If GT5 does incorporate a livery editor...

  • Thread starter EJRocky
BTW, that pick is from Midnight Club L.A. And though the livery editor is primitive, atleast it has one... Here's hoping GT get's with it... And tho' some of u say that it's a "ricer" thing, it's better than having a dull racing seen where you decide to have a GTR race & coincidently everyone likes blue... I'd rather have vinyls so that when someone comes out with a ridiculous looking car, I have my nice cars to compare them to...

Here are some more...

Mine is the Chevelle...

Another Variation...

A group of people who would concur with me... (I'm in the black one)


Me & a teammate...



One of my favorites...

Ehh, Wth...

Me & another GT fan...



(The audi R8 is our team car so bare with me...)





Sorry they hurt your eyes, but I like them... Everyone has different tastes, and just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it should not be available for others. We are all paying with our own money to pick up GT5, so why not have something for everyone? More variety makes for a more diverse gaming experience, and with the GT lounge, you can choose specifically who you race with, so you can race without the aforementioned "eye-sores" that you complain about.
I'm all for a livery editor, my post history in this thread alone bears that out. But...

I coulda swore this was a GT thread.
Coiler, those cars might appeal to 12 year olds, but there are genuine livery artists who create strictly race paints.

I'm nowhere near the best, but I like to create original race liveries and GT5 would be so much more fulfilling to people who like to do the same if it incorporated it.
Hmm, never thought GTP was so chock full of haterz...

I'm not a hater, I would love to see a livery editor in GT5 but the bucketload of images you supplied aren't to everyone's taste.
They certainly aren't my taste although that's just personal ofcourse, you are the one who proudly displays them here in a large quantity, can't expect everyone to therefore like them or call them haters if they don't, especially after just one reaction.
I know, but I for one have seen many cars, to me that I personally thought were ugly, but seen that the person really cared for their work and valued my opinion. Why restrict yourself to uniform? Does everyone in the world dress the same? No. But that's the definition of individuality! You guys hate my designs, but many people love them. Not jus "12 y/o's" as you previously stated. So what if it's not all you've come to expect? It's not all about you! It's about the majority! GT5 is for the masses. Young, old, American, European, Asian, business type, street type, underground, professional, casual, male, female, stylish, and plain! Why not have something for everyone? Why be prejudiced against an idea?, even if you disagree? Just say it's not for you & leave that feature alone! I'm sure many people will stick to one thing over the other... Street Car over Race Car, WRC over NASCAR, Formula 1 (I think) over Kart Racing... So why not add variety? God made variety in his people, he did not makes us all to be the same... So why should I conform to you just because of something you dislike? I like racing vinyls, but I also like my own artistic nature and style... And there are plenty of friends, family, females, and total strangers who feel the same... So bash away... But I would never judge something you put your own artistic nature and soul into in the way you judge mine. It's simply what makes you you and me me... And if only a 12 year old likes my cars and a 43 year old disapproves, then I'll hang wit' the 12 year old's cause they have the same taste as me... The 43 year old can kick rocks with open toe sandals for all I care. My name is Terence a.k.a. Ice, Leader of Sub-Zero Racing Team currently based on Midnight Club L.A. for the PS3, I've been a follower of the GT series since Gran Turismo 1, and I'm 26. Bash away you freakin' critics...
I honestly think the R8 with the GT logo looked pretty nice..

That's a friend of mine... ViciouzKid

I'm all for a livery editor, my post history in this thread alone bears that out. But...

I coulda swore this was a GT thread.

If you read the title of this thread you will see that it is a fraction of the author's statement... In his first post he continues and says...

...what designs are you looking forward to making? :sly:

What liveries are you making, if indeed GT5 does have a livery editor? :dopey:

Thus, my post is in response to the original topic of discussion, and not anything else. I'd like to create team cars for my racing team in GT5.

I'm not a hater, I would love to see a livery editor in GT5 but the bucketload of images you supplied aren't to everyone's taste.
They certainly aren't my taste although that's just personal ofcourse, you are the one who proudly displays them here in a large quantity, can't expect everyone to therefore like them or call them haters if they don't, especially after just one reaction.

