Hybrid in GT4 ^_^, save game & code in the 1st post

  • Thread starter sucahyo
Suca,i've been thinking about the wheels and wings.In a conversation before,you said that it could be possible to put a R8 wing in a caterham.Since the R8 doesn't let you change it's wing,do you think it is still possible?I mean,how do we know it's not part of the model,if you get what i mean?
Another example of this.You know some cars are avaible without any spoiler.one car i recall for example is the spoon integra.Do you think it has a specific stock wing code for that car?Or the code we(if i learn how to do it lol) may find is a generic stock wing code,that if we put in other car it gives it's stock wing?

My idea is,if the car has a specific stock wing code,then it could be possible to take off wings on other cars.For example.In a skyline,we could put the spoon's wing code to have a spoiler-less skyline(wich would be awsome).
What do you think?
My idea is,if the car has a specific stock wing code,then it could be possible to take off wings on other cars.For example.In a skyline,we could put the spoon's wing code to have a spoiler-less skyline(wich would be awsome).
What do you think?
Yes, that could work. I am thinking of testing wing after I see how Mk's GT3Edit show car part. Different car with same modification will use different code, so I think if we change the code, we could get part of different car fitted.
But remeber,gt3 didn't allowed to change wings,and in the pic it refers to body and downforce.But maybe we're lucky.Gotta do some testing.I already have that artmoney program
Ok,i've been doing some testing,it it is way more difficult than i thought...but anyway, i come to this values.They're next to nothing,but it's somehow a start for me.

08CA7974 - Changes Muffler tipe
I know it because each time i choose a different muffler type,that value changed.And the numbers were always the same for each type.Now that i think about it,i should had wrote down the values for the muffler types...stupid me *smacks head*

Ok, this one,as the description says(it somes from the txt i write when i'm testing) changes with the horse power you have.I did that in the settings menu.the only numbers that count are the first 3,the other's i don't know what they are.I tried to change the first 3,and saved.But the number on the top didn't changed,and every time i change something on the car, it goes back to the value that is supposed to have(the pre defined for each part).
I was using a VW golf IV GTI.

BTW,i was able to change names in the garage lol.It's useless,tough lol.

I also found the Ride Height adresses,but again,i can't seem to change them.Only between the radius that is avaible with the part selected.For example,if i put like 70 in there,it changes itself to 83.I tried the freeze command, and saving,thinking that maybe GT saves the car with 70.But as i don't have a way to try out the new save,i can't test it inthe real game.

Suca,could you tell how do you do it,please?And what's new on your side?

Be good.Also,ithieele,don't you want to search with us? You don't need to race.

Damn it,i tried the wing code,but it seems that the stock code is the same for all cars.Same goes to every other wing. :\
Ok,i've been doing some testing,it it is way more difficult than i thought...but anyway, i come to this values.They're next to nothing,but it's somehow a start for me.
Don't worry, it only hard at the beginning, it become easier next :).

08CA7974 - Changes Muffler tipe
I know it because each time i choose a different muffler type,that value changed.And the numbers were always the same for each type.Now that i think about it,i should had wrote down the values for the muffler types...stupid me *smacks head*
where you change it?, on tuning screen or dealer part?

Ok, this one,as the description says(it somes from the txt i write when i'm testing) changes with the horse power you have.I did that in the settings menu.the only numbers that count are the first 3,the other's i don't know what they are.I tried to change the first 3,and saved.But the number on the top didn't changed,and every time i change something on the car, it goes back to the value that is supposed to have(the pre defined for each part).
I was using a VW golf IV GTI.

BTW,i was able to change names in the garage lol.It's useless,tough lol.

I also found the Ride Height adresses,but again,i can't seem to change them.Only between the radius that is avaible with the part selected.For example,if i put like 70 in there,it changes itself to 83.I tried the freeze command, and saving,thinking that maybe GT saves the car with 70.But as i don't have a way to try out the new save,i can't test it inthe real game.
If the value revert back to original, it means you have the copy only. You still have to find the original address. I find all tuning value for supension of current car start at 00A2A6D0, this address can be used in phaste, which can be used in armax too.

Suca,could you tell how do you do it,please?And what's new on your side?
I use art of money to find the value, since it has more feature. And then I use it to find the value in phaste which has real PS2 memory address.

When try to find unknow value, I try with increase, decrease, changed or not changed type.

Be good.Also,ithieele,don't you want to search with us? You don't need to race.
Yes, more people can do faster :).

Damn it,i tried the wing code,but it seems that the stock code is the same for all cars.Same goes to every other wing. :\
I think I'll try this next.
I want to try this soo bad but there is alot of good news coming out about
psxe2 ver.9.2, If it does not come out soon I may download 9.1 anyways.
where you change it?, on tuning screen or dealer part?

In the tunning screen
If the value revert back to original, it means you have the copy only. You still have to find the original address. I find all tuning value for supension of current car start at 00A2A6D0, this address can be used in phaste, which can be used in armax too.
I use art of money to find the value, since it has more feature. And then I use it to find the value in phaste which has real PS2 memory address.
So,let me see if i got it straight.I have to find another adress to change the horsepower,because this one is just a copy,therefore,can't be changed.Is that it?And then i have to write it down,try to find it on phast,and then i can change it.right?

When try to find unknow value, I try with increase, decrease, changed or not changed type.
Yeah,i do that too.But,i put the setting to search only 4 bytes,ignoring 1 and 2 bytes.Is it right to do this?
I think I'll try this next.

Nice,ok,tell me your findings after that.

