from 2010-2019, did school shootings spike dramatically to 265 noted situations.
This is the one I was referring to. I mentioned the teen suicide spike and thought you'd know which "spike" I'm talking about. Everyone sort of agrees that the social media age started with facebook (not even myspace) and the first iphone. Figured you'd understand what I meant. You guys make it really difficult to have a conversation here. I don't need to make 100 citations for every word I say.
As for school shootings prior, I remember looking up the incidents and finding that they're mostly just targeted homicides that happened to have taken place in a school. When people talk about school shootings, they mean the indiscriminate, heavy casualty ones like Columbine. Filter for that and the picture becomes even clearer.
Can a 3 year old have a gun?
Why? Why is the condition upon not being fully incarcerated that you must be fully trustworthy in every respect. This seems like a recipe for never letting anyone out ever.
It's 3 AM where I live so I'll try my best again.
You have two "killers". One is a guy who accidentally reversed into a grandma. The other is a gun for hire who has killed many before in cold blood, confessed to it, volunteered to provide evidence, and was convincted. Why would you take away the rights from the first after he'd served his sentence, and why on earth would you let loose the latter?
You seem to have reconsidered a little... you dropped much of what made the original statement ridiculous and are now focusing it only on people who have been incarcerated for a crime. I'll take this as BIG progress, even if I didn't get an open and clear recant and apology for the wasted time.
I'm not reconsidering anything. You guys jumped to a crazy conclusion just from having two somewhat unrelated sentences in succession. The word "trust" should've cleared any doubt and you could've/should've asked for a clarification. I've wasted just as much if not more time so if we're giving away apologies I'll take some too.
Someone who beats up his wife once should probably never be allowed to buy a gun ever again. So we're talking life in prison for assault? Why should he never be allowed to buy a gun again? Because if has beaten a spouse there is too high a chance that he will use it in that kind of scenario.
One of two things should happen to that person:
A) You trust that he learned his lesson and will no longer beat women, then he's released from prison with all his rights restored.
B) A judge or jury think he's an irredeemable POS who will offend again and therefore should rot in a prison cell.
What on Earth? I cannot even begin to follow this. It means I don't think they should be in jail.
I'm guessing you're in favor an option C? Where a wife beater isn't sent to jail but instead walks freely with limited rights? Sorry, no. I don't like that. You can't rehab someone like that in the wild or with a ******** restraining order or whatever. Also, voting rights aside, denying someone a right to defend himself using a gun could be worse than sending him to prison.
Well you are actually in this post. You're backing down from the "someone who can't be trusted with a gun" position into an "anyone who was found guilty of harming society and went to jail for it, a place where he/she can no longer harm others, should stay there until a judge or jury determine they're trustworthy again", position.
I'm going to write this again because it's so absurd. I'm not backing down from anything. Trust has nothing to do with training or licensing. It's CLEARLY in reference to the original topic, which is background checks. I mentioned the training thing in the middle (which btw, I'm almost certain mentioned a long time ago) as an off-hand just to answer the guy's question and immediately went back to background checks.
You guys are just primed to jump people who disagree with you, or maybe it's just me.
I don't know. But I do know that guns make school shootings easier to carry out and more deadly in many cases.
Every piece of technology that can make life better will also make it more dangerous. You have to live with the risks.
We don't have much gun control in America so... yea you won't be seeing those studies. What made you think you'd see them?
They're not difficult to produce. They just wouldn't show what your government wants them to show. That's why we're not seeing them.
Not going to comment on whether your gun control is too much or too little atm. I'll just tell you that Saudi Arabia is far less strict than the US federal law when it comes to firearms, let alone states like Cali/NY.
This is a bad faith argument. You took my post, ignored the point, twisted it around and tried to give me a "gotcha".
Not really. What I understood is that you don't like "2nd amendment people" and the 2nd amendment. This is a tangent in any case I'd rather not get into.
because I don't want the 2nd amendment repealed
Banning private sales is* the first step towards that. You already have a defacto gun registry. You know what comes next, right?
I pointed out, correctly, in response to your "learn the hard way" post, that the very people who want loose gun control are turning against the country. You made assumptions about me you probably shouldn't have.This is not an argument in favor of trusting them or of giving them more guns. It's a very old argument, and it's rooted in the idea that you can overthrow your tyrannical government. But what's actually happening is those people are trying to INSTALL a tyrannical government, and want loose gun control to help them out.
I don't really care which group is in favor of guns and which one isn't. I also don't like what this sounds like, if I understood you correctly. It sounds like you're saying Trump bad, Trump voters bad, Trump voters want guns, therefore gun control good?
For the record, I'm not a US citizen nor have I ever visited. I'm also not a fan of Trump being president despite him being so good to us and making US politics the most entertaining part of my life for about 6 years. Oh and I'm politically very far left. Bernie is almost a right winger compared to me. So please, do not confuse me with MTG and other morons you have larping as politicians.