Help Thread For Las Venturas Missions

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Jimmy Enslashay
Apparantly, according to the Strategy Guide, she's home in the following time periods:

02:00 - 10:00
14:00 - 18:00

I'll try going there between your time periods though.
That seems like a long time so I somehow doubt she's there that much, but I'll try those hours and GTChamps.
Still can't get her. I can't even get Katie either. Something very suspicious about this. I just want to continue through the damn heist!
You can do more heist mission but not the actual heist, I assume you've done all the missions that you can though?
Yep. Only other mission I can do is "A Home in the Hills", and I will need a fair bit of weaponry and ammo for that, which I don't have the money to buy enough of, at the moment. That's why I want to do the Heist first, as I assume you will get a fair bit of money out of that.
Jimmy Enslashay
Still can't get her. I can't even get Katie either. Something very suspicious about this. I just want to continue through the damn heist!
I heard that you can kill her and then her house becomes available and you can go in and get the keycard. But I didn't have much difficulty with her. If she wasn't home, I just went to my house in Prickle Pine saved and camed back. If she still wasn't there, I just did the same. Eventually she turned up.

Tried that a bit, but probably not enough.

It's the only real frustration I'ev had with this game (apart from Air Raid, but that was because it was extremely hard, not because I couldn't actually attempt it).
How many terririties do I must take over to continue at sweet?
I can't remember. It was a good few. I didn't keep count. When you have enough done, you'll get a phone call to let you know you can go back to Sweet.

This really frustrated me. They should have let you know how many territories you needed to continue. I kept taking over territories and coming back and being told to go away and do more. It was just so bloody boring doing the same thing over and over and over again.

Damn! End of the lines is pretty hard.
Any suggestions? I just need to get out of the building and I came to the 1st floor but I always die.
Damn! End of the lines is pretty hard.
Any suggestions? I just need to get out of the building and I came to the 1st floor but I always die.

Not real advice, but just keep trying. You'll get better at aiming the fire extinguisher, thats where I was loosing time at least.
The only part I had real trouble was with the fire also. Don't put out any fires that aren't blocking your path and if you just take your time with each fire you should still have enough time to make it out. Also, kill everyone down by the machines first. After I finaly put out all the fires I only had 18 seconds left so I just ran like hell past all of the gunners and barely made it out.
God, I finally finished "A Key to her Heart". Millie gave me a call, I gave her some Flowers, and got to 35%. I tried to kiss her twice, both times she pushed me away. Anyway, I'm glad I finally finished that.
Haha, that would be a sight to see. :lol:

But I dressed up in the Gimp Suit plenty of times, but when I finally got to date her, I was in a Base 5 Hood, Blue Jeans, etc. So I don't really think it does as much as people think.
Cosmic you could always do the firefighter missions and become fireproof. lol, i only had to do it twice, second go was easy just put out the fires you have to, oh and use the m4 aewsome gun
Finally I finished the "end of the line" mission :embarrassed:
And I've got a question. This strange. I haven't done atleast 5 mission for wuzi.
And the problem is , I still got mission to do for wuzi but he never call me.
Should I go back to LV and then I get a call? Help me :D
If you haven't got a call, that's because you have missions to do. If you haven't got missions to do, you probably haven't got the Keycard from Millie. The whole Heist thing isn't needed to complete the main story, just like Zero's missions.

If there isn't a green Dollar Sign in the Four Dragons Casino, that means you need the Key Card. If there is, follow it and enter the Red Marker.
Damn! End of the lines is pretty hard.
Any suggestions? I just need to get out of the building and I came to the 1st floor but I always die.
The only part I had trouble with was getting through the fire. I saw I was running out of time so I only stopped to put out fires that I had to. And even then I had high health and armor so I ran through a couple of them. I made it with 0 seconds and bugger all health to spare. I thought I'd screwed up so I threw my controller on the ground in frustration, only to see CJ dive through the flames and run out safely into the street!

The last part I had no trouble with. I managed to finish this mission first try, but I may have just been lucky.

He's a generous bloke. I'm still waiting for Millie to be home. Where can I find the other lass you can date? Following the patten, I'd guess Helena was in San Fierro, but I don't know where. Can anyone help me?
Kill millie so did I and you will get a call and then you can countinue in the game.
I hated beacuse she didn't liked the places where I took her :D
Edit : I finished all garage missions in SF and now I'm working on the zero missions.
Kill millie so did I and you will get a call and then you can countinue in the game.I hated beacuse she didn't liked the places where I took her
If you wear the leather gimp outfit on dates, you don't take her anywhere. You just go inside her house and go at it.

gt3 drifter
is kirean murphy still there
KieranMurphy*. And what does that have to do with anything? :confused:
Where can I find the other lass you can date? Following the patten, I'd guess Helena was in San Fierro, but I don't know where. Can anyone help me?
First of all, there's more than one "lass" you can date. I'll list them and where they are for you:

Denise Robinson - Gang Girl - "Burning Desire" mission. Save her from the burning building and you have her as a girlfriend.
Michelle Cannes - Mechanic - Inside the Turning Tricks Driving School in San Fierro. Stands next to the water cooler.
Helena Wankstein - NRA Nut - Ammu-Nation in Blueberry, Red County. On the exterior Shooting Range balcony.
Barbara Schternvart - Cop - Sheriff's Parking Lot. El Quebrados, Desert.
Katie Zhan - Nurse - Avispa Country Club, San Fierro. Practicing Tai'Chi at the edge of the Golf Course. (Stay away, she's mine!)
Millie Perkins - Caligula's Casino Croupier - "A Key to Her Heart" mission.

Stay away from Katie! :lol: