Infernus vs Cheetah

  • Thread starter Shannon


  • Infernus

    Votes: 26 36.1%
  • Cheetah

    Votes: 33 45.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 18.1%

  • Total voters
The Sabre Turbo dfoesn't roll easy if you take the corners right. In fact I've only had the sabre get upside down once in ages and that was when I jumped off the ramp on top of Norht Point Mall.
i like the sabers too for the wey they slide around corners ,both torbo and non turbo.

but i cant get one in black danget!!!:lol:
Well, I am going to update my Top Ten of my most favorite car list.

1. Infernus (not even the Cheetah would beat this bad boy even though this one has fragile endurance)

2. Deluxo (I actually think the Infernus is better albeit the fragile endurance it has)

3. Comet (a very fast and awesome looking car although it is very fragile)

4. Banshee (gotta love the style of an old 80's corvette)

5. Phoenix (nice muscle car with superb speed, handling, and acceleration)

6. Sabre Turbo (better than the Sabre in the acceleration and speed category)

7. Cuban Hermes (love that flame paint job and nifty speed, acceleration and handling)

8. Stinger (cool convertible with a good combination of speed, handling, and acceleration)

9. Sabre (great muscle car with nice low center of gravity)

10. Sentinel XS (a tough competitor with great speed, handling, and acceleration)

The Cheetah does not qualify in my Top Ten list because I despise that car a lot even if it has great handling, excellent top speed, and nice acceleration. I really would rather avoid using that car. I feel weird but the Cheetah is not that all appealing to me :boggled:
The poll is really close
Infernus is practically weightless have you ever seen one of those fly.
The cheetah is one of the best its got crazy control, real fast and can take a beating also its the best looking with the different side view mirrors. But the comets pretty good to :)
Actually, the GOLD STRETCH!!! :lol:

I love that car, but I thought about this for a while, my favourite overall cars are the Sabre Turbo and the Cuban Hermes. I love the look, sound, speed and handling of the 2...the Cuban Hermes may not be overly fast, but for my driving it drives like a charm...
Cheetah, one of my favorite ferrari's is the testarossa. It also seems to handle better...
I voted for the Infernus. Just from the feel of driving it, I think it is a little faster and tougher than the Cheetah. They both have about the same handling, but the Cheetah takes corners a little better. My favorite car for races though is still the Hotring Racer: It is the fastest and I love to take those corners with a little breaks and a lot of gas! Very, efficient! 👍