How fast can you lap Trial Mountain?

  • Thread starter Lexijag
Sorry Batiittos, perhaps I should have been clearer - by "you" I was just meaning people in general, people who use it all the time to win instead of competing fairly, such as my little cousin :). But as far as setting laps, it sure is fun to push the limits of every car in the game huh. I watched your video and that was great technique dude keep it up.

What cars have people used to set sub 1:20 laps so far?
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Its a great drift car and possibly the most well rounded Japanese compact, but you mean the LM edition right? Definitely one of the best, but with the AE86 I always feel like it needs an extra 200hp........time to bolt on another and go twin turbo ;)
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Yes it is known as "the car that trains it's driver", now I have 86 on the brain, I'm gonna have to go drift TM in it....
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My fastest time in Escudo for Trial Mountain is 1:02.258 from 2009. But overall fastest time known to me is 1:00.722. I dont know how he did it though.

Sorry for the bump, just wanted to share this. The 1:00:722 run is definitely possible, but not by normal means:

-vid has been removed-
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Do it! Also, I've got some experience with surprising results. When I did a comparo at at a mild-tuning state, using semi-race suspension which isn't adjustable but is a fixed stiffening, the car that came out on top wasn't a Supra or RX-7, it was an FF, the Spoon Integra, because it had very stiff springs to begin with. The result was an almost uncontrollable bouncy mess, but holy crap was it fast! Even without being able to achieve anything close to a perfect lap this car was still faster than anything else, and way faster than it should have been given the peaky engine. My conclusion: while it may be work and consistent lapping will be impossible, the fastest times are produced with stupidly stiff suspension setups. So try the Escudo with stupid stiff springs and see what happens.

My old comparo:

Although, when you say you don't think that bumping is bad, you mean you'll go full speed into the back corner and ride the wall, right? While I personally don't count such a lap as valid in my comparisons and hot laps, I'm not sure that the 1:00.722 time didn't use that strategy (which I believe has been found to be faster around Trial Mountain.) Post a video if you can.
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Do it! Also, I've got some experience with surprising results. When I did a comparo at at a mild-tuning state, using semi-race suspension which isn't adjustable but is a fixed stiffening, the car that came out on top wasn't a Supra or RX-7, it was an FF, the Spoon Integra, because it had very stiff springs to begin with. The result was an almost uncontrollable bouncy mess, but holy crap was it fast! Even without being able to achieve anything close to a perfect lap this car was still faster than anything else, and way faster than it should have been given the peaky engine. My conclusion: while it may be work and consistent lapping will be impossible, the fastest times are produced with stupidly stiff suspension setups. So try the Escudo with stupid still springs and see what happens.

My old comparo:

Although, when you say you don't think that bumping is bad, you mean you'll go full speed into the back corner and ride the wall, right? While I personally don't count such a lap as valid in my comparisons and hot laps, I'm not sure that the 1:00.077 time didn't use that strategy (which I believe has been found to be faster around Trial Mountain.) Post a video if you can.

U mean wall grinding? I don't drive like that myself, personally, I meant bumping this thread.

I had caught the grass in the beginning of the second lap by accident, was having major issues controlling my car. Also, the car turned in a bit too sharp on another corner, causing me to tap the wall later in the run.
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U mean wall grinding? I don't drive like that myself, personally, I meant bumping this thread. I had caught the grass in the beginning of the second lap by accident, was having major issues controlling my car.

Oh, duh, took karelpipa's reply out of context. And yeah wall grinding is what they called it, and I think it was the fastest way around that corner? I've never done it on purpose, so I'm not a master of that skill and can't say from experience, but I thought I heard that wall grinding that particular corner was faster and so considered a cheat in GT2 if you're going for hot lap times.
Oh, duh, took karelpipa's reply out of context. And yeah wall grinding is what they called it, and I think it was the fastest way around that corner? I've never done it on purpose, so I'm not a master of that skill and can't say from experience, but I thought I heard that wall grinding that particular corner was faster and so considered a cheat in GT2 if you're going for hot lap times.

It is, that I know of: Wall grinding involves entering a corner at top speed and grinding around the outside wall to complete the turn, a good way to wreck ones car in real life.

In my case, my car turned in too sharp in that corner, causing me to tap the wall a bit.
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Nice, though it looks like if it were possible to control the Supra there may be another second left on the table there. Loads of down force on your hybrid helps. About what level would that be, do you know? 85/150 or something like that? Didn't seem like it was using the Escudo/Ford GT tires, though. You know how to add those to your hybrid?
Thx and I agree. Car is extremely hard to control on this course, due to the bumpy road.

Downforce is a lot higher on this car 225/255, putting more emphasis on handling and sacrificing a lot of top speed. I can get the Escudo/Ford GT tires, but decided to go with the Viper tires (they grip pretty well).
@Zero McDol no offense for not believing you before that the 1:00.7 time must be gamesharked or something, but I don't know your driving. If @karelpipa doesn't think he can get under 1:02 though, well I know he's not just good but one of the best, and if he says it I gotta believe it. So yeah, I guess under 1:01 is not reachable by "normal" means.
The Escudo can be VERY fast, but it needs proper setup for suspension, LSD and such. And i dont know 100% how to set it.
I ran my best hybrid just to test it.

It's a 3000+ hp Escudo with lots of setup done to its suspension. Somehow it grips to the ground... most of the time AND is fast in the straights.

Technically the lap isn't clean, I hit walls 2 or 3 times, but this was my cleanest lap out of 8... that's telling how hard this car is to drive ^^'

I wonder how much I can get out of a stock Escudo but i'm too lazy to try. And kinda bored of playing GT2.

I ran my best hybrid just to test it.

It's a 3000+ hp Escudo with lots of setup done to its suspension. Somehow it grips to the ground... most of the time AND is fast in the straights.

Technically the lap isn't clean, I hit walls 2 or 3 times, but this was my cleanest lap out of 8... that's telling how hard this car is to drive ^^'

I wonder how much I can get out of a stock Escudo but i'm too lazy to try. And kinda bored of playing GT2.

Oh ho man, that was an awesome run, Great Job :D. I can empathize with the bored feeling, I'd feel about the same if I wasn't still tweaking my hybrids.
I've been making hybrids since 2009 and playing GT2 since 1999 so yeah... I've been through GT2 inside and out x) Such a great game for its time though.
I've been making hybrids since 2009 and playing GT2 since 1999 so yeah... I've been through GT2 inside and out x) Such a great game for its time though.

Indeed and this track is tough for the high hp set up, currently at a very sloppy 0:48:732, I'll make a vid if I get a cleaner run/better time than my current.

Again, Great job on the lap :D
This is probably one of the toughest tracks I've had to run on, for this hp lv. After wanting to pull my hair out numerous times, here it is. Tons of mistakes in my lap, but did the best I could:

Ty :D, your car is very well balanced as well, I especially like the higher revs you got out of the motor, and I did a lot of minor tweaks on it: The weight reduction, and tires are both from the viper, and I balanced the downforce front and rear to the point where neither end sits lower than the other at full speed.

Edit: I also used the Cusco Impreza clutch, flywheel, and brakes.
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So, this is what i got now. I can go under 1:03 if i clean the lap. I lost almost a second just in the sector 4 against my best sector time.
Suspension needs some tweaks too.

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