
  • Thread starter KSaiyu
I've no problem with immigrants. My grandparents were immigrants from Sicily and Greece. They legally immigrated through Ellis Island, NY. They did not cause problems.

I think what many people take issue with is illegal immigration. And take issue that illegal immigrants are just granted amnesty while plenty of other immigrants have waited years, done all the paperwork and paid all the fees to become full US citizens.
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I'm an immigrant myself, Belgian in Spain:) I think the main point that bothers people is the way an immigrant contributes to their new country; do you make a living for yourself in an honest way and refrain from causing trouble, or do you leach of welfare forever or engage in criminal acts?

Only normal that the locals get fed up with the latter IMO.
; do you make a living for yourself in an honest way and refrain from causing trouble, or do you leach of welfare forever or engage in criminal acts?

This is a question we should ask of everyone, not just those hoping to move to our countries. Personally I've no more or less tolerance for someone in the latter group whether they were born here or simply moved here.
Germany is enjoying cultural enrichment ...

Refugee rapes 79yo woman at German cemetery

... meanwhile in Hungary, prime minister is actually doing what is supposed to do as elected representative of the people

‘Not medicine, but poison’: Hungarian PM says his country does not need ‘a single migrant’

“Hungary does not need a single migrant for the economy to work, or the population to sustain itself, or for the country to have a future,” he said, stressing, that, on the contrary, “every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk.”
Well gee... I guess Germany never had any rape crime until they let refugees in.
So flippant. If it was your Mom/wife/sister/daughter would you be so callous?

454 sexual assault charges in one night
"We have received so far in 1054 criminal charges before," said Ulrich Bremer of the Cologne public prosecutor of the "world" on request with.

In almost half of cases (454), it is therefore to sexual assaults. Meanwhile, the police have identified 59 suspects - including a majority Moroccans and Algerians. 13 people currently sitting in detention.

Sexual Assaults and Rapes by Migrants in Germany, January-February 2016.

Gatestone Institute first reported about Germany's migrant rape epidemic in September 2015. The problem has now spread to cities and towns in all 16 of Germany's federal states. Following are a few cases from just the first two months of 2016:

January 1. More than a thousand migrants sexually assaulted hundreds of German women in the cities of Cologne, Hamburg and Stuttgart.

January 4. A group of migrant youths sexually assaulted a handicapped girl in Bielefeld.

January 5. An Afghan migrant attempted to rape a 15-year-old girl in Burghausen.

January 7. A 36-year-old asylum seeker was arrested for raping a 16-year-old boy inside the city hall of Wolfsburg. A "southerner" (südländisch, arabisch) sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl near a train station in Ellwangen.

January 8. A 17-year-old Syrian migrant exposed himself to women at a swimming pool in St. Ingbert.

January 9. A 48-year-old woman was raped by three migrants in Dresden. The perpetrators have not been arrested. Also on January 9, a 45-year-old woman was sexually assaulted by an "Arab-speaking" man in Gleidingen, a town near Hanover. A group of five North Africans (Algerians, Moroccans) sexually assaulted five women in Oldenburg. Two North African migrants (Libya, Tunisia) sexually assaulted a 31-year-old woman at the main train station in Leipzig. A migrant attempted to rape a 46-year-old woman in Saarbrücken-Altenkessel.

January 10. A group of "southerners" (südländisches Aussehen) sexually assaulted three girls at a public swimming pool in Ansbach. A 21-year-old West African was arrested for raping a 15-year-old girl at a train station in Wuppertal. A 36-year-old Syrian migrant sexually assaulted a 20-year-old woman in Bornhöved. The woman was showing the man an apartment that had been advertised for rent.

January 11. A 35-year-old migrant from Pakistan sexually assaulted a three-year-old girl at a refugee shelter in Kamen. Eight migrants attempted to rape a woman at a grocery store inAmpfing. She defended herself by using pepper spray. A 20-year-old Moroccan assaulted a 24-year-old woman in Frankenberg.

January 12. A "southerner" (südländisch aussehenden) raped a 16-year-old girl in Wuppertal. Two "Arabic speaking" men assaulted a 37-year-old woman in Fröndenberg.

January 13. Four migrants (südländisch aussehen) attempted to rape a 13-year-old girl inGelsenkirchen. Three migrants sexually assaulted a 31-year-old woman in Oldenburg. A migrant attempted to rape a woman at a train station in Altötting. She defended herself by using pepper spray. Three "southerners" (südländischer oder arabischer Herkunft) assaulted a woman in Bad Münstereifel.

January 14. Three migrants (südländische Hautfarbe) sexually assaulted a 47-year-old woman in the Bavarian town of Dingolfing. Three "southerners" (Südländer) assaulted a 22-year-old women on a train in Bremerhaven.

January 15. A 36-year-old migrant sexually assaulted an eight-year-old girl at a public park in Hilden near Solingen. A 31-year-old migrant from Tunisia was arrested for attempting to rape a 30-year-old woman in Chemnitz. A 31-year-old migrant from Morocco appeared in court forraping a 31-year-old woman in Dresden. A migrant sexually assaulted a 42-year-old woman inMainz. A migrant (dunkleren Teint) sexually assaulted a 32-year-old woman in Münchfeld. An African migrant sexually assaulted a 55-year-old woman in Mannheim.

Also on January 15, all male migrants over the age of 18 were banned from a public swimming pool in Bornheim, near Bonn, after assaults against female patrons at the facility. The measure was branded as racist by German media outlets.

January 16. A migrant from Syria sexually assaulted a 12-year-old boy in Mudersbach. The migrant was arrested but then released. A 25-year-old Moroccan migrant assaulted two woman at a grocery store in Zeithain.

January 17. Three "southerners" (Südländer) attempted to rape a young woman in Kiel. Two migrants (19 and 38 years old) sexually assaulted a 21-year-old woman at a restaurant in the main train station in Nuremberg. A 19-year-old Afghan migrant assaulted four girls (aged 11 to 13) at a public swimming pool in Dresden. Migrants invaded female changing rooms at a swimming pool in Burghausen. Two "southerners" (dunklen/südländischen Typ) attempted to rape a 42-year-old woman at a pharmacy in Altötting.