EDIT: OK,i found the adress in phast too,but,besides the part where i don't know how to change hex values lol, i couldn't change it,even putting random numbers.So,i'm thinking,and relating to the copy thing you talk about,maybe this is just a copy of the other horse power adress,that is in the dealer section.what do you think?

I will try it right now.This is frustrating,but enthusiastic in the same time lol.
BTW,i was able to change names in the garage lol.It's useless,tough lol.
You were able to change the names of the cars? Or?

(((((((((Great work by both of you guy's by the way!)))))))))
I want to try this soo bad but there is alot of good news coming out about
psxe2 ver.9.2, If it does not come out soon I may download 9.1 anyways.
the version that allow GT4 race is WIP 0.9.

So,let me see if i got it straight.I have to find another adress to change the horsepower,because this one is just a copy,therefore,can't be changed.Is that it?And then i have to write it down,try to find it on phast,and then i can change it.right?
Yes. You can use this address to find the real address, you just need to find other address that has same value as this. you can change it in art of money too. you only need phaste if you want to convert it to armax code.

Yeah,i do that too.But,i put the setting to search only 4 bytes,ignoring 1 and 2 bytes.Is it right to do this?
some variable is 1 byte, like spring rate value or camera mode. some is 2 byte like ride height. for engine code or car code it can be 8 byte.

Nice,ok,tell me your findings after that.
still trying........

EDIT: OK,i found the adress in phast too,but,besides the part where i don't know how to change hex values lol, i couldn't change it,even putting random numbers.So,i'm thinking,and relating to the copy thing you talk about,maybe this is just a copy of the other horse power adress,that is in the dealer section.what do you think?
it could be. usually horse power is calculated, so I think we can't find horse power mod using horse power value.

I will try it right now.This is frustrating,but enthusiastic in the same time lol.
Yes, but really satisfying when you can make it work :).

You were able to change the names of the cars? Or?
Maybe displayed car name.
I hope you can join too :).

Do you know where I can get much info about GT3 hybrid? especially doing engine mod with armax, not by savegame garage modifier.
Hybrid,i can change name cars,but it doesn't save (i think,i haven't tried it yet).It's just for taking screen shots for example.

Suca, look here http://www.famine-online.co.uk/gt3hybrid.html and http://pupik-gt2.tripod.com/index.htm .The last one is for GT2,but i thought it could be somehow helpful.

Well,if it has calculated horse power,then it's no use trying to hack it.It won't change.
I think the only way to increase horse power is to change the car's engine,because,if wings have the same stock code for all cars,then there's a possibility that turbos,and NA,and whatever also have the same stock codes for all cars.I don't know if i'm explaining it well,but here's an example.Imagine 2 cars, a Golf and a Skyline.They can have the exact same codes for turbo stage 1 for example.So,putting those codes on the 2 cars would be the same that buying one at the dealer store.

I'm going to try the 8 byte search to get engines codes.And possibly drivetrains.

BTW,do have a save with any changes?I mean,did you save anything you changed and it stayed there when it loaded?
If you changed the car name, Then you can buy parts at the NEW cars name Dealership!

If you changed a Dihatsu to a name of Skyline, You can go and purchase a stage 4 Turbo and all the skyline excessories from Nismo, The game will think it's a Skyline!
It doesn't work that way, i wish it did,but it doesn't.Each car has a unique code (or codes),that, until we find them out,can't be changed.If we changed the name of it(with my method anyway), only the words in the garage are changed.And that's it.

But anyway,nice thinking man.Don't you wanna join us?
Looks like PD has gotten really ugly about Hybrids, For some reason I believe they will back off once the PS3 comes out, Gt4 is almost too much for the PS2 as is, A hybrid would be too much! You can do some Hybriding in GT4 you just can't save it, If it does save it will lock up, This game checks for any changes before saving and rebooting! The only way i figuered how to do a hybrid close to the other GT game is too single out the double disc, The garage seem to be a Floating garage where the double lair disc acts as security/encryption-----Not easy to crack as is but may be so if broken down? which is something we can not do, Legally!!!
well,but they must have encrypted it in a very good way.But it doesn't mean that if enough people with knowledge got seriously onto this,it would never be cracked.In fact,i believe somewhere in the world there's a few people trying to crack it. And i think somebody will eventualy do it.It sure ain't uncrackable.A program like GT3edit would be awsome to have in gt4.

But well,enough of dreams.
The inventers of GT3edit gave up on it over a year ago, Got frustrated and pretty much will have nothing to do with it, I believe theres more to it and they got something in exchange to not use there knowledge, This did cost PD a bunch to protect, But why? So many people don't play GT4 because they are not purists and do want nice handleing super fast cars/Hybrids...
Well,yeah,but the companies surely didn't like to hear that they car could have a concorrent engine.The japanese guys probably got so pissed off when they heard that their civics and skylines had corvettes engines lol
Lol, Never thought of it like that! Strange though, I used some Civi Engines in my 996 Porches for the unique engine sounds, Speed is easy to get in all the cars but unique loud engine sounds are scarce, So I used engines from other cars based on there loudness and sound, I can't stand a quiet race car...
You ricer lol
Just kidding

Anyway, the thing that i most wanat in GT4 is engine/drivetrain mods.Just that.If i found,or suca found,or anybody found the codes for that,i would be infinitly happy.Damn,putting a FR drive train in my accord,or integra,or whatever,and drift with it would be priceless...
Yup, i'll get it going and whatever, just need a bit of time, I think I'll be a wee bit busy tonight.