Lankay's attempt at gallery-ing *Updated 04.12: Impreza 22B STi*

  • Thread starter Lankay
Very nice set. I had an ideia like that on a old update i made. The STS (super Trofeo Stradale) ;).
Thanks for the compliments guys! 👍 I don't play GT5 much anymore, other hobbies are taking over :scared: Anyways, in honour of GT5's 2 year anniversary, here's a set of a AMG Le Mans rot SLS just like the cover of GT5. Enjoy!

SLS 2 Year anniversary

Thanks for the compliments NB, jus, BkS, Kodje and iNs3CuRe! :cheers:

New set to come soon! Just deciding what car to use now...
Thanks krysalis and ShadowPeter!

Here's a new set, took the Impreza 22B out for a spin, I was amazed at how great it looks as a standard car.

Impreza 22B STI