January 18. A 43-year-old Syrian migrant assaulted a 63-year-old woman in Wetzlar. Police say the man also assaulted two other women (aged 62 and 74) in Wetzlar.

January 19. A 17-year-old Eritrean migrant attempted to rape an 18-year-old woman in a parking garage in Bad Oldesloe. After police intervened, the man head-butted an officer, who was hospitalized.

January 20. Migrants invaded female showers and changing rooms at two public swimming pools in Leipzig.

January 21. A "black skinned" (schwarz glänzende Hautfarbe) man attempted to rape a 13-year-old girl in Langenfeld. Two migrants assaulted an 18-year-old woman in Dingolfing.

January 22. A migrant (südländisches Äußeres) attempted to rape a 16-year-old girl in Feuerbach district of Stuttgart, and in downtown Stuttgart, four "Arabic looking" (arabisches Aussehen) men sexually assaulted a 23-year-old woman. Migrants harassed women at public swimming pools in Zwickau.

January 23. Migrants sexually assaulted two 11-year-old girls at a public swimming pool inWilhelmshaven. Two asylum seekers from Afghanistan assaulted two 17-year-old women at a public swimming pool in Straubing. Three 16-year-old migrants from Afghanistan and Syriaassaulted two 13-year-old girls at a public swimming pool in Hachenburg.

Also on January 23, a 35-year-old migrant sexually assaulted a woman in a restroom on a train inDüsseldorf. A 22-year-old Syrian migrant exposed himself on a train in Hanover. An 18-year-old Syrian asylum seeker raped a 17-year-old woman in Straubing. Two unidentified men sexually assaulted an 18-year-old woman in Wiesbaden.

January 24. Two men speaking "broken German" attempted to rape a 25-year-old woman inLehrte as she was walking home from the train station. The men pulled a knife on the woman and ordered her to "spread your legs."

January 25. A 30-year-old migrant from "North Africa" (nordafrikanischem Erscheinungsbild)exposed himself to a 19-year-old woman on a public bus in Marburg, and then to passersby at the main train station.

January 26. A 35-year-old migrant attempted to rape a young girl in Bochum. Two female passersby intervened and called police.

January 27. Two "southerners" (dunklem Teint) sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl at a bus stop in Überlingen. A 21-year-old asylum seeker assaulted an 18-year-old woman in a female changing room at a fitness studio in Lahr.

January 28. A migrant from Sudan sexually assaulted a female police officer in Hanover as she was attempting to arrest him for theft. Two "underage refugees" (minderjährige Flüchtlinge)sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl at a shelter for children in Düsseldorf. It later emerged that one of the perpetrators was a 22-year-old migrant from Iran who claimed he was 16 years old to gain access to the shelter. A 17-year-old Afghan migrant assaulted a 14-year-old girl inFrankenberg. A "southerner" (Südländer) sexually assaulted an 18-year-old woman inBacknang.

January 31. A 30-year-old German, originally from Turkmenistan, raped a seven-year-old girl inKiel. The man kidnapped the girl from a school playground at 11AM, took her to his apartment and, after abusing her, set her free. It later emerged that the man had been accused of sexually assaulting a five-year-old girl at another kindergarten in Kiel on January 18, but due to insufficient evidence, the public prosecutors failed to pursue the case.

Also on January 31, four unidentified migrants (ausländischem Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 17-year-old woman in Vilshofen. An unidentified "dark skinned" (dunkelhäutig) man assaulted a woman in Villingen. Two North African migrants sexually assaulted two 15-year-old girls inSalzgitter.

February 1. A 40-year-old asylum seeker from Syria kissed a 7-year-old boy at a bus stop inGaildorf.

February 2. Two "dark skinned" (dunklere Gesichtsfarbe) men assaulted a 31-year-old woman, who was nine months pregnant, in the parking lot of a supermarket in Schweinfurt. A 26-year-old migrant using several different identities assaulted three women on a train in Berlin. Two "dark skinned" (dunklem Hauttyp) men assaulted a 14-year-old girl on a school bus in Eslohe.

February 3. Three Afghan migrants sexually assaulted two 14-year-old girls from France at a public swimming pool in Munich. A 16-year-old migrant assaulted a 16-year-old girl at a swimming pool in Heidenheim. An 18-year-old Libyan migrant attempted to rape a 25-year-old woman in Leipzig. A "southern looking man" (südländisch aussehend) exposed himself to passengers on a regional train in Harburg.

February 4. A 29-year-old migrant from Nigeria raped a 21-year-old woman at a carnival celebration in Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock. A 25-year-old asylum seeker from Syria assaultedtwo women at the same carnival. More than 20 women were sexually assaulted during carnival celebrations in Cologne. A Syrian migrant sexually assaulted a 49-year-old woman after a carnival in Bad Reichenhall. A 29-year-old migrant assaulted a woman after a carnival inDinslaken.

Also on February 4, an African migrant (Schwarzafrikaner) assaulted a woman at a supermarket in Lörrach. When police arrived, the man assaulted the officers, who needed backup to subdue him. Police have been unable to determine the man's identity; he was carrying a fake ID. An Eritrean migrant who assaulted two women in Zeithain was freed after a judge determined the man was drunk when he committed the crimes. A "southerner" (Südländer) assaulted a young woman in Elsfleth.

February 5. Groups of North African migrants assaulted women at carnival celebrations in downtown Cologne. Two migrants sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl in Straubing. A migrantassaulted a 19-year-old woman in Villingen-Schwenningen. Two "Arabic looking" (arabisch aussehend) men assaulted a 13-year-old girl in Klietz.

February 6. A group of 30 migrants attempted to rape an 18-year-old woman in Mühldorf am Inn, a town in Bavaria. Three Afghan migrants were arrested for sexually assaulting several women at a carnival celebrations on in Laufenburg. A 28-year-old Iraqi migrant assaulted a woman after a carnival in Bocholt. A 24-year-old migrant assaulted two 15-year-old girls at a carnival celebration in Badorf. A 48-year-old Jordanian migrant assaulted a 16-year-old girl at a carnival parade in Frankfurt. "Five or six" migrants assaulted a 25-year-old woman after carnival celebrations in Cologne. Several "foreigners" (Ausländer) assaulted "numerous" women at a carnival in Konstanz.

