IGN Gran Turismo PSP Review

  • Thread starter Jakemania
Reviews are pointless. I give NFS Shift 5/10. just because it doesn't run on my pc. and the lack of decent body/engine parts.

I hope Gran Turismo has Roush Mustangs. :P
Why do people keep complaining about the lack of a traditional career mode?

The best racing game on any handheld anywhere and it gets demerits for lack of a career mode?

Seeing as if I do get a PSPGo, after the "newest" wore off, I might only pick it up for playing 5-10 mins at a time.
Why do people keep complaining about the lack of a traditional career mode?
To be frank, if you have to ask, you haven't been paying attention; and based on your previous post you seem to think that those who do have a problem with the lack of career mode have no right to say so.
Hey to each their own.

Maybe this will be EXACTLY what someone out there wanted...

I personally feel my view reflects the majority of GT fans, but it's pretty hard to do something NOBODY likes (I think someone even liked ET for the atari).

I just don't like it when someone tries to say "that's not a problem because:" and then states something that only applies to them or to a select few (ie you just need to wait and get GT5 for PS3 - which is great unless you don't have and can't afford a PS3 and unless you don't care about the portable part).

Anyhow... maybe GTPSP2 will have career mode back :P

You are absolutely right on everything you just said 100%. And you still miss the point of GTPSP. You(and the majority of die hards) are unhappy its not GT4, that wasn't the goal. A GT fan wont own just a PSP and no other system, They will still own a PS2 so they can keep enjoying GT4 until they can afford a PS3 and GT5. If you own GT5P its nearly the same deal plus more. Thats pretty much it. There is nothing wrong with not liking it but but you have to see it from a psp gamers point of view not just the GT fans. GT fans could just leave it alone and I dont think its big deal if they dont own a psp already.

GTPSP is and introduction for new gamers, its in the new video. Not a quick hit for the die hards, its not intended for those looking for a career on the go. The idea of of trading cars is a nice touch and I think it will be cool to link the two games. Kaz said its not easy to collect all the cars.

If someone buys any system for just one game that is silly to begin with.
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See and there is my point..

I am a GT fan...

I DID own a PS2 (it died and my copy of GT4 was pretty scratched up)

I DO own a PSP

I DO want the GT experience on the go

And GTPSP WAS supposed to be GT4 on the go (at some point I guess they changed that and that's where the irk comes in).

So your solution doesn't apply to me. And there are a lot of people and situations to which it also wouldn't apply (like maybe people who could have a PS2 or a PSP and figured since GT was coming to PSP and PSP suited their needs well (commute, school who knows) they got a PSP and couldn't get a PS2.

It's not right to assume that just becuase you are a GT fan and bought into the promised GT4 mobile (which at some point was changed) that you should now be expected to spend money somewhere to excuse the fact that GTPSP does not have the full GT experience.

So again, while to each their own, it's not fair to tell others what their own is. It's not right to tell me that I should own a PS2 and GT4 or I should own a PS3 and GT5P.

It's this kind of thinking that isn't logical... it basically says that the solution is to get something else.

It would be like saying "This new toyota doesn't come with nor can it hold a cd player or a radio" and the solution is that anyone who likes music should have a good stereo at home, one better than a car could have anyway and that's where you should listen to your music.

Not the exact same situation exactly but hopefully you can see where I am going with it.
You my friend would be in that unfortunate minority. I totally understand you now with that explanation. My logic is not based on your situation. I can donate my old Ps2 that loads GT4 10% of the time :) You'll get a 1 in 10 chance for it to load. I have a feeling you will still get GTPSP maybe not now but if its all you have you can still get that old feeling of playing a GT game GT mode or not.
you are absolutely right on everything you just said 100%. And you still miss the point of gtpsp. You(and the majority of die hards) are unhappy its not gt4, that wasn't the goal. A gt fan wont own just a psp and no other system, they will still own a ps2 so they can keep enjoying gt4 until they can afford a ps3 and gt5. If you own gt5p its nearly the same deal plus more. Thats pretty much it. There is nothing wrong with not liking it but but you have to see it from a psp gamers point of view not just the gt fans. Gt fans could just leave it alone and i dont think its big deal if they dont own a psp already.

Gtpsp is and introduction for new gamers, its in the new video. Not a quick hit for the die hards, its not intended for those looking for a career on the go. The idea of of trading cars is a nice touch and i think it will be cool to link the two games. Kaz said its not easy to collect all the cars.

If someone buys any system for just one game that is silly to begin with.

You my friend would be in that unfortunate minority. I totally understand you now with that explanation. My logic is not based on your situation. I can donate my old Ps2 that loads GT4 10% of the time :) You'll get a 1 in 10 chance for it to load. I have a feeling you will still get GTPSP maybe not now but if its all you have you can still get that old feeling of playing a GT game GT mode or not.

I would wonder actually, of all the PSP owners, how many have access to a full career mode GT game right now? Am I really the minority, and if so by how much?

I personally know a few people who do not currently own any Sony console but a PSP and I think that number is larger than those who own both the PSP and a console.

Either way, you will note that you said a GT fan will own a PS2 and GT4... there are quite a few scenarios outside mine that I can think of that would relegate that statement to be not true...

Sure, I will get GTPSP, but won't be pre ordering it, and I will probably not even buy it new (unless it's on a great sale) I will probably wait for a used copy considering. And this is exactly what Sony should be realising, as if I do that, they see no revenue from me for that sale.

So I have stepped one rung down the ladder from "definitely will buy" to "They disspointed me one too many times I am done" and minority or not,that's something that should be avoided.
I am a PSP only owner and I don't mind not having a career mode like the ones in other GT games(I have played GT4 over at my friends house). Sure, I would like it if the career mode were more like the console versions but even if it isn't the case I am not disappointed enough to rant about it. In fact I am super pumped for this game at this point.
I would wonder actually, of all the PSP owners, how many have access to a full career mode GT game right now? Am I really the minority, and if so by how much?

I personally know a few people who do not currently own any Sony console but a PSP and I think that number is larger than those who own both the PSP and a console.

The psp owners who are into GT may already be playing GT1 or 2 on their PSP, Like myself. I have GT2 on my MS right now. A big GT fan without a ps2 with GT4 and "only" a psp without GT2, is a minority even if you know 20 people in the same position.

Either way, you will note that you said a GT fan will own a PS2 and GT4... there are quite a few scenarios outside mine that I can think of that would relegate that statement to be not true...

Well you would not be that big of a fan if for some reason you got rid of all forms of Gran Turismo at some point. Possibly done with the game(s) with no other reasons to play so one gets rid of it. Not really a big fan if the case. I don't know your personal reasons for that but thats just my take on it.
The psp owners who are into GT may already be playing GT1 or 2 on their PSP, Like myself.
Actually, now that I think about, that's probably one of my problems with GTM anyways. Not helping is that GT2 is my favorite in the series.