's What I Call Whammed!
  • 27/11 - Daniel - You'd be a fool to think that you could survive George Michael while in a public bathroom working in retail.
  • 27/11 - L8erBaby - Much TV. Many music. Such Wham. Wow.
  • 27/11 - Ittybitty Stigy - Not fast enough to outrun George and Co. If only he'd been Megamaxy Stigy...
  • 29/11 - adamp93 - In what may be a first ever, listening to crickets would be preferable to listening to, and I shudder to actually call it this, music.
  • 29/11 - Joey D - Wham! as your ringtone?!? Two words. Dis. Own.
  • 30/11 - Noob616 - SigWhammed! Whatever that is.
  • 30/11 - SRV2LOW4ME - Something about girlfriend, wham and suck.
  • 1/12 - Emptyone - Flatmates. Don't want to live with them, can't live without them.
  • 2/12 - uMadson? - Whammed two days in a row at the same mall. The second time even with earphones in.
  • 2/12 - GT-R_EMOKID - Experienced a first-hand Wham!
  • 4/12 - MUSC4EVER - Walked right into a deathtrap.
  • 4/12 - terminator262 - Didn't follow rules 1, 4 and 6. He trusted somebody.
  • 5/12 - GT5Power - Now, now. No need to rip out the radio for next year.
  • 5/12 - Justin - Getting whammed by George Michael in a public bathroom sounds a bit suspicious...
  • 7/12 - The Stig Farmer - Whammed by Radio 1. Had angry meltdown.
  • 8/12 - Deko Wolf-GTPT - Five Whammings in a week. Looks like Mr. Michael had his way with you, Deko!
  • 9/12 - AudiMan2011 - Even hearing the initial beat of the song still warrants a Whamming!
  • 10/12 - DK - Wham, bam, thank you ma'am!
  • 11/12 - iMikeTheKing - Taken down through a drive-by Whamming.
  • 11/12 - Akmuq - Whamming someone's brains out sounds a bit suggestive, don't you think?
  • 12/12 - Brando-K - Ended the suffering through a Greatest Hits CD ad.
  • 13/12 - Robin. - Enjoyed a Wham and cheese sandwich for lunch.
  • 13/12 - Monatsende - Took the risk of listening to the radio and paid for it.
  • 14/12 - Turbotwin01 - ♪ The radio on the bus plays George Michael, Andrew Ridgeley, Last Christmas allll dayyy long. ♫
  • 14/12 - R0ssingt0n - NOW That's What I Call Christmas is taking out people left, right and centre!
  • 14/12 - hsv010 - Our first non-participant becoming Whammed! Your name won't show up on the Original VictimsParticipants list, but it'll still show up here!
  • 14/12 - F1 fan - Caved in to the Christmas cheer and got Whammed as a result.
  • 14/12 - Katie - Huw Whammed you?
  • 15/12 - Liquid - Language is not a barrier for George Michael!
  • 15/12 - Apok - Unsuccessful attempt at escaping Wham by moving countries. Wham is everywhere, Maj...
  • 16/12 - shem - Whammed in a small Chinese town. It's everywhere, I tell ya!
  • 16/12 - Stevisiov - Nice try. Maybe next year?
  • 18/12 - DQuaN - Got whammed faster than you can say "I won't get Whammed!"
  • 19/12 - Skython - Work party Whammed!
  • 20/12 - ilikewaffles11 - Cat scratch fever Whammer.
  • 20/12 - Dano20 - Happy BirthWHAM!
  • 21/12 - Small_Fryz - Whammed like by a Boss.
  • 21/12 - haitch40 - Whammed in bed sounds like a good thing, but it really, really isn't.
  • 21/12 - Custom878 - Damn you Sriracha Chicken Whamwich.
  • 22/12 - Stiggy - That'll teach you to eat.
  • 24/12 - mattythedog - So close, yet so Whammed.
  • 24/12 - NissanSkylineN1 - It was George, in the Kitchen, with the Music. (Clue, BTW)
  • 25/12 - GT HP Nut - Thrice Whammed. It's a Christmas Miracle!
  • 25/12 - Hyped - Nearly Whammed to Whammed in an hour flat.
  • 25/12 - dhandeh - If this doesn't get you to stop drinking, nothing will.
  • 25/12 - Minty - But I would travel 617 miles. And I would travel 617 more. Just to be he man who travel 1,234 miles. To still get Whammed.
Edit: Updated 27 December NZT. Eliminated Skython, ilikewaffles11, Dano20, Small_Fryz, haitch40, Custom878, Stiggy, mattythedog, GT HP Nut, NissanSkylineN1, Hyped, dhandeh, Minty
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I'm in as usual. Christmas tunes don't begin here until December, so I'm more than good. :D
I'm in. I've followed this for the past couple years and haven't been Whammed! yet. A station I like to listen to does play Christmas music, but they use a cover version instead of the original (not that it helps much).
I'm in, I've managed to make it further with each year so hopefully I can go all the way this year.:nervous:
Whamming is my business, and business is good! ... If only I was actually any good at the whole whamming thing. But I haven't gotten anyone I don't think, but they haven't gotten me either.

Oh, and I'm in.

... Speakers off! ...
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  • Post here before December 1st, and you'll be added to the Original Participants list. This documents all members who will be attempting to survive for longer than a month.

So does that mean that we're totally out if we get whammed today, and we can't try again when it rolls over to December?
Like a high risk, high reward, type deal?

Although it doesn't really matter for me now because this counts as a post.:lol:
I am so in. And just to be on the safe side this year, I'm sticking with talk back radio.
I'm in. We'll see if I can continue my luck from last year.
So does that mean that we're totally out if we get whammed today, and we can't try again when it rolls over to December?
Like a high risk, high reward, type deal?

Although it doesn't really matter for me now because this counts as a post.:lol:
I added 1st of December as a cutoff date as to recognise people who have been avoiding the song for a longer time. Someone who hasn't posted here before 01/12 but gets Whammed will be named in the Whammed User Log, but not the Original Participants.
I added 1st of December as a cutoff date as to recognise people who have been avoiding the song for a longer time. Someone who hasn't posted here before 01/12 but gets Whammed will be named in the Whammed User Log, but not the Original Participants.

Oh, so you can't just not enter until December to avoid the risks of the extra time?

Like, if I came back from vacation on November 20th, and I had heard the song on the 18th before I knew that the competition started, I would be out?
I'm in again, as well. Hopefully I'll keep Wham!-free for two years straight. :mischievous:
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Has anyone else been avoiding Last Christmas since the beginning of the year? The last time I listened to the original song was in the last few days of December while hanging out with some friends. So far, the only rendition I've heard this year was that annoying Gangnam Christmas Style mashup that Wham! and PSY did...
I'm in. I thought I got Whammed last year but the list says I didn't, so apparently I have a challenge to uphold!
I'll count myself out of this one. I don't listen to the radio of my own accord but at work I'm forced to have the local radio station playing right next to where I sit. So I'm practically ripping my ears off everyday with the likes of Swedish House Mafia, Miley Virus, Mars Bruno and that god awful passenger song that needs to be killed with acid induced fire.
Anyway, at some point or another toward the end of this month or into December I'm sure Wham will be played.
I'm with the majority of folks on here though, Christmas songs should only be played in December and Xmas itself shouldn't be advertised until December although I don't mind some of the Xmas songs.

Plus I think this will be a bad thread to admit that I actually quite like the song. My mum is a GM fan and she used to play it quite a lot when I was a kid so his music is a guilty pleasure for me......I'll get my coat.