Also on February 6, a "southerner" (südländisches Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 19-year-old man in Ravensburg. Four "southerners" (südländisches Aussehen) assaulted and robbed two girls (13 and 14 years old) near the main train station in Bochum. A migrant (dunklen Teint) assaulted a woman in Friedrichstadt. Five migrants sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Celle.

February 7. A 24-year-old Algerian migrant assaulted two teenage girls at a carnival in Rietberg. Three "Arab looking" (arabisches Aussehen) men sexually assaulted several women at a carnival in Mainz. Two "dark skinned men" (dunkelhäutige Männer) sexually assaulted a 31-year-old woman at a carnival in Gütersloh. Four Afghan migrants were arrested for assaulting two 14-year-old girls at carnival celebrations in Erfurt. Four Afghan migrants sexually assaulted a 17-year-old woman in Heppenheim. Several women were assaulted at a carnival in Hardheim. A 21-year-old Moroccan migrant sexually assaulted a woman at a carnival in Kranenburg. Two "dark skinned" (dunkelhäutig) men assaulted two women at a carnival in Flieden.

Also on February 7, a 17-year-old Afghan migrant sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Landshut. A 16-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted several women at Schillerplatz, a large public square in downtown Mainz. A "dark skinned" (dunklem Hauttyp) man sexually assaulted a 17-year-old woman in Backnang. Three "southern looking" (südländischem Aussehen) assaulted a woman in Offenburg. A group of "dark skinned" (dunklen Teint) migrants sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl in Ochtrup.

Also on February 7, a "dark skinned" (dunkelhäutig) man sexually assaulted a 24-year-old woman in Mühldorf. Five migrants assaulted a 15-year-old girl in Bernburg. A "southerner" (südländisches Aussehen) assaulted a 37-year-old woman on a bus in Bochum. Two "southerners" (zwei Südländer) sexually assaulted an 18-year-old woman on an express train inStuttgart. A "southerner" (südländisch Aussehen) assaulted a 39-year-old woman near the train station in Dresden. A migrant assaulted a 46-year-old woman in Eppelheim.

February 8. A 35-year-old migrant sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl at a carnival in Siegburg. Two Moroccans assaulted a 36-year-old woman at a carnival in Brilon. Three migrants assaulteda 49-year-old woman in Andechs.

February 9. North African migrants assaulted a 19-year-old woman during carnival revelry in Opladen, a district of Leverkusen. Several "southerners" (Südländer) assaulted a 23-year-old woman in a supermarket parking lot in Göttingen. Four migrants sexually assaulted three 13-year-old girls at a public swimming pool in Borghorst.

February 11. A 36-year-old asylum seeker raped a 14-year-old girl at a migrant shelter inBraunschweig.

February 12. A "dark skinned" (dunkle Teint) sexually assaulted a boy at a swimming pool inNordenham. A migrant assaulted a boy at a swimming pool in Nordenham. Three "dark skinned" (dunkle Hautfarbe) men assaulted a 16-year-old girl in Füssen.

February 13. Several migrants assaulted three girls (aged between 10 and 11) at a swimming pool in Norden. A migrant assaulted a 49-year-old woman in a bakery in Gütersloh.

February 14. Two migrants from Iran and Syria assaulted two girls (aged 10 and 11) at a public swimming pool in Dresden. Four migrants assaulted a 19-year-old woman in Duisburg. Migrantsassaulted several women at a discotheque in Mengeringhausen.

February 15. A 17-year-old North African assaulted several women at the main train station inBremen. A 23-year-old Algerian migrant assaulted a 14-year-old girl on metro train in Frankfurt. Four "dark skinned" (Dunkelhäutige) men assaulted a 35-year-old woman in Künzelsau.

February 16. An "Arabic looking" man assaulted a 14-year-old girl on a bus in Dörzbach.

February 17. A man with a "dark complexion" (dunklem Hautteint) exposed himself to passersby in the Biebrich district of Wiesbaden. A "14 or 15-year-old" boy with "dark skin" (dunkler Teint)exposed himself to several women at a traffic light in Hörstel. Two "southerners" (südländischem Aussehen) assaulted a 25-year-old woman in Dresden.

February 18. Three "southern looking" (südländische Erscheinung) men attempted to rape a woman in Uelzen. At least one of the men was attacked by the woman's Rottweiler.

February 20. A 34-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker assaulted two girls, aged 13 and 14, at a supermarket in Rotenburg. Two "dark skinned" (dunklen Teint) men speaking broken Germanraped a 49-year-old woman near a cemetery in Biberach. A 51-year-old Bosnian migrant was arrested for repeatedly raping a 17-year-old woman in the Feuerbach district of Stuttgart. Two "dark brown skinned" males sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman in Trier. A 28-year-old Afghan migrant attempted to rape a woman in Blankenburg. A "dark skinned" (dunklen Teint) man sexually assaulted a 23-year-old man in Greven.

February 21. Seven migrants from Afghanistan and Iran invaded female changing rooms at a public swimming pool in Aurich. A 35-year-old Syrian migrant assaulted a 14-year-old girl at a pool in Eckernförde. An unidentified migrant raped a 21-year-old woman at the train station inBad Schwartau. A 44-year-old migrant sexually assaulted a 29-year-old female volunteer at a refugee shelter in Großenlüder. A "southerner" (südländisches Aussehen) assaulted a 14-year-girl on a train in Neubrandenburg. Several days later, the same girl was attacked by the same suspect at a playground in the city.

February 22. A man "speaking German with a foreign accent" sexually assaulted a 20-year-old woman in Asperg. A "southerner" (südländischer Typ) assaulted a 16-year-old girl inFeldkirchen. Two "Turkish or Arab" man attempted to rape a 15-year-old girl in Brandenburg.

February 23. A 16-year-old migrant who raped two boys (9 and 11 years of age) in the town ofGlöwen was released from jail. A judge ruled that because the suspect lives with his parents and has no money, he does not pose a flight risk. A 34-year-old Algerian migrant assaulted two women (17 and 22 years of age) at a subway station in Berlin. A migrant touched himself in front of a 19-year-old woman on a public bus in Chemnitz. A migrant touched himself in front of a 21-year-old woman on a subway train in Chemnitz.