The only reason I did so many is so that people could see a variety of cars and maybe see atleast one they liked. I wasn't expecting anyone to like them all, and one picture would be easy for everyone to bash, so I figured I'd put up a few and maybe have more of a chance. Apparently, I was wrong...
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there are some amazing creations made with a limited number of shapes and text types in mdnight club but you have to admit there are also some pretty poor ones aswell. can't wait to see a hooters race car in gt5 :tup:I have actually changed my mind to be honest I hope there is one in gt5 ..just because it will annoy some people
I know, but I for one have seen many cars, to me that I personally thought were ugly, but seen that the person really cared for their work and valued my opinion. Why restrict yourself to uniform? Does everyone in the world dress the same? No. But that's the definition of individuality! You guys hate my designs, but many people love them. Not jus "12 y/o's" as you previously stated. So what if it's not all you've come to expect? It's not all about you! It's about the majority! GT5 is for the masses. Young, old, American, European, Asian, business type, street type, underground, professional, casual, male, female, stylish, and plain! Why not have something for everyone? Why be prejudiced against an idea?, even if you disagree? Just say it's not for you & leave that feature alone! I'm sure many people will stick to one thing over the other... Street Car over Race Car, WRC over NASCAR, Formula 1 (I think) over Kart Racing... So why not add variety? God made variety in his people, he did not makes us all to be the same... So why should I conform to you just because of something you dislike? I like racing vinyls, but I also like my own artistic nature and style... And there are plenty of friends, family, females, and total strangers who feel the same... So bash away... But I would never judge something you put your own artistic nature and soul into in the way you judge mine. It's simply what makes you you and me me... And if only a 12 year old likes my cars and a 43 year old disapproves, then I'll hang wit' the 12 year old's cause they have the same taste as me... The 43 year old can kick rocks with open toe sandals for all I care. My name is Terence a.k.a. Ice, Leader of Sub-Zero Racing Team currently based on Midnight Club L.A. for the PS3, I've been a follower of the GT series since Gran Turismo 1, and I'm 26. Bash away you freakin' critics...

Er....where to start, I think you've got some things a bit mixed up I guess as they're mostly totally unrelated and seem to confuse variety, tolerance and a whole lot of other stuff which have nothing to do frankly with this issue or even my reaction to the designs you created.
Sure we all should tolerate each other, etc, etc. and don't get me wrong I really like variety and don't limit myself to one element only as my taste on many things is quite eclectic but you should perhaps also tolerate my opinion of the pictures you chose to display and not accuse me of judging you for it or being rude in doing so.
I certainly didn't suggest you to change or conform to anything, I only expressed in all honesty that those weren't my taste ( nothing more ).
I occasionally make paintings ( even sold a few ) and I always hope people express their honest opinion when I show them, I certainly can't stand people lying through their teeth saying it looks great ( when they don't like it ) just to make me happy.
You can't please everyone, no need to defend for it, just accept and tolerate a different taste or opinion.:)
Er....where to start, I think you've got some things a bit mixed up I guess as they're mostly totally unrelated and seem to confuse variety, tolerance and a whole lot of other stuff which have nothing to do frankly with this issue or even my reaction to the designs you created.
Sure we all should tolerate each other, etc, etc. and don't get me wrong I really like variety and don't limit myself to one element only as my taste on many things is quite eclectic but you should perhaps also tolerate my opinion of the pictures you chose to display and not accuse me of judging you for it or being rude in doing so.
I certainly didn't suggest you to change or conform to anything, I only expressed in all honesty that those weren't my taste ( nothing more ).
I occasionally make paintings ( even sold a few ) and I always hope people express their honest opinion when I show them, I certainly can't stand people lying through their teeth saying it looks great ( when they don't like it ) just to make me happy.
You can't please everyone, no need to defend for it, just accept and tolerate a different taste or opinion.:)

I respect your p.o.v. and opinion... My statement was not completely directed at you. Read a few pages in this thread and see how people have been bashing the idea of liveries. Adding liveries is simply giving people a canvas to express themselves... Allowing people to make their cars in GT more "their own". Some people are worried about so called ricer" cars (wich btw is a discriminatory term towards asians since rice is a main dish in their culture) but to me, what other people drive and do with their cars should be none of their concern and left up to the individual. Not everyone will do it. Some will stick to racing stripes, some to color schemes, some to fades, and some to logos... But at least we'd have options... And that is what I was expressing.
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Some people just want to "rice" up their cars(yuck). Others just want to put ridiculous things on their exotic cars(yuck). Then there are the ones that want to create proper racing liveries (yummy). Which one are you?
Well how about this:

There will be open races/lobbies/events where anyone with whatever they want painted on the side of their car can drive. Then for the people who only want factory paint schemes, or ricey (pardon the expression, I don't know of another term, though I do agree its sort of racist), or race liveries, or pikachus, or nazi penises or whatever else you want to paint on the side of your car.

If this thread has shown anything, it is that their are lots of people with differing points of view, so why not make places where they can congregate with others of similar views? This could also help keep out punters/wallriders and stuff. Sort of like a club or something?

I guess one downfall is that it might lead to too many exclusive clubs, and no new members being able to find/join them.

On a different note, to the people who say that including a livery editor is a bad idea because it 'takes away' from the regular game, and that you end up spending too much time designing liveries you aren't proud of or something:

Who cares? Just don't design them if you don't want to, and if you don't want to race with anyone else who has a livery, find some club of online people who also look on any instance of self expression with disdain. I personally love designing liveries, even if they aren't that good. I find it pretty impressive when someone can take so little and create such elaborate designs. Think about if you saw these two cars driving down the street:



Which one would grab most people's attention? Which one would grab YOUR attention? With which owner would you want to strike up a conversation about cars? Which one would you want to drive?

