If GT Sport content updates were to be charged...

  • Thread starter alp

How much would you pay for the monthly DLC for GT Sport?

  • None. I would play with whatever I have or move on to another title.

  • 50p per car & € 2.50 per track

  • 75p per car & € 3.75 per track

  • € 1 per car & € 5.00 per track

  • € 2 per car & € 10.00 per track

  • € 2.50 or more per car & €12.50 or more per track (There is no price to deter me from getting them).

Results are only viewable after voting.
Why are you asking this? We are getting free content and a steady rate with tracks and cars.

Buying tracks will split the player in sport mode so NO.

What is the point of the question? We are getting free stuff and you want to pay? For additional things? Maybe these things will come free at a later date.

Not voted, and really do not get what your point is to this.
Considering what some people pay for on other games. Like on FIFA 19 some are paying upwards of hundreds of pounds on TOTS (Team of the Season players).

Compared to that GTS currently has a good model. If content was to be upped and you had to pay a little more, I don't mind it.

I happily pay for added content on any game if it is value for money and I've been rather invested in the game.
Having just abandoned FIFA 19 I can comfortably say it's a model no players should want to see recreated, it's a mess.

The entire game is built around reinforcing the idea that you/you're team aren't quite good enough, but maybe with a few better players....
In it's current state, no. They still need to get the content up to a reasonable level of what previous GT games offered on disc. So the monthly free updates is probably the best way at the moment.
Now, if they obtained licenses for race championships after the release of GT Sport and offered proper dedicated packs, e.g. an up to date season of Super GT, DTM, WEC, or older series such as ALMS, FIA GT, IMSA GT, Group 4, Group 5, etc. With a pack of say10+ cars and 5+ tracks and with single and multiplayer options for each, I could be willing to part some money. As that would add huge longevity to the game. But that is very unlikely. As it is now, I am just getting enough to keep me interested each month, but am not complaining.
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Much like Forza 5's launch with a small carlist, and their packs bringing in rehashed models from the past games, I'd probably avoid paying for those ones. However, in the next iterations when there is a considerable amount of vehicles, leaving it more likely that what they bring in will be new-to-the-series, I didn't mind paying for the packs. They're roughly $1 per car so that's not even remotely close to being too much.

However, the issue with GT is that there was way too many cars that that point might take much, much longer before it happens. With over 1000+ vehicles hitting the series, a lot of cars are going to have to be rehashes for quite some time, with some newer vehicles littered in-between every now and then.

I love free content, but I also don't mind supporting the franchises I enjoy as long as the price is reasonable. I really don't see PD holding onto this sort of business model outside of GTS, to be honest. The reason I believe its all been free so far is because of the general reception that it got with the lack of content on launch, in comparison to previous titles.
Sure, I'd pay. Already spent more than 150 Euros on cars. I lovingly give people who have given me hundreds of hours of this kind of fun money. Not to mention the resource to come up with more content. I don't get working adults who grind (for cars you can pay for). You can buy a 2 million car for 3 Euros. How long does it take to blue-moon for 2 million, two hours? I earn close to 30 Euros in 2 hours. So, ten times more. Why would I waste my free time mindlessly grinding and misusing this beloved hobby for much less?
At this point, though, all I desperately want more of are tracks. If there'd be a pack of new 50 tracks, I would pay up to 300$/Euros for them.
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A comment on DLC - it doesn't work for tracks in sport mode as it segregates the online users. GT5 shuffle race lobbies had a mass exodus every time Spa was selected.

On cars as DLC - it would be pretty poor to lock cars away as DLC when they've already claimed that they were future proofed before GT6.
Sure, I'd pay. Already spent more than 150 Euros on cars. I lovingly give people who have given me hundreds of hours of this kind of fun money. Not to mention the resource to come up with more content. I don't get working adults who grind (for cars you can pay for). You can buy a 2 million car for 3 Euros. How long does it take to blue-moon for 2 million, two hours? I earn close to 30 Euros in 2 hours. So, ten times more. Why would I waste my free time mindlessly grinding and misusing this beloved hobby for much less?
At this point, though, all I desperately want more of are tracks. If there'd be a pack of new 50 tracks, I would pay up to 300$/Euros for them.