February 24. A 31-year-old Nigerian asylum seeker sexually assaulted a 21-year-old woman in a church in Weilheim. Police say the man previously assaulted another woman in the same church. He also assaulted two women in the town hall and another woman at a nursing home. A "southerner" (südländischem Äußeren) assaulted an 18-year-old woman in Kassel.

February 25. A dark skinned (südländische Hautfarbe) man assaulted two girls (13 and 15 years of age) on a city bus in the Mockau-Nord district of Leipzig. An "African" (afrikanischen Typ) manassaulted a 48-year-old woman on a tram in Leipzig.

February 26. Two Afghan migrants were accused of raping a 24-year-old woman in Magdeburg. A 29-year-old man was arrested for assaulting several women at the train station in Mülheim an der Ruhr. A 20-year-old asylum seeker assaulted a 20-year-old woman in Landau.

February 28. Two Afghan migrants (aged 14 and 34) raped two girls (aged 14 and 18) at a public swimming pool in Norderstedt. Two Afghan migrants sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman inMannheim. A "southerner" (südländischer Typ) assaulted a 46-year-old woman in front of the city hall in Schwarzenbach. A 19-year-old Algerian migrant assaulted a 21-year-old woman inHamm.

Have a glance at that and tell me this isn't an issue.
You're missing the point. The migrants are causing disproportionately high crime rates.

So flippant. If it was your Mom/wife/sister/daughter would you be so callous?

454 sexual assault charges in one night

Sexual Assaults and Rapes by Migrants in Germany, January-February 2016.

Gatestone Institute first reported about Germany's migrant rape epidemic in September 2015. The problem has now spread to cities and towns in all 16 of Germany's federal states. Following are a few cases from just the first two months of 2016:

January 1. More than a thousand migrants sexually assaulted hundreds of German women in the cities of Cologne, Hamburg and Stuttgart.

January 4. A group of migrant youths sexually assaulted a handicapped girl in Bielefeld.

January 5. An Afghan migrant attempted to rape a 15-year-old girl in Burghausen.

January 7. A 36-year-old asylum seeker was arrested for raping a 16-year-old boy inside the city hall of Wolfsburg. A "southerner" (südländisch, arabisch) sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl near a train station in Ellwangen.

January 8. A 17-year-old Syrian migrant exposed himself to women at a swimming pool in St. Ingbert.

January 9. A 48-year-old woman was raped by three migrants in Dresden. The perpetrators have not been arrested. Also on January 9, a 45-year-old woman was sexually assaulted by an "Arab-speaking" man in Gleidingen, a town near Hanover. A group of five North Africans (Algerians, Moroccans) sexually assaulted five women in Oldenburg. Two North African migrants (Libya, Tunisia) sexually assaulted a 31-year-old woman at the main train station in Leipzig. A migrant attempted to rape a 46-year-old woman in Saarbrücken-Altenkessel.

January 10. A group of "southerners" (südländisches Aussehen) sexually assaulted three girls at a public swimming pool in Ansbach. A 21-year-old West African was arrested for raping a 15-year-old girl at a train station in Wuppertal. A 36-year-old Syrian migrant sexually assaulted a 20-year-old woman in Bornhöved. The woman was showing the man an apartment that had been advertised for rent.

January 11. A 35-year-old migrant from Pakistan sexually assaulted a three-year-old girl at a refugee shelter in Kamen. Eight migrants attempted to rape a woman at a grocery store inAmpfing. She defended herself by using pepper spray. A 20-year-old Moroccan assaulted a 24-year-old woman in Frankenberg.

January 12. A "southerner" (südländisch aussehenden) raped a 16-year-old girl in Wuppertal. Two "Arabic speaking" men assaulted a 37-year-old woman in Fröndenberg.

January 13. Four migrants (südländisch aussehen) attempted to rape a 13-year-old girl inGelsenkirchen. Three migrants sexually assaulted a 31-year-old woman in Oldenburg. A migrant attempted to rape a woman at a train station in Altötting. She defended herself by using pepper spray. Three "southerners" (südländischer oder arabischer Herkunft) assaulted a woman in Bad Münstereifel.

January 14. Three migrants (südländische Hautfarbe) sexually assaulted a 47-year-old woman in the Bavarian town of Dingolfing. Three "southerners" (Südländer) assaulted a 22-year-old women on a train in Bremerhaven.

January 15. A 36-year-old migrant sexually assaulted an eight-year-old girl at a public park in Hilden near Solingen. A 31-year-old migrant from Tunisia was arrested for attempting to rape a 30-year-old woman in Chemnitz. A 31-year-old migrant from Morocco appeared in court forraping a 31-year-old woman in Dresden. A migrant sexually assaulted a 42-year-old woman inMainz. A migrant (dunkleren Teint) sexually assaulted a 32-year-old woman in Münchfeld. An African migrant sexually assaulted a 55-year-old woman in Mannheim.

Also on January 15, all male migrants over the age of 18 were banned from a public swimming pool in Bornheim, near Bonn, after assaults against female patrons at the facility. The measure was branded as racist by German media outlets.

January 16. A migrant from Syria sexually assaulted a 12-year-old boy in Mudersbach. The migrant was arrested but then released. A 25-year-old Moroccan migrant assaulted two woman at a grocery store in Zeithain.

January 17. Three "southerners" (Südländer) attempted to rape a young woman in Kiel. Two migrants (19 and 38 years old) sexually assaulted a 21-year-old woman at a restaurant in the main train station in Nuremberg. A 19-year-old Afghan migrant assaulted four girls (aged 11 to 13) at a public swimming pool in Dresden. Migrants invaded female changing rooms at a swimming pool in Burghausen. Two "southerners" (dunklen/südländischen Typ) attempted to rape a 42-year-old woman at a pharmacy in Altötting.

January 18. A 43-year-old Syrian migrant assaulted a 63-year-old woman in Wetzlar. Police say the man also assaulted two other women (aged 62 and 74) in Wetzlar.

January 19. A 17-year-old Eritrean migrant attempted to rape an 18-year-old woman in a parking garage in Bad Oldesloe. After police intervened, the man head-butted an officer, who was hospitalized.

