If you have less than 200 posts - read this immediately!

  • Thread starter Jordan


Site Founder
United States
United States
I will begin implementing a few minor changes to GTPlanet over the next few days, one of which will greatly affect avatars. The new system will be a bit more tough – you will only be able to specify your own custom avatar if you have at least 200 posts. If you have less than that, you will only be able to use the “default” avatars on GTPlanet (don’t worry, the current default avatars will not be part of the new set :D).

So, when the new requirements are in place, if you have less than 200 posts, your avatar will be deleted from our database. If you want to save your avatar, you should save a copy of it on your computer immediately (right click your avatar and select “Save Picture As…”)! Remember that you will be able to use it eventually, once you have reached 200 posts. The new changes will go into effect Wednesday afternoon, so be sure to save your avatar sometime before then!

For those of you upset about this – don’t worry! Although it takes a lot more to use a custom avatar, once you can, you will be rewarded with increased avatar dimensions and more generous file sizes. ;)

Hopefully, this will encourage new members to become active and involve them in the GTP community. Posting nothingness just to run up one’s post count will be strongly discouraged, and all of the useless posts will be deleted. If you spot this abuse once the new requirements are in place, please let me or a moderator know immediately! :)
Originally posted by Jordan
For those of you upset about this – don’t worry! Although it takes a lot more to use a custom avatar, once you can, you will be rewarded with increased avatar dimensions and more generous file sizes. ;)

So, does this mean that those of us who already have 500+ posts will be given increased avatar dimensions as well?:confused:

I apologize in advance if this is a stupid question, but I'm a lil' slow sometimes...:D
Originally posted by Josh

So, does this mean that those of us who already have 500+ posts will be given increased avatar dimensions as well?:confused:
Oh yes, of course! :)
Originally posted by Jordan
Posting nothingness just to run up one’s post count will be strongly discouraged, and all of the useless posts will be deleted. If you spot this abuse once the new requirements are in place, please let me or a moderator know immediately! :)

I'm not trying to sound like a martass, but isn't that like saying, "If you're going to post meaningless crap, NOW'S YOUR TIME!"...?:confused:
I think it should be reported at any time. Be it now or after the new requirements.

And thanks for answering my other question Jordan...;)
Originally posted by MistaX
May I ask why 500 and not 250 or some other number?

"The new system will be a bit more tough" 500 is tougher than 250...;)

Jordan- Thanks for returning my PM...;)
Originally posted by MistaX
May I ask why 500 and not 250 or some other number?
I had a really a hard time deciding between those two numbers, but I finally decided on 500 just because I felt like it wasn't too far out of reach for new members, but wasn't too low so that having your own avatar would loose it's "exclusivity". :)
Oh and deleteing useless posts? does this mean no more "How Many Reply's Can We Get'' Thread?

If your gonna delete that my post count will go down to about 300 or something.....
Originally posted by MistaX
Oh and deleteing useless posts? does this mean no more "How Many Reply's Can We Get'' Thread?

If your gonna delete that my post count will go down to about 300 or something.....

Those sort of posts aren't necessarily useless. Most of those contain conversation between members. Usless would probably be posts containing only smilies(althought there will obviously be some smilie posts allowed). Also, posts with crap like, "aokhtqw3750q3?""}}/]/]:" <---That's USELESS...;)
Originally posted by MistaX
Oh and deleteing useless posts? does this mean no more "How Many Reply's Can We Get'' Thread?

If your gonna delete that my post count will go down to about 300 or something.....
No, no, although useless posting has gone on there before, I think the thread itself (besides being one of the largest ever on any vBulletin forum) provides a great non-formal way for members to chat. :thumbsup: It will stay untouched. :)

jordon i think you should rethink your post number as i dont beleive you have looked it very farely out of the current 5003 members only 45 are above 500 this is a very selfesh and discrimating amount

Jag_man, although it does seem crappy, it's not that bad. I know, I know, I have WAY over 500 posts, so it doesn't affect me.

"Hopefully, this will encourage new members to become active and involve them in the GTP community. " -He's obviously thought about it, and this is a good reason for the change.

"don’t worry, the current default avatars will not be part of the new set ." -This means nicer avatars will be available to you.