Thank you !!! I have the absolute same way of thinking but when I see the poll I conclude that we are a minority. Even if I have enough money in the game I usually BUY each car I want from the DLC just to say thank you to PD ;)
I feel like PD are still 'finding their way' to appropriate monetisation. That's an ironic statement in 2019.

While Forza has almost always "found their way" often in the worst possible scenario, modern era Gran Turismo (GT5/6 and Sport) are unusual and incomparable to other games and companies out there,

Firstly I feel like they dont need to resort to the way other people do things. And yet I feel like them charging $25 like 3 months after release and then supporting the game for 2yrs and then dropping it is kind of... not what fans want.

They could go with something else so they get more money in the subsequent years like GT Sport Spec 2.0 or GT Sport 2019... I'm not sure the current way is best for consumers who actually want to pay more money for more good content but we also dont want it to turn into... well Turn 10 where its VIP and that card nonsense and $129,99 full editions.

I myself have got to the point where I just do custom races as I'm waiting for the 1.32 and this sort of slow crawl every month is kind of grating.

And yet there's a 'kid in the candy store' vibe when the DLC does hit.... I think people would pay more for tighter release schedules?

Maybe add a track and then maybe add variations of tracks too at the same time and then make use of older content in new events... who wants Zondas on Bugatti Circuit?

People dont want to pay for the current situation but there's a balance where people want to pay for *something*.
...I lovingly give people who have given me hundreds of hours of this kind of fun money...

They have not "given" me anything - I paid for the game.

Since I have already "given" them my money for the game, they can "lovingly give" me content to play the game with. :)
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But do you think you got your $25 to $59 worth in the past 18 months or so?

To answer that guys question about MTX on sub $2 mil. cars... most of us dont see the point. We get enough money in very MINIMAL day to day play to afford any $2 mil. car.

I would pay a reasonable about for some of the $20 mil. cars but even so, I saved up for the cars I needed for events (x2014, Daytona).

I have otherwise gotten every other car I needed from DWG etc. Imagine paying for a car and then getting it DWG... it happens already when you use credits.

I dont mind monetisation when you're getting something you actually need and want.

The reality is real life sucks up my money... both my cars need servicing and I work 40hrs a week so cant schedule a day at the mechanics. 42km a day in GT SPort is a fun relax after a days work.
I voted "None...". But, I have actually bought a couple of cars from PS Shop because I couldn't wait to save up the million(s) needed for them and they were reasonably priced!
Also, if they offered a pack of "Classic Tracks" (including Trial Mountain and Deep Forest) as someone suggested earlier, and it was reasonably priced, I'd think about that too.
In short, for general upgrades, improvements and giving the odd track and what have you, no, I paid already, but I would think about handing over a little for something a bit special.
My Vote was not one of the Selections.
If it were a Guaranteed Monthly DLC with 8 cars and at least 2 tracks per month
I would pay $9.95 per month, or a Year of 12 months for $99.95

I would not pay per car or Per Track.

but the 9.95 roughly works out to about $0.62 per car and $2.50 per track.

Currently, the Cars Valued at over 2,000,000 can NOT be Bought.
I'd like to see the 20,000,000 and 15,000,000 cars on Sale...
I'd Spend $9.95, maybe $14,95 on one of them.
The Fastest way to earn credits Currently in the game is about 2,000,000 credits an Hour if you don't make any mistakes.
So 10 hours of Grinding to get one of the 20,000,000 cars.

My Company bills out my time at $250.00 an hour.
So that 10 hours has a value of $2,500 to my Company.

I'd much rather put in the Hours earning REAL $$$ for my Company than spend them Grinding to earn fake credits for cars..
One Night a week I dedicate 3 or 4 hours to GT Sport with Friends.
That time, spent driving competitively with good friends has Real Value to it..
You Can't put a price on that..

But the Grinding for Credits. Is a Serious waste of Everyone time...

Put a reasonable price on the cars valued at over 2,000,000, and many of us would buy them.
Pardon my French, but Grinding Suxs... takes all the enjoyment out of the driving experience.

