Is the Q&A over?

  • Thread starter machschnel
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Is it delayed?

Are the answers hidden somewhere?

Is there an issue with the language barrier? Does answer mean ignore in Japanese?

I think (not certain) the Q & A was going to be here, but ended up being on some web site where Kaz got asked question and gave some answers. From what I gathered the only question from here that got answered was no big sound change until GT7 and Kaz say the promises of a car + track every month and that many features people thought would be available at release was a missunderstanding. He also pointed out, in the months since release we have actually received more than a car per month as far as numbers go.
The questions are answered one by one on the Pitstop blog if I'm not mistaken. I'm sure that they'll answer more.
So far, he has managed to answer the question about the sounds - which was divided into three parts on the blog. That took about two months. Of course, he spent his time racing during that period, but still, two months; correct me if I'm wrong though.

Either way, it is a great initiative, but the amount time it takes to answer them and wrap up the Q&A is beyond pathetic at this point.
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Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think Jordan mentioned something about Kaz choosing the questions he will answer. He didn't said all of your questions will be answered....... Hmmm, guess you'r all making wrong questions. :P
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think Jordan mentioned something about Kaz choosing the questions he will answer. He didn't said all of your questions will be answered....... Hmmm, guess you'r all making wrong questions. :P

Bad luck... I was waiting to read his answer about the plans for the return of some previous GT tracks :nervous:
No, it's not over. I spoke to Translator-san on Wednesday about the Kaz Q&A forum and had a laugh about how much fun it was for him to translate the questions.
Any news on some answers?
the litle informations (i dont want to call them answers) we have are not even directly realated to "gtplanet's kaz Q/A", the biggest GT problem, the lack of open and clear communication, is still to be changed.

as i said before and dont know other better way to say: this "gtplanet's Kaz Q/a" & "pitstop" is not working well.
fans trust has been harmed again, hasnt it?

Famine "No, it's not over. I spoke to Translator-san on Wednesday about the Kaz Q&A forum and had a laugh about how much fun it was for him to translate the questions."

why does it take so much time!?
the litle informations (i dont want to call them answers) we have are not even directly realated to "gtplanet's kaz Q/A", the biggest GT problem, the lack of open and clear communication, is still to be changed.

as i said before and dont know other better way to say: this "gtplanet's Kaz Q/a" & "pitstop" is not working well.
fans trust has been harmed again, hasnt it?
Sadly yes, and I love gt :(

@Tornado that's awesome
the litle informations (i dont want to call them answers) we have are not even directly realated to "gtplanet's kaz Q/A", the biggest GT problem, the lack of open and clear communication, is still to be changed.

as i said before and dont know other better way to say: this "gtplanet's Kaz Q/a" & "pitstop" is not working well.
fans trust has been harmed again, hasnt it?

"No, it's not over. I spoke to Translator-san on Wednesday about the Kaz Q&A forum and had a laugh about how much fun it was for him to translate the questions."

why does it take so much time!?
Sadly yes, and I love gt :(

Any news on some answers?
Whether or not Translator-san shared any such information with me during the conversation, it was a chat not an interview.

People should be allowed their off-the-record time.
why does it take so much time!?
That one's easy to answer.

Firstly the question has to be translated. This requires some nuance to get the translation accurate - it's true of any language that you can't wholly faithfully recreate it in any second language, due to structure and even vocabulary differences - but Translator-san is pretty bloody good at it (we had a round table discussion with Kazunori and Translator-san managed to convey the questioners' spoken intent pretty faithfully). It's a bit harder in text - you can't really determine inflexion or tone this way.

Then it has to be answered. That's a pretty easy bit, assuming that the Sony PR machine that oversees things will allow the question to be answered. I'd also assume it requires some time for Kazunori to be available and not making a game and also for the relevant department heads if the question involves them.

Then the answer needs translating back into English. The problems of step 1 apply - but they're even more critical because if Kazunori's answer has any ambiguity to it, certain fans will seize on phrasing and even individual words to further their agenda.
Whether or not Translator-san shared any such information with me during the conversation, it was a chat not an interview.

People should be allowed their off-the-record time.That one's easy to answer.


Eek only asking! :scared:

doesnt they see any value on saying them selfs what you have said? ... the "Q/A" isnt forgotten and its taking time because of this and that ... once again PD doesnt understand the power of the right words on the right moments.

even so, 3 months or more still seems to much
I have no idea how what you said in any way relates to what I said in order for me to be quoted before it.

I was talking to Translator-san. I wasn't interviewing him. Anything he told me (and vice versa) was in the context of an off-the-record chat not in the context of an on-the-record interview and so no information conveyed by either party has any place being quoted as such.

Journalists who treat everything as on-the-record are exactly why people have to be guarded about what they say - because anything and everything they say can be quoted by these people. I don't believe in operating that way.
Famine@ your right, your quote was misplaced, sorry.

my curiosity is about why doesnt PD see any value on saying those things them selfs!
its not hard to see that fans are loosing once again trust and now its because of the lack of communication about the "communication".

letting fans have doubts is a "failure", would have been easy to avoid that with a simple;
"Q/A isnt forgotten, its taking time because ... "
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Whether or not Translator-san shared any such information with me during the conversation, it was a chat not an interview.

People should be allowed their off-the-record time.That one's easy to answer.

Firstly the question has to be translated. This requires some nuance to get the translation accurate - it's true of any language that you can't wholly faithfully recreate it in any second language, due to structure and even vocabulary differences - but Translator-san is pretty bloody good at it (we had a round table discussion with Kazunori and Translator-san managed to convey the questioners' spoken intent pretty faithfully). It's a bit harder in text - you can't really determine inflexion or tone this way.

Then it has to be answered. That's a pretty easy bit, assuming that the Sony PR machine that oversees things will allow the question to be answered. I'd also assume it requires some time for Kazunori to be available and not making a game and also for the relevant department heads if the question involves them.

Then the answer needs translating back into English. The problems of step 1 apply - but they're even more critical because if Kazunori's answer has any ambiguity to it, certain fans will seize on phrasing and even individual words to further their agenda.

I'm not saying it's easy but live translation on reddit wasn't a problem. Kaz did also countless interviews with live translation. I understand it's not the same thing and Q&A requires more attention to detail but nowhere near the amount to make us wait months instead of days/weeks if PD/Kaz were native English speakers.

The only real roadblock in my opinion is most likely Sony/PD, understandably not wanting to reveal details about GT6/7 - tricky to answer most of the questions without doing so.

Having said that I see only a handful of questions getting an answer.

For what it's worth here is the translating firm advertising around 2000 words/day.

"Translate about 2,000 Words Per Day. Another question is “how long will it take?” On average, each Japanese translator can accurately translate about 2,000 words per day. "
Don't worry people. All the answers will come with the course maker and b-spec release, aka....... soon.

I'm curious how will those answers look like since he's allway so vague responding to journalist. And I bet he will answer zero GT7 questions too.
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