GTPlanet vs. Wham! - Last Christmas - Round 2

  • Thread starter Daniel


User user
New Zealand
Christmas is coming around the corner in a short while so that means that every single retail store and radio station in the universe will start playing cheezy Christmas songs at some point or another. This calls for the next round of GTP Vs. Wham!

The original explanation by RouWa (who gets credit for bringing the first competition to GTP):

As you may know, Wham!'s "Last Christmas" is the most evil song on earth. It causes wars, "ear cancer" and other mean things. Once the Christmas time begins, there is no escape. The song will be everywhere. But resistance is not futile. Not this time. The members of this forum will fight. And win!

The Rules:
  • You win if you suvive 2011 (i.e. 31st December 23:59, your time zone)
  • If you lose, you get Whammed!
  • Only the original song will eliminate you. Covers, karaoke or your wife singing doesn't.
  • If you hear the intro, then you're in a sticky situation. Continue to hear it and it might be a cover, or your worst nightmare (i.e. Wham!)
  • GIFs, Images do not count. This includes the muted version of the original (so if it's on TV and hasn't started yet, hit that mute button!)
  • If you hear any part of the song (no matter how long) you're Whammed!
  • This thread is a safe area. No posting fake links (which is against the AUP) and no direct, Autoplaying videos.
  • Posting fake links anywhere else in these forums with links to a Wham! video will earn you the same treatment as Rickrolling, i.e. an infraction for Useless Post / Spam.
    [*]Any links to the official Wham song will be reported and hopefully deleted.

If you get Whammed! then post in here the hows, the wheres and the whens of your Whamming!

Some extra tips for not getting Whammed!:
  • Don't listen to the radio
  • Don't go out in public. If you have to, listen to your MP3 Player or iPod
  • Turn off the volume before clicking any URLs in the rest of the forum (hey, I didn't say you can't post it somewhere else
  • Do not (I repeat) DO NOT tell your friends, significant others, family etc that you can't listen to this song. They are all EVIL and will play it to you at the first opportunity (if they start singing it themselves, consider yourself lucky).

If you haven't heard the song before (you will have in the past if you've gone to malls at Christmas time :lol:) I am posting the official music video. That's the only time you can listen to the official version without losing.

Merry Early Christmas, and good luck! :)
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It's November!!!

Anyway, count me in, I lost last year, which lead to me auto-playing it in the thread.(And Apokalipse)

That's how I roll.:sly:
I'm in.

However I'll tell you that I know I've already lost, the location will be at work and the radio station is most likely to be GEM106 or Capital FM. The time is yet to be decided but I'm almost certain it will be before the end of the month.

I didn't get whammed last year so I'm slightly disappointed of this years inevitable outcome.
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It's November!!!

Anyway, count me in, I lost last year, which lead to me auto-playing it in the thread.(And Apokalipse)

That's how I roll.:sly:

I was told Christmas starts November 1st in the States though :lol:
I didn't get Whammed last year. :D I kinda did, from that stupid episode of Glee. Let's see if we can keep it going.
Guys, a warning from last year.

Autoplay isn't exactly fair play. We need at least one neutral area where players are safe and can check their score.

That said, if you can find a way to incorporate it into another topic in a manner that isn't strictly off-topic... :D

Not in this topic, not in an irrelevant topic and not on autoplay(Apokalipse).
I'm screwed, I listen to Heart 106.2. I'm sure they play it even in may. :(

If I catch a few seconds of intro before clicking the crap out of the mouse to mute does it still count as a listen?

At least I'm safe from random Youtube clips in the other threads.

I was told Christmas starts November 1st in the States though :lol:

It does, although some stores decide it starts mid October.(I did buy my first Christmas gift today, so it's not just a stereotype:lol:)

I know I will be whammed repeatedly as my work plays the same 10 Christmas songs(albeit with 50 covers of each song as well) over and over again starting the day after Thanksgiving(November 24) and chances are Last Christmas will be one of them.:yuck:
I got whammed on the 23rd in Wal-Mart last year. So close, yet so far. I'm hoping to make it through, I won't hear it at work, school, or hockey, nor do any of my friends know about this, so I might be able to make it through. The most dangerous place will be Wal-Mart and my house, because the local radio station (that we listen to in case it's a snow day) plays tons of cheesy Christmas music, including this song.
Don't they put that info on the internet?

Yeah, but mom doesn't care. It's not just for snow days, but she likes to hear the "local news". I hate that station, because every christmas season (so from November 15- December 26th) their little jingle that normally just says the name of the station becomes some god-awful Alvin and the Chipmunks garbage.
YES!!! I can do this, the only christmas song I ever hear is by Kev's Hey Santa Claus (PS: Don't search this up because it has a lot of bad language, swearing and stuff, remember I warned you, but if you don't mind swearing it will be a good laugh).
Damn this thread. The song is stuck in my head now. Grrrrrr. :mad: Though I assume it doesn't count if it's in my head?
I'm in.

However I'll tell you that I know I've already lost, the location will be at work and the radio station is most likely to be GEM106 or Capital FM. The time is yet to be decided but I'm almost certain it will be before the end of the month.

I didn't get whammed last year so I'm slightly disappointed of this years inevitable outcome.

Sames. No doubt they'll put it on a Christmas cd at my work. :irked:
Just a heads up, watch out for PMs from Rocko!

'Twas a visitor message for me :lol:
Actually. Watch out for PM's etc from everyone! Check where the URL actually goes, and always keep your volume off!

'Twas a visitor message for me :lol:
Actually. Watch out for PM's etc from everyone! Check where the URL actually goes, and always keep your volume off!

Yep, Rocko sent me a VM almost got me, luckily my headphones weren't on. :D

Sort of funny how in the OP it's pretty much telling us to be as anti-social as possible. :D
The problem with this is if I decide to ask for advice regarding the layout and design of my new company web site with a link, none of you are going to click it!

I'll wait until after Xmas.

Again, no one on the site can get me with this, the only way I can fail is in shopping centres (rarely visit them) or on the radio (likely).