For those of you upset about this – don’t worry! Although it takes a lot more to use a custom avatar, once you can, you will be rewarded with increased avatar dimensions and more generous file sizes. Isn't that a fair reward for having to wait a lil' while?

And Jag_Man, if this upsets you that much, I'll go through it with you.;) Until you reach 500 posts, I'll set my avatar to one of the new default avatars just like you will...
this is my`297 post will i see 300 i dont think so after this total ridiculous idea i am already looking for a similar forum remembering I have no interest in GT games I drive cars not toys I am already totaly p***ed by some kid who already thinks he knows everthing this is my last post in here unless Jordon comes to his scences and stops discrimiating from active people my email address is on the members list if anybody want to take the time and chat to me I am more than will to chat and I will not dripple on like most have done to get these way above average posts
Why punish us???????????????? What did we do to you?? :confused:
I wont reach 500 posts in a year! :mad:
I dont want to wait until then! :(
I might as well move to a different forum, just like half of us probably will... EDIT - Now that I reread the original post, maybe life wont be as hard.... Can you include my avatar as a part of the default set? :D :D
EDIT - How about you let us change the thing that says something right under the screenname even if you have less than say 20 posts? In exchange for the stupid 500 posts thing? Or can we already do that and how?
Well i like the change.

For those of you who are upset, its just a avatar thing and im sure Jordan will have some cool ones to chose from. The longer you stay here and post the more rewards you will receive. Its like the status on your post, the more you post your status will change. And all this is is like another reward. :D
Like maybe at some point in time when a member reaches lets say 5000 post Jordan might send a gift of some sort to that person. :D hehe just a thought. :D
T-Shirts! Jorden Get T-Shirts!

Btw there is a total pointless thread (to get posts) hidden away in the GTA3 forum
I would say its very good placement :)
Originally posted by MistaX
T-Shirts! Jorden Get T-Shirts!

Btw there is a total pointless thread (to get posts) hidden away in the GTA3 forum
I would say its very good placement :)
Yeah a T-Shirt... or better yet a GTPlanet Hat... oh oh or a sweet shirt. :D Yeah that could be the prize after like 5000 post. Or 10,000 post :D
Originally posted by Jordan
Posting nothingness just to run up one’s post count will be strongly discouraged, and all of the useless posts will be deleted. If you spot this abuse once the new requirements are in place, please let me or a moderator know immediately! :)

:magnify: Look what i found.. HERE :magnify:
Well, can't say I'm "excited", but it's only an avatar people.

I've always thought that it's the words that count, not the avatar, status, or join date...

If I have to wait a few months to see Chilly again then so be it!!!

Not really a big deal!!!

And I say thanks to Jordan for trying to better the site!
Hi Jordan !!

First of all I would like to say that GTPLANET is the best GT forum on the net at present, and I plan to keep using it.

I don't really know what I should think of the new avatar thing.. I mean 500 !!
This is like running the timetrials, and only going for gold !!

I mean there should be some goods for people that reach 150, 300, 500, 1000 ?? (just an example..)

That would be cool - Almost like getting bronze, silver and gold.

Think about it :)

If You still plan on the 500 thing, I hope you have a serious amount of avatars to choose from, and preferably only GT related: no cats, or comicbook characters, or that kind of thing...WE WANT FAST CARS !! (Cause that's why we're here, right?)

Originally posted by Jordan
Posting nothingness just to run up one’s post count will be strongly discouraged, and all of the useless posts will be deleted. If you spot this abuse once the new requirements are in place, please let me or a moderator know immediately! :)

Excellent! About time this was implemented!

On the avatar issue - it's difficult for me to comment since I have more than 500 posts. But I've always tried to post actual contributions to the community, rather than meaningless nonsense, so it is an achievement for people to get to 500 if they follow those standards.

It's difficult for Jordan to make a change like this, because all the new members will have this as the default position, and won't have known any better. All the existing members will just have to continue to contribute to get to the new allowance, but feel currently as if they've had something taken away from them, which is justified I guess.

I always thought it was a bit odd that you could shove your own avatar in before some of the standard ones. Perhaps J could implement varying limits (say 5k < 150 posts, 10k < 200 posts etc) so you could have a richer avatar the more posts you had.
Use mostlye LoudMusics avatars as default and I doubt a lot of 'n00bs' (<----sorry :( Don't know how else to put it) won't would really mind :rolleyes: :P