How the heck ??

  • Thread starter Duggs
Guys, my apologies BUT how the heck do you play online. I have the full Japanese CD version and I see a lot of talk about online play...but can't for the life of me see what to select to play online...
did you upgrade the game via a patch? once you go to GT TV or start it up, it tells you to patch up, good luck
I've tried that several times but i just get a message in Japanese...almost a single line with a yellow triangle above it...I've never got into GTTV as a result.

Any ideas please.
The triangle is an error message probably telling you that the download failed. It's been like this for most of us, so you're not the only one having troubles. Do you get some progress and then the error, or does it immediately give you the error? If you are at least getting some progress, I'd advise you to just keep trying.. I know it's time consuming and frustrating.

It failed several times BUT seems to remember what it had downloaded so got it all in sections...Thanks guys...