Impressions about Horizon

  • Thread starter Ryan81
But for cruising to be replayable, there really does need to be more roads and vehicles.
I haven't even tuned or driven all of the cars I've collected so far, and I only have 46 of them. I like most of the cars in the game so I have many more to go.

Are you really worn out on the car list?
If you ask me, there shouldn't have even been one.

It's a racing game, not a soap opera.

Imo it's an open world driving game. Forza Mororsports is a racing game. I wouldn't mind having to find parts cars at junk yards or where ever to get parts you need to finish restoring your barn finds.
Physics compared to Forza 4 are no way near the same IMO, no adjustable tuning options are a let down but i knew about this before the game released so can't say much. The lack of cars is a bit crap, NO HONDA CIVICS???!!! whats the crack with that.

I like the online rewards you get for winning races, and obviously the map is great.
Annoyingly when they offer to de tune my car for the event I don't want it. I have my own b class tune. Why not let me put my tune on?
I have to go to Dax, select my tune then go back.

This is one thing that really annoyed me too. I spent some time setting up my favorite cars in different classes so I would be ready for any race, then I couldn't load the setup at the race.

Even online you can load setups before each race, why not in single player?

Something I really hope they fix in a patch.
...NO HONDA CIVICS???!!! whats the crack with that.

There's an '04 CTR. Incredibly responsive and fun to drive at level B.
I just got the game and I played for about 30 minutes...

So far I am not liking it.

If I don't want to participate in the first Mustang vs. Mustang race... What are my options?

Also... If I were actually going to a music festival... I wouldn't be broke, and I wouldn't there to race. Feh! Poor story.
Also... If I were actually going to a music festival... I wouldn't be broke, and I wouldn't there to race. Feh! Poor story.
If you actually had a racing career of any kind, you wouldn't be making millions of dollars running three lap sprints on international racing venues against 11 mostly-stock roadcars. Welcome to videogames? :lol:
Well I just got this game Wednesday for 15 bucks at the Microsoft store for black friday. Shipped pretty fast too. I gotta admit my first 15 minutes or so I felt I paid 5 dollars too much but after giving the game a chance I really have to say I'm enjoying this game a lot. It really is a fun game once you let the strict Forza mindset go and just go "arcade".

Funny thing is once I put my mind into "Arcade" mode I had to take it back out of it again. I was playing the game the way I thought the devs wanted us to play. Powerslide every turn, go nuts all over the road etc. etc. and I was having a tough time beating the CPU. But when I went back to my sim roots everything changed. For the most part sim principles will get you wins over flashy stuff.

I never thought I would like this game and had no intention of getting it at all, especially since I've migrate over to the PC sims but this game is a nice diversion from the formal stuff.


How can a fake wanna be broke Tom Cruise clone afford to have a mechanic hook up all these barn finds. Yeah and you would have barn-finds getting fixed in one day with no money. lol

Other than that and the replay system. Not being able to save replays stinks. And the default replay camera is the worse. Besides that nice game. I can see myself , maybe picking up the sequel at regular price. Definitely is a bit cheaper.

Also, it may just be me, but the car sounds seem better than FM4. In a race it's like every car's sound is distinct and the nuances very pronounced.
Also... If I were actually going to a music festival... I wouldn't be broke, and I wouldn't there to race. Feh! Poor story.

True. Yet you would still need a kick-ass ride to take the babe you picked up home, or your g/f, or your wife, or drinking buddies (you'd be the designated driver of course):boggled:
I'm loving Horizon, I long since hit the wall with GT5 and FM4 and Horizon is a nice change of pace, it's incredibly fun and gorgeous to behold. I'm nowhere near close to finishing it, and I bought it a few days after launch.

I had no intention buying the expensive season pass, but once I got to playing the game I realized that a lot of passion had gone into the game, and that went along ways with me, so I bought the pass to further support the devs and the game.

I do despise the whole target demographic, festival setting they wrapped around it. I thought a similar ploy wasn't received to well in Dirt 2.
I do despise the whole target demographic, festival setting they wrapped around it. I thought a similar ploy wasn't received to well in Dirt 2.

I do wish you could customize your driver or at least if they had a few selections. Supposed you're an Asian female playing this game. It would have to suck to see your character as a fake Tom Cruise all the time.
I do wish you could customize your driver or at least if they had a few selections. Supposed you're an Asian female playing this game. It would have to suck to see your character as a fake Tom Cruise all the time.