January 20. Migrants invaded female showers and changing rooms at two public swimming pools in Leipzig.

January 21. A "black skinned" (schwarz glänzende Hautfarbe) man attempted to rape a 13-year-old girl in Langenfeld. Two migrants assaulted an 18-year-old woman in Dingolfing.

January 22. A migrant (südländisches Äußeres) attempted to rape a 16-year-old girl in Feuerbach district of Stuttgart, and in downtown Stuttgart, four "Arabic looking" (arabisches Aussehen) men sexually assaulted a 23-year-old woman. Migrants harassed women at public swimming pools in Zwickau.

January 23. Migrants sexually assaulted two 11-year-old girls at a public swimming pool inWilhelmshaven. Two asylum seekers from Afghanistan assaulted two 17-year-old women at a public swimming pool in Straubing. Three 16-year-old migrants from Afghanistan and Syriaassaulted two 13-year-old girls at a public swimming pool in Hachenburg.

Also on January 23, a 35-year-old migrant sexually assaulted a woman in a restroom on a train inDüsseldorf. A 22-year-old Syrian migrant exposed himself on a train in Hanover. An 18-year-old Syrian asylum seeker raped a 17-year-old woman in Straubing. Two unidentified men sexually assaulted an 18-year-old woman in Wiesbaden.

January 24. Two men speaking "broken German" attempted to rape a 25-year-old woman inLehrte as she was walking home from the train station. The men pulled a knife on the woman and ordered her to "spread your legs."

January 25. A 30-year-old migrant from "North Africa" (nordafrikanischem Erscheinungsbild)exposed himself to a 19-year-old woman on a public bus in Marburg, and then to passersby at the main train station.

January 26. A 35-year-old migrant attempted to rape a young girl in Bochum. Two female passersby intervened and called police.

January 27. Two "southerners" (dunklem Teint) sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl at a bus stop in Überlingen. A 21-year-old asylum seeker assaulted an 18-year-old woman in a female changing room at a fitness studio in Lahr.

January 28. A migrant from Sudan sexually assaulted a female police officer in Hanover as she was attempting to arrest him for theft. Two "underage refugees" (minderjährige Flüchtlinge)sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl at a shelter for children in Düsseldorf. It later emerged that one of the perpetrators was a 22-year-old migrant from Iran who claimed he was 16 years old to gain access to the shelter. A 17-year-old Afghan migrant assaulted a 14-year-old girl inFrankenberg. A "southerner" (Südländer) sexually assaulted an 18-year-old woman inBacknang.

January 31. A 30-year-old German, originally from Turkmenistan, raped a seven-year-old girl inKiel. The man kidnapped the girl from a school playground at 11AM, took her to his apartment and, after abusing her, set her free. It later emerged that the man had been accused of sexually assaulting a five-year-old girl at another kindergarten in Kiel on January 18, but due to insufficient evidence, the public prosecutors failed to pursue the case.

Also on January 31, four unidentified migrants (ausländischem Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 17-year-old woman in Vilshofen. An unidentified "dark skinned" (dunkelhäutig) man assaulted a woman in Villingen. Two North African migrants sexually assaulted two 15-year-old girls inSalzgitter.

February 1. A 40-year-old asylum seeker from Syria kissed a 7-year-old boy at a bus stop inGaildorf.

February 2. Two "dark skinned" (dunklere Gesichtsfarbe) men assaulted a 31-year-old woman, who was nine months pregnant, in the parking lot of a supermarket in Schweinfurt. A 26-year-old migrant using several different identities assaulted three women on a train in Berlin. Two "dark skinned" (dunklem Hauttyp) men assaulted a 14-year-old girl on a school bus in Eslohe.

February 3. Three Afghan migrants sexually assaulted two 14-year-old girls from France at a public swimming pool in Munich. A 16-year-old migrant assaulted a 16-year-old girl at a swimming pool in Heidenheim. An 18-year-old Libyan migrant attempted to rape a 25-year-old woman in Leipzig. A "southern looking man" (südländisch aussehend) exposed himself to passengers on a regional train in Harburg.

February 4. A 29-year-old migrant from Nigeria raped a 21-year-old woman at a carnival celebration in Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock. A 25-year-old asylum seeker from Syria assaultedtwo women at the same carnival. More than 20 women were sexually assaulted during carnival celebrations in Cologne. A Syrian migrant sexually assaulted a 49-year-old woman after a carnival in Bad Reichenhall. A 29-year-old migrant assaulted a woman after a carnival inDinslaken.

Also on February 4, an African migrant (Schwarzafrikaner) assaulted a woman at a supermarket in Lörrach. When police arrived, the man assaulted the officers, who needed backup to subdue him. Police have been unable to determine the man's identity; he was carrying a fake ID. An Eritrean migrant who assaulted two women in Zeithain was freed after a judge determined the man was drunk when he committed the crimes. A "southerner" (Südländer) assaulted a young woman in Elsfleth.

February 5. Groups of North African migrants assaulted women at carnival celebrations in downtown Cologne. Two migrants sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl in Straubing. A migrantassaulted a 19-year-old woman in Villingen-Schwenningen. Two "Arabic looking" (arabisch aussehend) men assaulted a 13-year-old girl in Klietz.

February 6. A group of 30 migrants attempted to rape an 18-year-old woman in Mühldorf am Inn, a town in Bavaria. Three Afghan migrants were arrested for sexually assaulting several women at a carnival celebrations on in Laufenburg. A 28-year-old Iraqi migrant assaulted a woman after a carnival in Bocholt. A 24-year-old migrant assaulted two 15-year-old girls at a carnival celebration in Badorf. A 48-year-old Jordanian migrant assaulted a 16-year-old girl at a carnival parade in Frankfurt. "Five or six" migrants assaulted a 25-year-old woman after carnival celebrations in Cologne. Several "foreigners" (Ausländer) assaulted "numerous" women at a carnival in Konstanz.

Also on February 6, a "southerner" (südländisches Aussehen) sexually assaulted a 19-year-old man in Ravensburg. Four "southerners" (südländisches Aussehen) assaulted and robbed two girls (13 and 14 years old) near the main train station in Bochum. A migrant (dunklen Teint) assaulted a woman in Friedrichstadt. Five migrants sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Celle.