WE DO it, Because we are forced to do it by the design of the game.
no one Enjoys the grind !
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If I have PS4 and play GT Sport but its DLC will not be free anymore, then I guess would not spend any dollars into it because I'm not already that hardcore into playing this anymore.

But if it really catches my attention and would make me happy in the end, then why not lol. However, that's only rare though..
Oh, the 2Mil per hour event is the Pro Nostalgia 2nd race at Le Sarthe
Once you get your 1st 20mil car (Ferrari 330 or Jag XJ13 )
Tune it to Level 3 ( don't waste millage points on Level 4 and 5 )
(Level 4 only gets you 1% xtra HP, Level 5 Gets NO xtra HP)
6:50 to 7:10 per race.
9 races back to back will take about 65 minutes
9 x 240K = 2,160,000

I didn't know the PS camera's mic was hot...
Sorry about the background coughs.
I'm fighting off Bronchitis...

If we were to pay, and i am not against the idea, the game needs to be broadened. Imho we have a ton of road cars and high end race cars but something like a btcc pack, 300 odd hp and some smaller real life tracks, would appeal. As would a pack of historic race cars with historic tracks.

Game is too focused on gt3/4 and road cars right now, theres scope to essentially be a more accessible project cars. Massive fake tracks are a turn off for me, too long and too complicated.
I voted no, but I think the question is a moot point. Wouldn't this whole idea be useless in Sport mode? I'm no programmer, but I'm pretty sure that everyone racing has to have the same tracks and cars, or something will crash. If I can't use the car in a race online, or the track, I'm not interested. If PD ran races with cars or tracks that had to be paid for, I think they would loose a huge amount of players.
But I could be wrong.
'm no programmer, but I'm pretty sure that everyone racing has to have the same tracks and cars, or something will crash.

It's setup that way now or it was. Only race A gives you the car to race with. The other races you must own the car or it doesn't let you race.
I voted no, but I think the question is a moot point. Wouldn't this whole idea be useless in Sport mode? I'm no programmer, but I'm pretty sure that everyone racing has to have the same tracks and cars, or something will crash. If I can't use the car in a race online, or the track, I'm not interested. If PD ran races with cars or tracks that had to be paid for, I think they would loose a huge amount of players.
But I could be wrong.

They made this mistake in GT5 with Spa. Like the other user above pointed out, if the host of the lobby switched to Spa, everyone who didn't own it got kicked out.

For this reason I don't think they'd make tracks exclusive paid DLC. Sport Mode can't survive a blow to the player pool like that, and surely PD is aware of this.

Cars on the other hand absolutely could be. It wouldn't make your game crash, because the car files are on your system, you just can't use the car yourself until you buy it.

If they did that, I would buy all the paid DLC in a heartbeat. People have the wrong idea about MtX. They don't exist to squeeze more money out of the consumer. They exist to fund the further development, and new content release of a game that's not generating much revenue anymore in sales.
I voted no, but I think the question is a moot point. Wouldn't this whole idea be useless in Sport mode? I'm no programmer, but I'm pretty sure that everyone racing has to have the same tracks and cars, or something will crash. If I can't use the car in a race online, or the track, I'm not interested. If PD ran races with cars or tracks that had to be paid for, I think they would loose a huge amount of players.
But I could be wrong.

There are ways around that. The easiest one is to just have all track/car content as part of every title update, and paid DLC simply unlocks it. That way every player sees the content — which actually functions a bit as an ad, to boot.

The Forza series does this. On the X360, there was the "Null Car", which was a blacked-out Jetta that stood in for any car you encountered online that you didn't have. I imagine that causes some significant issues in terms of car-on-car contact, though.
If we were to pay, and i am not against the idea, the game needs to be broadened. Imho we have a ton of road cars and high end race cars but something like a btcc pack, 300 odd hp and some smaller real life tracks, would appeal. As would a pack of historic race cars with historic tracks.

Game is too focused on gt3/4 and road cars right now, theres scope to essentially be a more accessible project cars. Massive fake tracks are a turn off for me, too long and too complicated.
And to add, it also needs more useful features, too. Something like the weather or free-roam mode will do.