Hot Wheels and Matchbox Customizing Thread

  • Thread starter CodeRedR51

Or maybe something smaller, but I'd try sawing it off, sanding the imperfections in the work then painting over it.
Well one thing I did with the Hamada was use a cutting disk to cut it off then smooth it out. I am wondering if there is a easier and less risky method.
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Here's the Camaro.
It was black. Brought it down to bare metal again. With my fingernail. :mad:
Any thoughts?

Paint it black :lol: /troll

Saw that on Epic Collage yesterday. Snister 👍

Wanting a spoiler delete on this Honda Civic.
Any tips for removing the spoiler?

Get a big hand-held file and go fot it, and then refine everything with your cutting disc. Or if you don't mind diminishing a lot of your disc'c life, go for it with the disc itself.

Now, people, including @Clark :

These should be done by tonight to participate in a nation-wide contest tomorrow. I'll report back tomorrow (:
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That Porsche is pretty damn brilliant

Then again, anything with Martini striping is pretty damn brilliant. Nice work!
Get a big hand-held file and go fot it, and then refine everything with your cutting disc. Or if you don't mind diminishing a lot of your disc'c life, go for it with the disc itself.
Can you post a picture of it please? Not entirely sure I know what you are talking about.

Nice job with those Porsches by the way! :)👍
Paint it black :lol: /troll

Saw that on Epic Collage yesterday. Snister 👍

Get a big hand-held file and go fot it, and then refine everything with your cutting disc. Or if you don't mind diminishing a lot of your disc'c life, go for it with the disc itself.

Now, people, including @Clark :View attachment 147551View attachment 147552
These should be done by tonight to participate in a nation-wide contest tomorrow. I'll report back tomorrow (:

Would love to share these next weekend Cano. They look amazing.
Aaaaand we didn't win a thing. My Brumos came in second, Ahmed's Martini wasn't in the first three spots, even tough by the points judging system used by the organizers, my car was at least 2 points bellow Ahmed's. Which means first and last time we participate in this crap. When not even a points-based system, which is, er, basic arithmetics, won't assure you the judging is let alone fair, just good, well, there's not much to say. We'll see how they fare at the convention.


Would love to share these next weekend Cano. They look amazing.
Do it. I give you permission. Don't need to wait for Cano. :P

No, wait wait wat :lol: I myself can't even give perision for this, at least not by myself. I'll ask Ahmed, as we produced these things as Custom Diecast México, as a team. If he says yes (which I'm almost sure he will) I'll send over some pics of the finished cars (which look bad-ass btw), along with other entrys of the blog, John. Been like a month we haven't been in Lamley's custom posts.
You may as well. You're already getting viewers on Facebook without your other buddies' consent. I haven't gotten a feature on Lamley's weekly in a long time! Then again, I haven't made anything impressive lately.

Aaaaand we didn't win a thing. My Brumos came in second, Ahmed's Martini wasn't in the first three spots, even tough by the points judging system used by the organizers, my car was at least 2 points bellow Ahmed's. Which means first and last time we participate in this crap. When not even a points-based system, which is, er, basic arithmetics, won't assure you the judging is let alone fair, just good, well, there's not much to say. We'll see how they fare at the convention.

Loses a competition: immediately blames it on judgement criteria because it didn't go the way you envisioned and quits. You lost some of my respect. :lol:
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You may as well. You're already getting viewers on Facebook without your other buddies' consent. I haven't gotten a feature on Lamley's weekly in a long time! Then again, I haven't made anything impressive lately.

Loses a competition: immediately blames it on judgement criteria because it didn't go the way you envisioned and quits. You lost some of my respect. :lol:

I got viewers on Facebook and in here with Ahmed's content, but I don't know if you noticed that the cars aren't finished yet in those pics? Go look again, no tires! no glass! No interior! At least in the cars, lol.

And I didn't envision the judging system, they did, based on mathematics, and they were wrong, not I. Did you read my post correctly, or do I have to teach you how to sum?

