I think my Cat is turning into a Zombie

  • Thread starter Pebb
If TVR&FF comes back as a zombie, how will we know?

Sorry, Jamie, couldn't resist... :scared:

His spelling will be way worse !...

Have you ever heard a very well-spoken zombie ?... Thought so !...
As I've said before, a good toss down the stairs will put that cat in-line, zombie or not.

That, or there is always the classic cat + burlap sack + thrown in river = end of problem situation... Thank Tom and Jerry for that one!

Not very nice young man !
YSSMAN, I hate you.

Then might I suggest you change the AUP to reflect that? If I'm reading this I assume all illegal acts are banned.

But so I am clear on this, I am allowed to discuss illegal acts as long as I don't say I'm going to go download the latest version of Top Gear? No this is not meant to be sarcastic, I'm asking an honest question here.
the AUP
# You will not use these forums to violate any laws nor to discuss illegal activities.

# You will not use these Forums for the purposes of sharing or distributing viruses, licenses, registration information, software keys, pirated commercial multimedia files (such as ripped DVD's, CD's, etc.), "cracks", or other information designed to do harm to or allow unlawful access to any computer hardware, software, networks, or any other systems.
Note which comes first - to violate any laws. Also note what is described at length in the second paragraph - using GTP as a means of breaking laws.

Mentioning illegal activities does not constitute discussing them. This should be clear by the number of open threads that exist that mention speeding, underage drinking, and any one of dozens of other topics that are illegal. A thread that mentions a 17-year-old being drunk is clearly different from a thread that describes how a 17-year-old can acquire alcohol (assuming that's illegal in your area).

Is the difference understood now?

If you're serious about this topic and need more explanation, or if you wish to discuss my actions further, feel free to contact Jordan.
When I was little, I would take my cat into the kitchen and spin him on the linoleum floor.

That encourages zombie-like behaviour.

Well i guess this must be the first sign there is something wrong with ur cat.
Smoking marijuana in the United States is not legal, discussion smoking a bong is bringing up the issue of illegal activities, therefore that is in violation of the AUP. I do not see what is so hard about this, either we enforce the rules for everyone or we do not have them at all.

All I'm saying is if we have members that get in trouble for talking about downloading a song, than I do not see this being any different. And before someone jumps on me, no I have not been in trouble for discussing downloading music.

I can not believe you people thinking that Duke violated the AUP by mentioning a friend blowing smoke into his cats face..

I've smoked a blunt more than once... <- There.. Violate that...
+1 again.

Smoking marijuana in the United States is not legal, discussion smoking a bong is bringing up the issue of illegal activities, therefore that is in violation of the AUP. I do not see what is so hard about this, either we enforce the rules for everyone or we do not have them at all.
Um, smoking pot is not exactly illegal as the chemical, Delta-9 Tetra., found in cannabis is very helpful towards AIDs & cancer patients.

As Duke also said, it depends. Jordan's rules state we may not discuss anything that violates a law or is illegal. However, this is the internet and rules on what is & what isn't illegal are up for very high debate. While it may be illegal to smoke pot for anything but medical use, it is not illegal to smoke pot in the Netherlands.
So, what happens then? The AUP states no discussion of illegal activities. Yet, if I was in the Netherlands, should I keep to this rule even though my country allows me to smoke pot? A US member can't, but what about me?
Now you can say, "Duke is in the US". True, but how do you know he wasn't somewhere else when he was with his bud? And lastly, where is the discussion? He just mentioned one thing, but it was you who turned it into a discussion.
Yeah, quote the same bloody image twice guys, I've forgotten what it looked like 2 posts ago.
between the mods, the fanboys and the antimods, this thread is going severly off topic
Yeah, lets get back to talking about the zombie cats.

Now, there's a phrase I don't say everyday...
Hmm.. would cat zombies be slow and dumb like zombie humans, or still be agile? That would be really dangerous.

EDIT: Especially set on fire. :scared:
Hmm.. would cat zombies be slow and dumb like zombie humans, or still be agile? That would be really dangerous.

EDIT: Especially set on fire. :scared:

And what if you misspelled it's name so it turned into a cat zobmie ?..