I will step off my soapbox now. I just feel like people are hatin for the sake of hatin. Don't hate the player, have their livery. And then go join a room without liveries.

Edit: sorry again for the longwinded, wandering post. Also, sorry for the big pics. BUT that picture (the R8) isn't even that ricey. Check these out:http://www.google.com/images?q=ricer&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:embarrassed:fficial&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1148&bih=534

Edit again: most of what I said above can be summed up by the post below
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Some people just want to "rice" up their cars(yuck). Others just want to put ridiculous things on their exotic cars(yuck). Then there are the ones that want to create proper racing liveries (yummy). Which one are you?

A "proper" racing livery is a matter of opinion. There are some real life race cars with racing liveries that I think are lame and mundane. I would say I'm none of the above. I am someone who wants to portray their own original style on to their cars and not duplicate others. I want to be original. Some duplications are cool if it's hard to duplicate. ("That Lord of the Ring" car was amazing!!!👍) But other than that, I'd stick with originality.

Which one would grab most people's attention? Which one would grab YOUR attention? With which owner would you want to strike up a conversation about cars? Which one would you want to drive?

Most people's? The R8. My attention? Both, for different reasons. Which owner would I want to talk to about cars? Honestly, a Trueno owner. If I saw an R8 looking like that driving down the street, I'd assume the owner has more money than taste. Whether it's a fair or justified judgement or not doesn't matter; it's just how I am, an excessively flashy car doesn't interest me. Which would I rather drive? The R8, because from inside it'd feel pretty close to a stock one.

I don't take issue with everybody having different tastes, that's why I'm all for a livery editor. There isn't a need for 20 images of what were mostly all the same car (or very, very similar variations of it). That's all. I'm glad someone else knows what some of us are talking about when it comes to a livery editor, even a basic one, giving us a whole new experience, though.
I used to think the livery editor in Forza was garbage, until I actually had a chance to try it out on F3. While I certainly understand that it's not for everyone (most of my cars are bare), it's nice to have the option available if you want to tweak up one of your rides. And it doesn't have to be something outlandish, either. When I first started F3, I added a very subtle tribal line across one of my first cars. White car, with a pale blue flowing line on the door.. you can barely see it.

The main thing I've used it for is creating "replica" cars from TV shows and movies. So yes, I have a Camaro that's done up like Bumblebee, and a black TransAm that's done up like KITT, complete with license plate. And, of course, the General Lee from Dukes of Hazzard. But honestly, those are pretty tame compared to the more outlandish ones that people make. The only "busy" design I ever downloaded ('cause I wasn't about to spend that much time to make it myself) is Dale Earnhardt's #3, and it's supposed to look like that. Have I dressed up any of my Lambos or Ferraris? Of course not. They're works of art on their own, they don't need anything else.

It's one of those things that doesn't have to be used if you don't want it, so I see no reason for it not to be there.

Although to be honest, I think we'd have heard about it by now. This late in the game, I'd be really surprised if it were really in there, and as fully featured as Forza's is.
Most people's? The R8. My attention? Both, for different reasons. Which owner would I want to talk to about cars? Honestly, a Trueno owner. If I saw an R8 looking like that driving down the street, I'd assume the owner has more money than taste. Whether it's a fair or justified judgement or not doesn't matter; it's just how I am, an excessively flashy car doesn't interest me. Which would I rather drive? The R8, because from inside it'd feel pretty close to a stock one.

I don't take issue with everybody having different tastes, that's why I'm all for a livery editor. There isn't a need for 20 images of what were mostly all the same car (or very, very similar variations of it). That's all. I'm glad someone else knows what some of us are talking about when it comes to a livery editor, even a basic one, giving us a whole new experience, though.

I know all about initial D and would prefer a drift car as well...
Oppressively large image 1
Oppressively large image 2
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The Trueno all the way! (that generation of Trueno/Corolla has a rather indecent nickname here in Finland becouse of it's front seats that fold all the way back...)
Change the colour after purchase?

This is the only livery editor that I need.

Some kind of special paint shop inside GT Auto where you can apply desired color.

Also, Tourist Trophy had an option to have your preferred number on racing bikes, and that one is also welcomed.

However, I'm a purist when it comes to painting and drawing on cars, and it is very invidual thing.

I would never want to see poor livery designs - and most of them are - and SpongeBob cars, because they ruin the overall authenticity-factor that I love in GT series.

But that is just IMO.
But how is it authentic for 16 cars with stock bodywork that could potentially have a lot of race-spec upgrades on them without a racing livery of some kind?

