GTPlanet vs. Wham! - Last Christmas

  • Thread starter RouWa
RouWa doesn't post that much, so I guess I can make this year's thread again. I'll probably do it November 1st since Christmas starts in November for retail :P

Here, Christmas started 2 weeks ago for stores. By the time the 25th rolls around, Christmas is getting pretty old.
It's like people don't know how to become sick of hearing a song too many times... radio people should change it up.

As for the game, I can't participate since I work in a retail store so I'm bound to lose. Maybe I'll just keep score of how many times I hear the song then.
You're still elligible AOS. You should give it a go anyway. Last year, Shem sneakily removed it from his office playlist. Perhaps you could do the same? Last year, I made it to the end without hearing the song in the UK. Now I'm in Japan, which I thought meant that I wouldn't hear it at all, but the wife says I have "no chance" this year. We'll see what happens. Looking forward to it.
Xmas may have started for stores a few weeks back but no Xmas songs on the radio yet.

Except this song which is now in my head thanks to whom ever bumped this topic.
Looking forward to competing in this again, didn't manage it last year due to the backround radio in Primark. Christmas has been in the shops for a while here, ASDA even opened a christmas Grotto in August. :lol:
Please tell me you were being sarcastic.
My father and I walked into a witherspoons pub near wigan on teh first weekend in September. The xmas tree was already up and decorated.
We looked at each other and walked out.
I'm in for 2012. Let's see how far it goes. This contest should start in August, because that's when stores start getting ready for Christmas it seems. The earlier you're eliminated, the funnier...
That's ridiculous. I'm aware of the trend of stores/restaurants putting up their Christmas decorations earlier each year, but September is far too early. I don't blame you for walking out.
Next year I'm making a 'GTP vs Mariah Carey'. Anyone who can survive that is either very serious about it or is living in North Korea, yet is on GTP?? :odd:
I'll(or someone else if they're desperate or I'm gone) make a thread for this, for the bants, see if anyone manages it.

2 Years in a row I've been Whammed, once each time.:ouch:
I'm in again...should be interesting, I'm usually out the first week or two by my own stupidity of putting it on a Christmas station while decorating the house.
So when are we putting the starting date? November 1st? I'm down. Survived last year, will survive again.
RouWa doesn't post that much, so I guess I can make this year's thread again. I'll probably do it November 1st since Christmas starts in November for retail :P

Then how come I saw an ad saying, "It's Christmas time" yesterday? I think it was for Farmers, or Briscoes or something, can't remember what shop it was for, I just noticed the cheap christmassy logos and something about, "it's Christmas again!" Before complaining that they shouldn't be advertising it yet.

Can't wait for the Whamming season, it was fun last year, the unnecessary stress and fear of getting whammed by anyone or anything and refusing to go to shops with the excuse, "but it might play." (That confuses parents by the way, because I wasn't going to give them any explanation as then I would be doooooomed!) I also started thinking my brother or sister were GTP stalking me and were planning on Whamming me on the last day. :lol:

I just love how this GTP vs Wham turns some of us into anti-social psychos.

I'll make a new thread at the start of the month. I could assume that everyone's playing and I'll just put up a list of people who've been Whammed instead of putting up a list of participants.
I got Whammed! last year in a George Michael's store, and ever since I have despised that store.

Hint: Listen to music on your MP3 player (or iPod, or whatever people call them) when in public places. That way, if the song comes on, you will hear your own music instead.

Unless somebody puts that song on your music player, of course. :mischievous:
I'll be playing again this year. I'm going to make it. I'm going to make it. I'm going to make it. I'm going to make it. I'm going to make it. I'm going to make it. I'm going to make it.
It's like people don't know how to become sick of hearing a song too many times... radio people should change it up.

As for the game, I can't participate since I work in a retail store so I'm bound to lose. Maybe I'll just keep score of how many times I hear the song then.

Man, no kidding. Around here it's like people freaking cream themselves every time anything Christmas-related comes up and it makes them lose any perspective about how annoying and crappy the music and all the other forced corporate garbage that Christmas these days entails is.

I was in one store (Hobby Lobby) this year that started putting their stuff out just after the Fourth of July! Even the store employees thought it was ridiculous.
I'm in. Last year I made it to within 4 days of Christmas before hearing it (in a club of all places). Best plan of action is to stay away from those for the next few months.
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I'm in.

I was in Germany last year, so I had a good run before hearing it. Now I'm back in the UK, I'm not so sure, but we can only hope.
I'll try but I don't want to put my iPod on so loud in public that if there's a car crash or a meteor strike etc. behind me I won't hear it, so I'll just ride my luck :lol:
I might join this, and see if I can pass the Christmas without hearing this song.
Who knows, I may not even remember hearing this song (and posting on the thread)! :lol:
I shall sing this song in my head, so as to prevent me from forgetting it. :lol:
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