I think my Cat is turning into a Zombie

  • Thread starter Pebb
Well, you can train a cat to not constantly attack back. Trust me, I have a cat I can pick up by his leg and he'll just look at you like "oh please, not this again."

Awesome. How do you do that?
YSSMAN stole my lolcat. That's like someone posting a GIF animation before Duck. :grumpy:


TVR&F_F, should I try and tell you just how many times my cats tried to bite me? I've been accused of self-injurious behavior by school officials. Cats bite humans either when the cat is hyper, or when it's being annoyed. Based on previous encounters with your posting, my guess would be that you've annoyed him.

Invisible +rep for that one :-)
I thought my cat was a zombie, it would walk into our piano....

Then the vet said it was blind :irked:

That sucks... :-|

I generally have the belief that sick pets should be put out of their misery - Lord knows I'd have a hard time saying that if it was one of our cats...
That sucks... :-|

I generally have the belief that sick pets should be put out of their misery - Lord knows I'd have a hard time saying that if it was one of our cats...
well tha cats were only allowed in the back room anyway, so we just didn't move anything in that room. Then the cat (Lizzy, mother of Ozzy and Big-cat) got cocky and started climbing furniture again... while blind. Needlessto say it eventually fell, but sadly it broke its rear leg and it was thought best to put it down.

Not much fun being a blind cat that can't walk.
Well, you can train a cat to not constantly attack back. Trust me, I have a cat I can pick up by his leg and he'll just look at you like "oh please, not this again."

Lol, i know what you mean. My cat acts the same way as well. Its easy to take advantage of him :mischievous: But i guess its too late to train a cat to do that when he is old. My sister kinda train the cat to be obedient (like a house cat) since he was young (along with his brother) Then when she moved into my family's house the cat just don't stand a chance with the new neighborhood (like on of my cat got lost and never returned back) and like this cat now sometimes gets into trouble and hurt himself (as well as hurting my parents wallet! :ouch:) But i guess that is a part of life i guess.....
You all seem to have stupid cats.

My cats will bite your face off if you mess with them. But then they'll start being all cute and you'll forgive them.
:lol: Not the 1st and will not be the last classic thread TVR.

I have 2 cats. 1 will only bite if you annoy her a lot. the other has never ever bitten me, much less hissed or attacked me. I can throw it backflip style onto the bed, hang her upside down, push her around anything (of course ive never physically hurt her) and the best i get is a meeoooww. Hahaha

Yes that only took me 3 seconds in paint.

But people are right, you can train a cat to be nice and non-zombie-like
My friend blew a whole bongload of pot smoke into his cat's face once. It slept for like 3 days. He thought he had killed it, but it must have just been traveling around the astral plane or something. But I guess that's a different kind of zombie, not the flesh eating kind.

Are you sure you should be talking about this subject matter on this website? I'm pretty sure that is in violation of the AUP since it is discussing illegal activities.

You will not use these forums to violate any laws nor to discuss illegal activities.
Are you sure you should be talking about this subject matter on this website? I'm pretty sure that is in violation of the AUP since it is discussing illegal activities.

Oh oh, but what about these?

  • You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

  • You will not use these forums to impersonate any person or entity, forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any posting, nor collect or store personal data about other users.

:rolleyes: We all know you've lived by the AUP.
This difference is I received my punishment for violating the AUP and I now accept the rules. It doesn't matter who you are or what your position is, you have to follow the rules like everyone else. I believe Duke has stepped over the line with his comment and has violated the AUP, even though he is a moderator he still must play by the AUP.

Also just for the record I never impersonated anyone but that's not the point of this discussion.
Are you sure you should be talking about this subject matter on this website? I'm pretty sure that is in violation of the AUP since it is discussing illegal activities.

Vote for Ron Paul --> problem solved.
He's not promoting it, nor do you have proof he's discussing an illegal activity. It's not illegal in every country to smoke pot. It'd be like a member saying they drove to work at 100mph every day, for all you know thier journey might be along an unrestricted section of the autobahn. There's illegal discussion and there's reading too much into too little information which may or may not with more info prove to be. Your doing the latter.
Smoking marijuana in the United States is not legal, discussion smoking a bong is bringing up the issue of illegal activities, therefore that is in violation of the AUP. I do not see what is so hard about this, either we enforce the rules for everyone or we do not have them at all.

All I'm saying is if we have members that get in trouble for talking about downloading a song, than I do not see this being any different. And before someone jumps on me, no I have not been in trouble for discussing downloading music.
Smoking marijuana in the United States is not legal, discussion smoking a bong is bringing up the issue of illegal activities, therefore that is in violation of the AUP. I do not see what is so hard about this, either we enforce the rules for everyone or we do not have them at all.

All I'm saying is if we have members that get in trouble for talking about downloading a song, than I do not see this being any different. And before someone jumps on me, no I have not been in trouble for discussing downloading music.

He never said he was in the US at the time. It's kind of like the "Fastest You Have Gone In Your Car" thread, except people say where they did it anyway.

Then of course, we can't discuss downloading music, no matter which country we are in.

edit: nevermind the 2nd part, I figured it out.
The reason I say this, was my cat tried to take a chunk out of my arm early on. However before he could get a good grip on my arm, I moved my arm away quickly.

Maybe it's a sign you should stop trying to force it into the blender.
Smoking marijuana in the United States is not legal, discussion smoking a bong is bringing up the issue of illegal activities, therefore that is in violation of the AUP. I do not see what is so hard about this, either we enforce the rules for everyone or we do not have them at all.

All I'm saying is if we have members that get in trouble for talking about downloading a song, than I do not see this being any different. And before someone jumps on me, no I have not been in trouble for discussing downloading music.

He never said he was in the US at the time. It's kind of like the "Fastest You Have Gone In Your Car" thread, except people say where they did it anyway.

Then of course, we can't discuss downloading music, no matter which country we are in.
Lkie ROAD DOGG said, first of all you don't know where he was at the time, your assuming. Secondly, and more importantly, mentioning that is not discussing or promoting illegal activities along the lines that the AUP is reaferring to. To say that it is is along the lines of a member mentioning a murder that has happened near where he lives and getting hammered by the mods because he's talking about murder which is illegal.

I would have let it drop but this is the second time in a short period of time I've seen someone pull the "illegal discussion" card out when the mods have been okay with it, a bit of common sense goes a long way in these situations. I wouldn't expect a mod to give me a warning if I said I smoked a joint once when I was in college. If I was on here saying you can download a pre-release dvd rip of Cloverfield from www.downloadcloverfieldillegally.com then I'm in breach of the AUP.
I can not believe you people thinking that Duke violated the AUP by mentioning a friend blowing smoke into his cats face..

I've smoked a blunt more than once... <- There.. Violate that...