Absolutely, it seems like quite an oversight that you wouldn't be able to at least pick a female character.
Just saying that Horizon isn't the only racing game where you have to deal with playing as one character, whether you liked the person or not. It was the same thing with Midnight Club LA. And some NFS games too.
Just saying that Horizon isn't the only racing game where you have to deal with playing as one character, whether you liked the person or not. It was the same thing with Midnight Club LA. And some NFS games too.

Thats true. I guess Horizon seemed a bit more personalized and the no gender (or race) option just seemed to stick out. So yeah, not an oversight
Played the demo today and I have to say it reminded me a cross between Burnout or the latest NFS Hot Pursuit game and Dirt....which makes since because Playground Games is made up of people from various racing heavy companies like Ubisoft and Criterion Games. It felt alright, but...the controls can be a bit unforgiving, which felt a lot like an Bizarre Creations game which some of BC is now with Playground, as well. So, not a bad game, and really, an open world game from all that talent is welcome and it was pretty fun, but...not as fun as a full fledged Forza game. Forza Horizon is kinda the more arcade, open world version of Forza, which is great, but...I think if I had Forza 4 and Forza Horizon...I'd play FM4 more.
Every time one of the comically cliche characters talks, it makes me want to stop playing the game. The idiocy is just too pervasive as I can't even be allowed to roam around and sight-see without being accosted about not being in a race for 5 goddamn minutes. If only the game had some more audio controls so that I could mute them just like the awful music and turn the engine up then I would like the game a lot more. Thank god they let me skip at least some of the scenes.

I know some will think it's not that big of deal, but it's bothering me to the point that I'm reaching for the remote and muting my receiver as I enter a race just to avoid having to hear my character be referred to as "dawg" for the thirtieth time.
Played it for about 3 days after I purchased it on release day. Haven't touched it since. Decent game, just didn't hold my interest. Went back to FM4.
Every time one of the comically cliche characters talks, it makes me want to stop playing the game. The idiocy is just too pervasive as I can't even be allowed to roam around and sight-see without being accosted about not being in a race for 5 goddamn minutes. If only the game had some more audio controls so that I could mute them just like the awful music and turn the engine up then I would like the game a lot more. Thank god they let me skip at least some of the scenes.

I know some will think it's not that big of deal, but it's bothering me to the point that I'm reaching for the remote and muting my receiver as I enter a race just to avoid having to hear my character be referred to as "dawg" for the thirtieth time.

Just to be fair, these type of characters you're complaining about have been part of a lot of street racing/free roam games for over the past decade, and it mostly started with the Midnight Club series. It personally doesn't bother me as I've seen it so many times in other racing titles similar to Horizon.

But I pretty agree about the music. Horizon doesn't have the best soundtrack for a racing game IMO. I don't listen to the Bass Arena station at all and there's only a few songs I like in Horizon Pulse and Horizon Rocks.
I personally wouldn't have minded slightly fewer cars if that meant a larger map. If it was around the same size as Ibiza I'd be extremely happy. It just seems to be too small for an open world racing game, particularly when compared to TDU.
Despite TDU's flaws, I still prefer it to Horizon because there's so much more to do and explore e.g. taking photographs to earn cash, finding wrecks, houses, hairdressers and far more roads, not to mention weather effects too.

Has anyone ever thought that the map is small because they did not want you guys and other players to waste time sitting there waiting to load the other side of the map? I hate to bring up this game but MCLA has a decent size map and loading time on that game is not that great when you drive around a lot and sometimes makes the game freeze.:banghead: Who wants that. So IMHO I think the map is small to prevent that problem and have smother gameplay. 👍
I have no idea why FH pushes our cars to be "bought and not built" Are they trying to say that street racers don't care about their cars or look into what benefits their car performance wise like track racers do?
I don't know if there will be another FH after this but I hope there will be one that improves greatly for the tuners out there who like to spend time in the garage.
Like they say: humble beginnings.