February 7. A 24-year-old Algerian migrant assaulted two teenage girls at a carnival in Rietberg. Three "Arab looking" (arabisches Aussehen) men sexually assaulted several women at a carnival in Mainz. Two "dark skinned men" (dunkelhäutige Männer) sexually assaulted a 31-year-old woman at a carnival in Gütersloh. Four Afghan migrants were arrested for assaulting two 14-year-old girls at carnival celebrations in Erfurt. Four Afghan migrants sexually assaulted a 17-year-old woman in Heppenheim. Several women were assaulted at a carnival in Hardheim. A 21-year-old Moroccan migrant sexually assaulted a woman at a carnival in Kranenburg. Two "dark skinned" (dunkelhäutig) men assaulted two women at a carnival in Flieden.

Also on February 7, a 17-year-old Afghan migrant sexually assaulted a 12-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in Landshut. A 16-year-old migrant from Afghanistan sexually assaulted several women at Schillerplatz, a large public square in downtown Mainz. A "dark skinned" (dunklem Hauttyp) man sexually assaulted a 17-year-old woman in Backnang. Three "southern looking" (südländischem Aussehen) assaulted a woman in Offenburg. A group of "dark skinned" (dunklen Teint) migrants sexually assaulted a 16-year-old girl in Ochtrup.

Also on February 7, a "dark skinned" (dunkelhäutig) man sexually assaulted a 24-year-old woman in Mühldorf. Five migrants assaulted a 15-year-old girl in Bernburg. A "southerner" (südländisches Aussehen) assaulted a 37-year-old woman on a bus in Bochum. Two "southerners" (zwei Südländer) sexually assaulted an 18-year-old woman on an express train inStuttgart. A "southerner" (südländisch Aussehen) assaulted a 39-year-old woman near the train station in Dresden. A migrant assaulted a 46-year-old woman in Eppelheim.

February 8. A 35-year-old migrant sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl at a carnival in Siegburg. Two Moroccans assaulted a 36-year-old woman at a carnival in Brilon. Three migrants assaulteda 49-year-old woman in Andechs.

February 9. North African migrants assaulted a 19-year-old woman during carnival revelry in Opladen, a district of Leverkusen. Several "southerners" (Südländer) assaulted a 23-year-old woman in a supermarket parking lot in Göttingen. Four migrants sexually assaulted three 13-year-old girls at a public swimming pool in Borghorst.

February 11. A 36-year-old asylum seeker raped a 14-year-old girl at a migrant shelter inBraunschweig.

February 12. A "dark skinned" (dunkle Teint) sexually assaulted a boy at a swimming pool inNordenham. A migrant assaulted a boy at a swimming pool in Nordenham. Three "dark skinned" (dunkle Hautfarbe) men assaulted a 16-year-old girl in Füssen.

February 13. Several migrants assaulted three girls (aged between 10 and 11) at a swimming pool in Norden. A migrant assaulted a 49-year-old woman in a bakery in Gütersloh.

February 14. Two migrants from Iran and Syria assaulted two girls (aged 10 and 11) at a public swimming pool in Dresden. Four migrants assaulted a 19-year-old woman in Duisburg. Migrantsassaulted several women at a discotheque in Mengeringhausen.

February 15. A 17-year-old North African assaulted several women at the main train station inBremen. A 23-year-old Algerian migrant assaulted a 14-year-old girl on metro train in Frankfurt. Four "dark skinned" (Dunkelhäutige) men assaulted a 35-year-old woman in Künzelsau.

February 16. An "Arabic looking" man assaulted a 14-year-old girl on a bus in Dörzbach.

February 17. A man with a "dark complexion" (dunklem Hautteint) exposed himself to passersby in the Biebrich district of Wiesbaden. A "14 or 15-year-old" boy with "dark skin" (dunkler Teint)exposed himself to several women at a traffic light in Hörstel. Two "southerners" (südländischem Aussehen) assaulted a 25-year-old woman in Dresden.

February 18. Three "southern looking" (südländische Erscheinung) men attempted to rape a woman in Uelzen. At least one of the men was attacked by the woman's Rottweiler.

February 20. A 34-year-old Iraqi asylum seeker assaulted two girls, aged 13 and 14, at a supermarket in Rotenburg. Two "dark skinned" (dunklen Teint) men speaking broken Germanraped a 49-year-old woman near a cemetery in Biberach. A 51-year-old Bosnian migrant was arrested for repeatedly raping a 17-year-old woman in the Feuerbach district of Stuttgart. Two "dark brown skinned" males sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman in Trier. A 28-year-old Afghan migrant attempted to rape a woman in Blankenburg. A "dark skinned" (dunklen Teint) man sexually assaulted a 23-year-old man in Greven.

February 21. Seven migrants from Afghanistan and Iran invaded female changing rooms at a public swimming pool in Aurich. A 35-year-old Syrian migrant assaulted a 14-year-old girl at a pool in Eckernförde. An unidentified migrant raped a 21-year-old woman at the train station inBad Schwartau. A 44-year-old migrant sexually assaulted a 29-year-old female volunteer at a refugee shelter in Großenlüder. A "southerner" (südländisches Aussehen) assaulted a 14-year-girl on a train in Neubrandenburg. Several days later, the same girl was attacked by the same suspect at a playground in the city.

February 22. A man "speaking German with a foreign accent" sexually assaulted a 20-year-old woman in Asperg. A "southerner" (südländischer Typ) assaulted a 16-year-old girl inFeldkirchen. Two "Turkish or Arab" man attempted to rape a 15-year-old girl in Brandenburg.

February 23. A 16-year-old migrant who raped two boys (9 and 11 years of age) in the town ofGlöwen was released from jail. A judge ruled that because the suspect lives with his parents and has no money, he does not pose a flight risk. A 34-year-old Algerian migrant assaulted two women (17 and 22 years of age) at a subway station in Berlin. A migrant touched himself in front of a 19-year-old woman on a public bus in Chemnitz. A migrant touched himself in front of a 21-year-old woman on a subway train in Chemnitz.

