Let's see those desktops (rev 4.0)

  • Thread starter Sage

More GT goodness:D
Got a fullsize of that one mate?
I can has flash?

That picture is terrible, no offense but the lighting is so unnatural it is just painful.

Didnt really notice that, ill look for another one now.

EDIT: This one has been on my drive as a possible wallpaper for a while, taking it out now.
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Even went through the trouble of setting up a flash rig and everything.

You gotta start somewhere eh...

True. I just think if the exposure was a stop longer for the building, or a stop less in the flash and adjusted a little in photoshop, it would've worked a little better. Know what I mean?
Sometimes you arent the silly Azuremen most people know...

I agree with you, I could touch it up in photoshop but really its not that worth it, for me anyway.
Seriously Bram, i'd like pay you to freshen up my desktop. Gawd. :drool:

Simple, nothing fancy. (I don't have the knowledge to make my desktop to look good)

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Yes, yes, I know its not as fancy as Bram's or SweetShop's but I don't have the time or patience to make it look that good. :)
Im confused how do you make the desktop look like that what OS is this on?

You have no idea how many people have asked this question! I think me and Bram should make a Guide some time in the Computers sub-forum we can direct people to.

Basically the OS is Windows XP, Taskbar set to hidden (Right-Click->Properties->Auto-Hide Taskbar)
To get all those HUD's a program called Rainmeter is used with a skin called Enigma.

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