I'm quite confident Horizon 2 on next gen would ideally make just about everybody's jaw drop. And, I'm secretly hoping T10 will handle the majority of development!
I think one has to remember the people who built Horizon were people who made Dirt, Split/Second, Pure, Burnout, Driver: San Fran, Project Gotham Racing series, and other arcade style racing games. So, Horizon pretty much became a culmination of those games. Some of the models and lighting are from Driver, the main style is reminiscent of Dirt 2 and Showdown, it's award system is from PGR and Burnout, the damage system is almost straight from Driver SF. It's a weird culmination of developers, and yeah, it feels like it has an identity crisis at times, but, there are some points that make it better than Forza 4, in my opinion. (Did they take the physics engine from Forza 4 or did they use Driver's? Because it almost feels like a little of both. But, then again, I still think Driver SF had an awesome physics engine.)

Personally, I like Horizon. I do wish the Autoshow car models would look better though. As it is they look nasty. And having to listen to the chick and watch animations over and over is quite annoying, but I still like Horizon.
Did they take the physics engine from Forza 4 or did they use Driver's? Because it almost feels like a little of both.
Apart from simplified collisions, some improvements to aerodynamics and suspension modelling, and tweaks to the tire model, it's pulled straight from Forza 4. To me, it feels exactly like the transplant that it is, replete with the strengths and flaws of its donor.
Driver SF is a fun game, really. And a LOT of the car models in Horizon seem to be ported from Driver SF, anyway. Seriously, play Driver SF and then Horizon. You'll be all "Hey, that car was in Driver! WTF?"
I've been meaning to give Driver SF a whirl, I keep hearing good things about its driving model. I'm not sure I'd go for that "Shift" mechanic and the whole wacky storyline, though.

Do you mean Horizon's traffic? I'd understand what you mean if they're a suspiciously similar pool of cars.
Driver SF is a fun game with a wicked soundtrack and a solid driving model. The sixty frames per second is nice as well. The driving model doesn't really feel like Horizon's to me though.

Back in Horizon I've only just spanked the Darius and I'm disappointed by the lack of ceremony at the end of the game. This game sure was fun but there's not really much to do once all the discoveries have been made. I haven't completed the PR stunts at each outpost and I'm still 94.4%. I guess for me this was ultimately more of a snack to consume between instalments of Motorsport lol.
I've been meaning to give Driver SF a whirl, I keep hearing good things about its driving model. I'm not sure I'd go for that "Shift" mechanic and the whole wacky storyline, though.

Do you mean Horizon's traffic? I'd understand what you mean if they're a suspiciously similar pool of cars.

Yeah. The traffic, and even some of the driveable cars look like they might be from Driver. I do wish they would've used Driver's driving model, though. But they didn't...although...Horizon doesn't really exactly like Forza 4, either. It's been tweaked a little bit.

The storyline in Driver is a bit weird. But the Shift mechanic actually works for that game. It's a different mechanic, but it's a clever way of switching cars without having to get out of the car. And they made some of the interactions between Tanner and the passengers pretty funny. They get old sometimes, but it's still funny. Definitely worth a rent. The thing is, though, I'm not sure if I'd own Driver AND Horizon.
I've only just spanked the Darius and I'm disappointed by the lack of ceremony at the end of the game. This game sure was fun but there's not really much to do once all the discoveries have been made. I haven't completed the PR stunts at each outpost and I'm still 94.4%. I guess for me this was ultimately more of a snack to consume between instalments of Motorsport lol.
I think people's disappointment in Horizon's "short life" stem from the lack of fanfare and lack of...anything once you beat the game. The repetitive radio DJ announcements and Alice's braindead nagging can make you feel like you're trapped in some sort of Groundhog Day. FM4 was just as bad on the conclusion of World Tour, with its inexplicable loop straight back to the beginning, but it doesn't pretend to have a "world" with characters in it.

Really, Horizon is just like any other racing game -- once you win the big prize, all there is to "do" is keep running the same tracks with different cars. The difference with games like Gran Turismo and Forza Motorsport 4 is that the event lists are padded with races on the same tracks over and over again, so there's always "more" to do. Horizon doesn't really do that. For example, if you march through Horizon Rally you'll never race the same stage twice, which is completely different from what you get in, say, Dirt 3.

Horizon leaves it up to you to find new ways to play, and I'm okay with that. Wandering aimlessly in my favorite cars has never been so rewarding in any other open-world game.

The storyline in Driver is a bit weird...they made some of the interactions between Tanner and the passengers pretty funny. They get old sometimes, but it's still funny. Definitely worth a rent.
Yeah, the whole Quantum Leap aspect made me raise an eyebrow, but I'll have to give it a go when I get a chance. 👍