Yes, there will be rubbish designs, but you don't have to buy them, like them or whatever. But even if you just want to recreate your own car, a livery editor allows you to put your registration plate on it.

To dismiss it on the grounds of authenticity when GT's very premise of highly modified cars with stock appearances goes against that anyway is bizarre.
Livery editor has always been one of the features I most want in the game. But seeing the way this thread has evolved has given me mixed feelings about it, and now a big part of me agrees with those who don't want it. But, judging by the way PD have spoken about it, I think it is coming, perhaps not until GT6. So when it does come, I would vote for it to be implemented so the level of paint/decals be restricted, depending on the car and level of tuning. i.e..

Stock road cars may have a few decals max.

Modified cars may have a simple stripe or two, or other bi-colour paint scheme, with more/bigger decals allowed.

Finally, fully "race modified" or actual race cars could be painted and stickered up without restriction.

That's how I would do it.
This is the only livery editor that I need.

Some kind of special paint shop inside GT Auto where you can apply desired color.

Also, Tourist Trophy had an option to have your preferred number on racing bikes, and that one is also welcomed.

However, I'm a purist when it comes to painting and drawing on cars, and it is very invidual thing.

I would never want to see poor livery designs - and most of them are - and SpongeBob cars, because they ruin the overall authenticity-factor that I love in GT series.

But that is just IMO.

I am also a purist on this subject; I don't like the idea to see online fully customized liveries.
I any event I would, as well, appreciate the chance to have numbers on the doors and/or the hood.
3/4 chars (numbers and letters), with some color/font option, would suit my need.
A "proper" racing livery is a matter of opinion. There are some real life race cars with racing liveries that I think are lame and mundane. I would say I'm none of the above. I am someone who wants to portray their own original style on to their cars and not duplicate others. I want to be original. Some duplications are cool if it's hard to duplicate. ("That Lord of the Ring" car was amazing!!!👍) But other than that, I'd stick with originality.

Real life racing liveries are usually about recognizable color patterns/groups(team colors) and sponsor decal visibility.
To me, your "paint jobs" aren't even that bad, but the wheels and what you do to them, that is just sacrilege.
Plus, why fill an entire page with your designs and not be ready for the feedback? It comes with the territory.
Yeah, in retrospect I guess the Trueno was maybe not the best car to execute my point. What I was trying to say is that to some people the trueno looks like crap (regardless of how cool it would be to drive one) and to some people the R8 looks like crap (regardless of how cool it would be to drive one). To be honest I would rather have the Trueno just because it is so much more practical. I think the main key here is, Different strokes for different folks. Just because some people don't want to use a livery editor, doesn't mean PD should never implement one. I realize its probably too late for one in GT5 anyways, but I see no reason why at some point in the future there could be one, some people could use it, others could choose not to, and not race with others who do, lest their eyes be burned out by pikachus and tribal lines.
But how is it authentic for 16 cars with stock bodywork that could potentially have a lot of race-spec upgrades on them without a racing livery of some kind?

Yes, there will be rubbish designs, but you don't have to buy them, like them or whatever. But even if you just want to recreate your own car, a livery editor allows you to put your registration plate on it.

To dismiss it on the grounds of authenticity when GT's very premise of highly modified cars with stock appearances goes against that anyway is bizarre.


Maxpontiac and I were talking about it a few pages back, and the easiest solution to make both sides happy is include a fully-featured livery editor, and a little checkbox in the options menu that reads "Don't show custom liveries during online races". People who don't like them can check that and be happy seeing 800hp Skylines running around with a stock paintjob. People who do could still use them, and they could all run a race together and would all get what they want. Win-win :)
Purist or not, this happens to an extend in real life as well, racing cars with truly hideous liveries ( although other factors do limit the creative possibilities ).
The question perhaps is whether you wish to trade in the possibility to be able to be creative yourself for the possibility or fear to witness other people's potentially hideous creations ( which are ofcourse bound to happen with millions of users having a go at it, although a lot of talent is also coming to light ).
Does the purity extend in not wanting to create liveries yourself as the cars should remain as they are ( which I respect by the way ) or is it only watching the cars potentially being butchered and screwed up by other players?
A simple option to not display liveries may solve this issue perhaps, making you blissfully unaware of the things you don't want to see.
When I'm playing Prologue online now I'm often appalled at the choice of colour people make for certain cars, I guess I'm not more put off by watching a bad paint job online as long as I'm given the ability to create one myself.
Especially with online-lobbies which make it possible to race only with likeminded enthusiasts I'm not scared this will be such a big deal to be honest.
As for public online races, it might actually be comical and amusing to watch those appaling creations once in a while, it's not the end of the world.
But as it stands now I will say that a simple paint shop ( painting a car after purchase ) will do fine for me and I can't see anyone arguing against that.
Although when a pink Ferrari P4 or white XJ13 turn up............