February 24. A 31-year-old Nigerian asylum seeker sexually assaulted a 21-year-old woman in a church in Weilheim. Police say the man previously assaulted another woman in the same church. He also assaulted two women in the town hall and another woman at a nursing home. A "southerner" (südländischem Äußeren) assaulted an 18-year-old woman in Kassel.

February 25. A dark skinned (südländische Hautfarbe) man assaulted two girls (13 and 15 years of age) on a city bus in the Mockau-Nord district of Leipzig. An "African" (afrikanischen Typ) manassaulted a 48-year-old woman on a tram in Leipzig.

February 26. Two Afghan migrants were accused of raping a 24-year-old woman in Magdeburg. A 29-year-old man was arrested for assaulting several women at the train station in Mülheim an der Ruhr. A 20-year-old asylum seeker assaulted a 20-year-old woman in Landau.

February 28. Two Afghan migrants (aged 14 and 34) raped two girls (aged 14 and 18) at a public swimming pool in Norderstedt. Two Afghan migrants sexually assaulted a 19-year-old woman inMannheim. A "southerner" (südländischer Typ) assaulted a 46-year-old woman in front of the city hall in Schwarzenbach. A 19-year-old Algerian migrant assaulted a 21-year-old woman inHamm.

Have a glance at that and tell me this isn't an issue.

If that's the point Novcze wanted to make, shouldn't he perhaps be being posting articles like those Johnny linked... as it is he chose to make a big deal over 1 single assault, probably because it was an elderly woman - which of course will generate more sympathy for his point of view which is clearly demonstrated enough already by the Hungarian PM's comments he posted. It's a pathetic tactic for posting that doesn't deserve anything more than a flippant response, especially given way he sarcastically (or worryingly) referred to the rape he linked as "cultural enrichment".

This isn't particularly aimed at you Novcze, but I object more to the way people try and sell their opinions, than I would if I simply disagreed with them. Posting news with a biased agenda that you won't admit, is stupid, and ultimately pointless on a forum. I could call it "the Ksaiyu principle"!. If people have an opinion, it's better simply stated and backed up with reasons.
If that's the point Novcze wanted to make, shouldn't he perhaps be being posting articles like those Johnny linked... as it is he chose to make a big deal over 1 single assault, probably because it was an elderly woman - which of course will generate more sympathy for his point of view which is clearly demonstrated enough already by the Hungarian PM's comments he posted. It's a pathetic tactic for posting that doesn't deserve anything more than a flippant response, especially given way he sarcastically (or worryingly) referred to the rape he linked as "cultural enrichment".

This isn't particularly aimed at you Novcze, but I object more to the way people try and sell their opinions, than I would if I simply disagreed with them. Posting news with a biased agenda that you won't admit, is stupid, and ultimately pointless on a forum. I could call it "the Ksaiyu principle"!. If people have an opinion, it's better simply stated and backed up with reasons.

I didn't post this to make a big deal over something, my post should inspire thinking about role of our governments. Are we satisfied with the effects of uncontrolled influx of 1.x million people from vastly different cultures, did politicians have mandate for this? Aren't those crazy Hungarians right in their approach?

I wasn't really expected any discussion since we have been through this in the previous months and there is nothing much to add.
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If that's the point Novcze wanted to make, shouldn't he perhaps be being posting articles like those Johnny linked... as it is he chose to make a big deal over 1 single assault, probably because it was an elderly woman - which of course will generate more sympathy for his point of view which is clearly demonstrated enough already by the Hungarian PM's comments he posted. It's a pathetic tactic for posting that doesn't deserve anything more than a flippant response, especially given way he sarcastically (or worryingly) referred to the rape he linked as "cultural enrichment".

This isn't particularly aimed at you Novcze, but I object more to the way people try and sell their opinions, than I would if I simply disagreed with them. Posting news with a biased agenda that you won't admit, is stupid, and ultimately pointless on a forum. I could call it "the Ksaiyu principle"!. If people have an opinion, it's better simply stated and backed up with reasons.

It's not my opinion, these are the numbers and facts.
I'm an immigrant myself, Belgian in Spain:) I think the main point that bothers people is the way an immigrant contributes to their new country; do you make a living for yourself in an honest way and refrain from causing trouble, or do you leach of welfare forever or engage in criminal acts?

Only normal that the locals get fed up with the latter IMO.
In my experience, immigrant groups don't set out to enter a life of crime (of course, there will always be exceptions) but the general lack of understanding from both parties, but especially the host nation as well as pressure from 'vested interest' parties such as populist newspapers and opportunist politicians looking to turn the situation to their own advantage. Under those circumstances, a larger proportion of the incoming flow can turn or be turned to crime and of course extremist action as they successively get turned away from work they can and are quite willing to do by a population turned against them prematurely.

Murdoch did this in the UK - I have also experienced this myself as a migrant to the Netherlands in the 90s, where even after learning the language (swiftly) to university entrance level, I was still treated like a migrant wanting to abuse their system. The only people I got on with were mostly other migrants as the rest were pretty intolerant, without provocation other than my being in their country.
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Well gee... I guess Germany never had any rape crime until they let refugees in.

Quite possibly the crime / rape (or whatsoever related to them, obviously) rates goes steeply on the rise as we've accepted more and more immigrants to our home country, regardless of where they come from actually - apart from the immigrants having less chances of earning a proper employment somewhere and thus more liable to become poorer, partly for the reasons pointed out by MeanElf above, they're just in a number of cases awkward (or simply can't) to settling into that country and trying themselves to adjust to the manners of local society. Of course it's not the immigrants that have to be blamed in all of the aspects, but either way they resort to such crimes for anger / displeasure for themselves being treated in a different way by the local citizens or society, or some of them feeling disgusted to be treated likewise the local citizens(particularly in my country).

Or speaking moral wise I think (especially those illegal immigrants and Syrian refugees from Middle East, in Germany) they're just oblivious to the local rules about what is okay to do and what is not. Perhaps this can be another factor why the crime rate tends to increase in accepting those immigrants with differing cultural background / sense of value to judge what is right and what is wrong.

(Meanwhile in Japan there are some chuckleheads proposing to accept more and more immigrants as the future work forces in place of local Japanese youth and for "cultural enrichment" ahead of 2020 Tokyo Olympic games as the term represented in a sarcastic sense by novsze, but I'm strongly against that for the reasons above and others mentioned in their posts)
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I've no problem with immigrants. My grandparents were immigrants from Sicily and Greece. They legally immigrated through Ellis Island, NY. They did not cause problems.

