**How Old R GT racers??**

  • Thread starter alex_gt
Originally posted by Angel O'Death

prolly cause
:note: Your a SUPERFREAK Superfreak! Your Super FREAKAY!

just thought of somfin...maybe that song didn't make it's way out there? oh well :P


Oh, I definitely remember that song.
Somehow I've gotten passed 30, although it still seems odd. At least I still get carded for smokes on occasion. Although that's becoming rarer.

And if I'm a freak for being that old, well, AT LEAST I OWN MY OWN CARS! :smilewink j/k. well........
38 yoa, with wife, six kids, 3 cats, and all three versions on Gran turismo.
Convinced the wife that the kids would love the PS2 (they do),
Have been Playing GT for three years.
I'd say it's quite a range, from age 12 age 56. and the ages are spread fairly evenly.

some of you oldies 20 and up still seem like freaks. I would have never guessed some of you (particularly vat_man) to be that old.

Although I'm wondering if I should take offense at being called old.

Bimmerkid44 wasn't even alive when I graduated from high school.

And it's likely I wasn't much more than walking when Rick Nelson was graduating. (The singer?)

The ego takes another blow....

GIL: six kids?!? and I thought I had it rough with 8 parrots and a wife

At least I can :cheers: some of you under the table

Originally posted by Der Alta
I'd say it's quite a range, from age 12 age 56. and the ages are spread fairly evenly.

Although I'm wondering if I should take offense at being called old.

Bimmerkid44 wasn't even alive when I graduated from high school.

And it's likely I wasn't much more than walking when Rick Nelson was graduating. (The singer?)

The ego takes another blow....

GIL: six kids?!? and I thought I had it rough with 8 parrots and a wife

At least I can :cheers: some of you under the table


They're great kids ages 10-17, All boys, keep me on my toes.
Can't think of a better way to live my life (until grandkids) :D
Ugh, had to bring this up again? Sometimes I really hate being reminded of my riping timeline, the chronoligical order of life which leads to an ultimate physical end to this capsole that I carry with me every day.

*deep breath* 28 approaching 29 quickly *exhale gentlely*


Actually it's not too bad, the journey is pretty cool! :thumbsup:
As some of you might know I am a big 15 years old old. I was stunned whenever Zero made me a birthday thread and everybody thought I was older. I guess I am just cool that way. :cool:
Originally posted by Pako
Ugh, had to bring this up again? Sometimes I really hate being reminded of my riping timeline, the chronoligical order of life which leads to an ultimate physical end to this capsole that I carry with me every day.

*deep breath* 28 approaching 29 quickly *exhale gentlely*


Actually it's not too bad, the journey is pretty cool! :thumbsup:

Remember, youth and skill rarely win out over age and treachery 😈
Originally posted by rhnelson

Are you really? :eek: My dad is a little (by "little" I mean a LOT! :P ) older than you, yet I don't think he's ever touched a video gaming console in his life... I think he's afraid of them. *giggles*

Originally posted by Gil
Remember, youth
Cr•p! I thought you were reffering to me! :D


Looks like other than Bimmerkid, I'm the youngest who has posted so far (14), though I know there are many 13 yr-olds running around somewhere.

This has really surprised me... I would expect more teens, but most of the people who have posted in this thread are 20 and up. Veerd.

D••n, I look like I'm a freakin' 5 year old compared to everyone here... *suddenly feels n00bish*
Originally posted by youth_cycler

Are you really? :eek: My dad is a little (by "little" I mean a LOT! :P ) older than you, yet I don't think he's ever touched a video gaming console in his life... I think he's afraid of them. *giggles*

Until GT3 I'd never tried one either. Then my kids rented it one weekend and I was hooked. The graphics and feel of the driving is pretty realistic. And the game's a great stress reducer after a day at work. (When "Dilbert" first came out I was sure the author worked in my office :-) ). I have to concentrate on racing and quit thinking about work. Works better than beer, and my wife knows where I'm at :-)

D••n, I look like I'm a freakin' 5 year old compared to everyone here... *suddenly feels n00bish*

It doesn't matter on the net how old you are, it's how you act.

"On the net, nobody knows I'm a grandfather" :-)

turned 17 in April, been with GT since GT1 (think it must have been early '98).
Since when have you all been playing?
Originally posted by rhnelson
Until GT3 I'd never tried one either. Then my kids rented it one weekend and I was hooked. The graphics and feel of the driving is pretty realistic. And the game's a great stress reducer after a day at work.
Wow. Just think... someone who was introduced to the video gaming world just because of Gran Turismo... cheers!

Originally posted by rhnelson
(When "Dilbert" first came out I was sure the author worked in my office :-) ).
LOL... Dilbert is my favorite comic too (well, actually, I'd have to say it ties with "Get Fuzzy," though they're two totally different comics).

Originally posted by rhnelson
I have to concentrate on racing and quit thinking about work. Works better than beer, and my wife knows where I'm at :-)

Originally posted by rhnelson
It doesn't matter on the net how old you are, it's how you act.

"On the net, nobody knows I'm a grandfather" :-)

Well, nobody knows that I'm an uncle. :D (Oops...)


Looks like Kyle ties with Bimmerkid... Now I'm the third youngest to post... :)
Wow what a wIcKeD response....:splat:

I never new that so many age groups could be :gt: Racers....

We'll have to compare lap times for each age group....:lol:

See if the Older ones are slower.....
Course us younger Boy Racers will woop their asses :car::gcar:

Nice one guys, no matter what age you are you can still enjoy a :cheers: and play :gt: .