License test Hell

  • Thread starter disgracian
I need help on the R-6 (Rally License #6). Somehow, I always tend to go off by a couple of milliseconds. Ironically, I was able to beat Test R-7 (same situation, different car) in three tries, while R-6 has chewed me up for the past two hours :irked: :banghead:. Also, on the Cote D' Azur license, I was able to beat the Demo by TWO SECONDS :dopey: :drool:. I used the analog configuration for the gas/brakes. On the first half, the Demo would be ahead of me, but by the second half (the little chicane after the tunnel), I was WAY ahead of him.

Is that the one with the Corolla? that car seems so much slower than the others.:ouch: I've managed to do all the rest apart from that one.:(

It's the one with the Lancia Integrale. It is one of the most difficult test I ever had to endure to get a gold. :banghead:
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Is that the one with the Corolla? that car seems so much slower than the others.:ouch: I've managed to do all the rest apart from that one.:(
Yeah, R-6 can be quite a pain - and the test, IIRC, involves four consecutive hairpin turns on the final third of Tahiti Maze. I echo the others' advice - watch the Demos - and practice. What I found works for me is to not try to get any one medal on the first run, just try to make around the track/test section, then on subsequent runs, slowly try to chip away at your best time.

GT4 all golds, GT5 all golds (easier I thought) Ever a sucker for a challenge GT3 licenses still elude me!!! When I had my 1st PS2, I got gold in A & R licenses and was content with the RX-8 and the Scoob. Bought a used PS2 last year purely because of GT3, I have B, A & IB all gold but R-6 (Delta/Tahiti) is starting to gobble my rod!!! I find it frustrating having got gold before
The S License has quite the amount of Zone 34. To me, most of the tests are easy except for the few S tests. Overall, it doesn't hurt much until IA-8, where the Mine's R34 breaks loose too easily, though it's still easy enough. Here are what I consider the hardest:

S-2 with the GT40 at Seattle is quite hard if you lack practice. The car is easy enough to control, the hard part is getting a fast enough time and braking at the right points. It's not a matter of keeping the car under control, it's just a matter of time (Bad pun, it had to be done).

S-3. I believe that's the Miata at Trial Mountain. Again, a similar case to the GT40 test. The problem is not really driving the car, the Miata is a piece of cake to drive. License S-1 is a piece of cake, the only hard part really is the chicane near the end. It's just like the GT40, you just have to somehow cut off enough time.

S-6, the Viper at Laguna Seca. The haunting test from GT2 is back, but now it's hard for different reasons. In GT2 is was easy enough to get a fast enough time, the only problem was controlling the car. In GT3, it's the other way around. It's easy enough to drive the car, the only place I can spin is the first corner, and I really have to push the car to make that happen. The problem in GT3 is that with more understeer than the GT2 car, it's harder to corner faster. But this isn't the hardest just yet. The hardest of them all?

S-8, the GT-One at Monaco. I consider this test to be the hardest in the game. With well over 600 horsepower and no TCS to keep you from any disasters you may WILL face, it's not easy, at least not for me. Screw up braking, the rear end will slide out. I've failed the test in the first corner cause I hit the wall ass first. Floor it out of corners, and the rear tires will smoke up heavily, and the car will be too easy to break loose. It's a nightmare alright.

Honorable mention goes to S-7, the Griffith at Route 11, for obvious reasons.
Naveek Darkroom
S-8, the GT-One at Monaco. I consider this test to be the hardest in the game. With well over 600 horsepower and no TCS to keep you from any disasters you may WILL face, it's not easy, at least not for me. Screw up braking, the rear end will slide out. I've failed the test in the first corner cause I hit the wall ass first. Floor it out of corners, and the rear tires will smoke up heavily, and the car will be too easy to break loose. It's a nightmare alright.

Years ago when I was a little kid I spent hours doing that one licence test. I managed to do all the other S-class licences, which I found very hard at the time. I remember that my best lap was +1 secs behind the bronze time. :( I wonder if I could manage it now though...
I wonder if I could manage it now though...

Only one way to find out. Just give the test a go and see how you do. Unless you've been off GT3 for a while, S-8 shouldn't be too hard with a little practice.
You're lucky that you are NTSC Naveek.
The PAL times are several seconds faster.
That test is one of the epitomes of GT.
Incredibly fun to just blast around lap after lap, looking for another tenth.
I think that you are supposed to keep it in third for most of the lap, use the oversteer under braking to help point the car in the right direction and then use the power to point it towards the exit of the corner.
1st person view helps a lot.
Keep it in third? Okay then. I beat the test using an automatic, next time I go back to that test I'm gonna drive a manual. I'll try to use second a lot so I can avoid SMOKE. And I use behind the car view. Whatever works to get past that nightmare. I'm glad I don't have to deal with the faster PAL times, though that doesn't mean I can't go for those times. What are the bronze times for NTSC and PAL anyways? Might as well prepare to shoot for a goal.
Gold for us is about 1'31 something and PAL is 1'27 something, and I don't know the bronze, but I think that it's close to NTSC gold.
1st person seemed to help a lot due to the camera not swinging all over the place.
If I could find my disc I would run the test right now.
And you pretty much need to run manual for this test.
And right stick throttle/brake if you don't do that already.
(I freaking love Monaco, there is a video of me in the GT4 time trials of an Alpine at Monaco and I think that that is my best lap that I have ever run, in any game, EVER. It only took about 200-300 laps to get lol.)
Can't believe PAL & NTSC have different times (and different cars so I'm told) I find different tests lend themselves to either AT or MT think I might try the Special MX-5 test with Manual see if that makes a difference. Golded S-1 last night 1:40.000 DS2 would have been through the TV had I been a thousandth slower!!
At last!! Re-golded R-6 & R-8 The scooby is mine!! It's probably been said time and time again but you spend ages trying to eke out that last 0.025secs and you end up smashing the gold time! I can sleep now
I just ran 43.054 (42.800 is the requirement) before. I was a little bit sideways around the first right-hander (the one you need to brake for) so perhaps there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

Most of the time however I still either go too slow around bends and my ghost leaves me for dead, or I go too hard and understeer into a wall. That happy medium eludes me.

UPDATE: 42.873! This game is evil.


There is always light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to know which way you have to go to find it. - Jacob Helmly A.K.A GTF1
There is always light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to know which way you have to go to find it. - Jacob Helmly A.K.A GTF1

Er, seriously m8? If he has been stuck at B-8 for 5.5 years, I seriously suspect his lights have long since gone out ...

That is not an alien time, and alost any time can be broken, I can see that at almost every corner there is time to be made.

My best is hovering at about a mid 1:24 right now, but if you lock me in a room for a week you'll be looking at mid 1:23s.
Out of Gt4 and 5 these licence tests are the most stressful on the pad . I have golded them all and what a few weeks it took me . I am on the pal version and i wish you luck on getting gold
On that trial mountain test try to keep the skyline as sharp as possible
When you get to the left hander befor the 2nd tunel try to leep the trottel wide open through the hole corner

good luck:tup::)