I think what many people take issue with is illegal immigration. And take issue that illegal immigrants are just granted amnesty while plenty of other immigrants have waited years, done all the paperwork and paid all the fees to become full US citizens.

I have a friend who is planning to immigrate to US, he's Indonesian. Through legal path, not amnesty, do you or anyone here from US have any knowledge about the paperwork/requirements to do so, to get at least green card for 1st step ? He's going to US at the end of the year of next year, visiting there for a few months, mainly for holiday road trip, one of the other reason is he's still single, so I think of of his motivation to move besides new place and work, is looking for life companion. He's fluent in English, we met back in Australia years ago, he lived in NSW for more than 5 years for study and work in automotive sector.
Not sure what a wall can do that a fence and barbed wire can't? - they'll just find another way around it or over it. The area needs policing.
What baffles me is that in many cases they don't deport these idiots once it's proven that they are committing crimes or assaulting women.

There is an asylum seeker from Mali who is constantly threatening people and he recently redecorated the asylum center he was staying in:


But they can't return him to sender because Belgium doesn't have an agreement with Mali, and Mali frankly doesn't seem to give a crap.

Again another example of the 'hosts' becoming victims of their own tolerance + will to do good and help people out...
...Again another example of the 'hosts' becoming victims of their own tolerance + will to do good and help people out...
These are a few individuals though, not all people in that situation are the same or act like that - and there are plenty of individuals in every country, born there, who act the same way. So it's more a case of the agreement between countries needing to be dealt with rather than refusing genuine people a chance.

You mention a few posts ago that you are now a resident in Spain - how would you feel about being repatriated because of a blanket policy to return all foreigners? Surely you should be keen to fight the scare-mongering that popular press specialise in?
These are a few individuals though, not all people in that situation are the same or act like that - and there are plenty of individuals in every country, born there, who act the same way. So it's more a case of the agreement between countries needing to be dealt with rather than refusing genuine people a chance.

You mention a few posts ago that you are now a resident in Spain - how would you feel about being repatriated because of a blanket policy to return all foreigners? Surely you should be keen to fight the scare-mongering that popular press specialise in?
At this point its like talking into a brick wall.

Its like talking to ISIS that Yazidis are okay guys.
You mention a few posts ago that you are now a resident in Spain - how would you feel about being repatriated because of a blanket policy to return all foreigners? Surely you should be keen to fight the scare-mongering that popular press specialise in?
Where is there a blanket policy to return all foreigners? You know as well as I do that will never happen. I suppose it's clear to all that if you immigrate to another country (for whatever reason), that you respect your host country, behave and try to integrate? And that persons that are not willing to do so and misbehave have no place being there in the first place?
Where is there a blanket policy to return all foreigners? You know as well as I do that will never happen. I suppose it's clear to all that if you immigrate to another country (for whatever reason), that you respect your host country, behave and try to integrate? And that persons that are not willing to do so and misbehave have no place being there in the first place?
Yes, and that person in the article should either be locked up for such behaviour or returned to his own country - neither of which is happening there, at least not according to the article. Instead, they (the popular press and people) just go on and add it to the arsenal of reasons that will very likely lead to mass expulsions at some point.

I'm not sure if you are aware of what happened in the UK recently regarding the leave EU referendum - as soon as that vote to leave was in an alarming number of incidences cropped up across the country where it was clear certain people were expecting all immigrants to leave, and soon.

It is the small step from that situation to what I said in my previous post that I am concerned about here, as should you be.
Yes, and that person in the article should either be locked up for such behaviour or returned to his own country - neither of which is happening there, at least not according to the article. Instead, they (the popular press and people) just go on and add it to the arsenal of reasons that will very likely lead to mass expulsions at some point.

I'm not sure if you are aware of what happened in the UK recently regarding the leave EU referendum - as soon as that vote to leave was in an alarming number of incidences cropped up across the country where it was clear certain people were expecting all immigrants to leave, and soon.

It is the small step from that situation to what I said in my previous post that I am concerned about here, as should you be.
This goes back to the incompetence of the EU to do something about the problem. People are willing to accept their gov. gives shelter to actual refugees, but they simply do not want an influx of fortune seekers that have no respect at all for their culture.

Whilst this simple fact is not recognized and the government seems incapable to do something about it, there is a natural swing to the right as a reaction.

Next elections i will vote right wing to as i want this problem dealt with. And no, not for the neonazi party or anything like that, but for a party that at least recognizes the situation we are in and is willing to do something about it. This whilst the socialist party which i used to vote for acts as if the problem doesn't exist and it's the right wing that we should really be worried about...
There is a common failing I have noticed in how member nations deal with people from elsewhere - they all seem to assume that everyone does things the same way as they themselves do. Governments need to take a more active role in understanding the ways of any culture coming into their country, just as much as those refugees should be made aware of the policies and norms in those host countries. Local community too needs to be involved in meet and share events so that people get to interact at an individual level. These kind of things also counterbalance the sway toward intolerance from ignorance.

So why blame the EU for this? Whilst a certain amount of policy is guided by EU ruling there is nothing stopping the member nations from taking the initiative and not hiding behind a blanket policy. Without the EU you'd probably have had a very difficult time emigrating to Spain. I'm old enough to remember Franco's Spain - you really want a return to that?
There is a common failing I have noticed in how member nations deal with people from elsewhere - they all seem to assume that everyone does things the same way as they themselves do. Governments need to take a more active role in understanding the ways of any culture coming into their country, just as much as those refugees should be made aware of the policies and norms in those host countries. Local community too needs to be involved in meet and share events so that people get to interact at an individual level. These kind of things also counterbalance the sway toward intolerance from ignorance.

So why blame the EU for this? Whilst a certain amount of policy is guided by EU ruling there is nothing stopping the member nations from taking the initiative and not hiding behind a blanket policy. Without the EU you'd probably have had a very difficult time emigrating to Spain. I'm old enough to remember Franco's Spain - you really want a return to that?
Hmmmm I wouldn't say that.