EDit: to clarify, they were wrong when judging, not when envisioning the judging system, which should work npretty well. But somehow, doesn't.
I should really get 'round to finishing off that 540K. Had the wheel donor for about a year. :lol:

What's the progress on the hard top @Cano?
Well, all you're telling me is that they're wrong. No explanation, no reasons why and how, nor solutions proposed. It's difficult to convince me otherwise if you can't back up your statement.

Adapt to the competition if you want to win. Most people back off and complain all the time. It ain't new.

You win your local comps, you are happy. You lose, you complain. Remember that Lamley contest? It wasn't your rules, if you didn't win, tough luck. I thought my keyring M3 was a wicked idea. Wasn't even a runner-up, and I didn't even complain about judging.

Tell me how their judging system was wrong, pal. :P
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Tell me how their judging system was wrong, pal. :P

No no, their system was all right as I wrote in the last post (altough it could use a bit of criteria, as hand-fabricating half a car counts the same points as, say, applying a window net) but I'm not going to write a wall of text just to explain it to you, come on. Suffice to say it was based on adding up points over a stablished criteria and that's it. They somehow applied it wrong.
Based on what you said, you wanted the judge to favor who did more physical labour. Using your given example, you felt it was unfair someone who added one measly net would beat the one who redid a whole livery and paintjob.

If in an example contest more points are given to those who put more work into it, if I submitted a custom where I took 4 different batmobiles and fused them all with a school bus, dump truck and a Willy, painted it 7 different colours and gave it 12 extra axles, a surfboard and spoiler all on top of a roof rack I built from scratch, my custom would beat yours and Ahmed's. Then of course, you'll jump in and tell me I should not have won that contest with that atrocity, even though I spent 30 hours more than you building that thing. Well guess what? If the criteria rewarded those who put time into their work, mine would best yours, regardless of how ugly it may be. I played within the rules and beat you fair and square.

Who's to say that isn't the case at your recent contest? All you say is that they're wrong. What if you just didn't understand their criteria or know what it was they were really looking for? You're not the judge, you joined the contest under their ruling and criteria. Adapt a little, would you?
Based on what you said, you wanted the judge to favor who did more physical labour. Using your given example, you felt it was unfair someone who added one measly net would beat the one who redid a whole livery and paintjob.

No. The example I mentioned was in another category, not the one where the Porsches participated. Ahmed brought in a Sharknose Ferrari (a custom ypu'd love, btw) which has handmade interior, engine and suspensions, yet all of this accounted for the same as other car having a window net. But I guess I should have mentioned that in my previous post to avoid confussion 👍

Also, I NEVER mentioned there was a rule at all on how ugly or pretty a car has to be, so the example you gave about the bus is moot. No rule was ever written around style nor even that you car had to stick to reality. A Ferrari P4 that was hinged won, even if it the rear hatch was hinged backwards when the real car opened the other way around. The contest didn't have a theme, so that wasn't judged. If the car had good work in it, that's all that counted.

Who's to say that isn't the case at your recent contest? All you say is that they're wrong. What if you just didn't understand their criteria or know what it was they were really looking for?

And there is nothing to not understand, it was a points system where everything added up. As I said above, their criteria was that there was no criteria, just points to add. In my first post about this I explained why they did it wrong.
Their criteria was that there was no criteria, just points to add.

So you knew about it before you submitted. Submission means you've acknowledged and agreed to to however way they're judging it, which included gaining lots of point for doing so little.. like that backward-hinged P4 for example. It just so happened the stuff you did did not amount to victory. Oh well, better luck next time.

I'm trying to get you to realize there's only so much to really complain about the contest after you already entered it. Every contestant went through the same judges (that's fair in of itself); they liked someone else's work more than yours, you have no physical way to control what the judge likes/dislikes, thus there is very little to complain about if you win or lose.
So you knew about it before you submitted. Submission means you've acknowledged and agreed to to however way they're judging it, which included gaining lots of point for doing so little.

No, that was the problem, too. In the PDf file they distributed the basic rules were covered, but not the exact judging points. As such, Ahmed lost more than seven points in one category, I lost 3 in other for things that could have been easily prevented had the rules been clear.
I have a wheelswap to share, but by no means is the car complete. 1970 ('71?) Challenger Hemi wheelswap. I have to say, the slight change is a huge improvement to me. Before picture on the top, after on the bottom.

