How many replies can we get??

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bigblocksrule- If you're honestly 43... you're the oldest member that I know of. ;)
dude, kyle, I just saw that you have a Sony Vaio..., :thumbsup:

I have a vaio also, but it's not the cool lap top like your's :frown:

It's just the PC, it's pretty small though. The actual HD and crap is about the size of a 3-ring binder. The monitor is about as big as a notebook. Very clean computer, I'm very impressed with it, but I'll be upgrading soon cause I've had it too long.

And Kyle, WTF do you have 11 computers in your house?

We have like 3 PCs, and 2 laptops, and that's too many IMO...
my dad is a computer specialist/ lan administrator......he can bring home anything from his camera, pc's...everything its pretty cool...he netowrked everything in our house....everything can be controlled by 2 remotes...dishwasher, comps, garage, locks, jus about everything
yea the sony vaio is like 1 1/2 inches weighs nothing...very fast and it doesnt heat up that much so it doesnt burn up on ur lap ....which is really cool
I wish my Dad could bring stuff home from work, but we'd have no where to park a ****
ing airline... :lol:
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