Midnight Club GTP-Meetup 3 - Photos

  • Thread starter Turbo Lag
Turbo Lag you REALLY need a headset, if you want to organise things properly and keep everything in line you have to be able to communicate with everyone.


Yeah I know, I'm getting to it tomorrow hopefully. It's a simple matter of, I can't find any to buy from shops. :dunce:
Don't get annoyed TurboLag, I basically couldn't come because there was no way I would be there by 8am, I say I could come but also said that it was quite early, so I couldn't guarantee anything.
Hey Leon, don't get upset. I'll definitely join you if the 4th meetup (if any) is sceduled at the same time next Saturday (the only Saturday that I'm off from work). ;)
All the problems aside, I had fun. The CTF matches were a new experience for me. You are one tricky person to catch, TL.
Damn, who would have suspected that little golf could go so damn fast.

I got really annoyed when Im on the opposite side of the road to someone and they take my flag, I mean what the hell, where am I supposed to go. Goodbye flag, I got as far as the checkpoint, Jonesy took it off me, reversed into the checkpoint and boom he has another flag. I might aswell have just delivered it to his face if it was going to be like that.
Damn, who would have suspected that little golf could go so damn fast.

I got really annoyed when Im on the opposite side of the road to someone and they take my flag, I mean what the hell, where am I supposed to go. Goodbye flag, I got as far as the checkpoint, Jonesy took it off me, reversed into the checkpoint and boom he has another flag. I might aswell have just delivered it to his face if it was going to be like that.

Lol, I took the flag off you like a million times.

Anyway, what microphone does everyone have? I'll be trying to search for one today. Price isn't that important.
Damn, who would have suspected that little golf could go so damn fast.

I got really annoyed when Im on the opposite side of the road to someone and they take my flag, I mean what the hell, where am I supposed to go. Goodbye flag, I got as far as the checkpoint, Jonesy took it off me, reversed into the checkpoint and boom he has another flag. I might aswell have just delivered it to his face if it was going to be like that.

I've played CTF in FPS games before, and I think MC:LA gives up your flag WAY too easily.
I've played CTF in FPS games before, and I think MC:LA gives up your flag WAY too easily.

Is it because of the flag adds extra weight to your car? or it limits your speed? It seems like the car can't go any faster when bringing the flag. :dunce:
Is it because of the flag adds extra weight to your car? or it limits your speed? It seems like the car can't go any faster when bringing the flag. :dunce:

That's correct, the longer you have a flag the more it slows you down.
What? I found it constant. I was going around 160 (With Naaawwwsss and Drifting) mph in my Golf consistently with the flag.
That's correct, the longer you have a flag the more it slows you down.

No wonder I always got my flag stolen from Leon then.. :lol:

What? I found it constant. I was going around 160 (With Naaawwwsss and Drifting) mph in my Golf consistently with the flag.

were you using the throttle trick while bringing the flag? :odd:

ps: Nice mic from you Leon. ;)
:lol: It's an easy strategy once you learn the tricks of the game. 👍

/\ He means the "go fast" trick.:P It's easy when nobody can beat you to the flag and then you just run away with it still going faster than everyone despite holding a flag.:P:P:P
/\ He means the "go fast" trick.:P It's easy when nobody can beat you to the flag and then you just run away with it still going faster than everyone despite holding a flag.:P:P:P

I'd love to try that trick in the flag game some time later. :D
But I knew that Leon wasn't using that trick when playing the flag game. haha. ;)
I'd love to try that trick in the flag game some time later. :D
But I knew that Leon wasn't using that trick when playing the flag game. haha. ;)

He was using it when Sunny and I played against him today.:lol: When we realised we couldn't catch him we sat at the base and he just ran away so we both gave up.:lol::lol:
He was using it when Sunny and I played against him today.:lol: When we realised we couldn't catch him we sat at the base and he just ran away so we both gave up.:lol::lol:

Oh really? :odd:
He's a naughty boy then. :lol::lol:

Frankly, it's unfair to other players when playing this kinda game (flag game) if people use this kinda trick to stay away from being chase. So.. that trick should only be used besides matches / races / any other games. You may find it useful when doing super jumps or speed up your vehicles fast enough to catch up others when cruising. ;)
He was using it when Sunny and I played against him today.:lol: When we realised we couldn't catch him we sat at the base and he just ran away so we both gave up.:lol::lol:

Yep I did use it after Andrew left :sly: All I do is deliver one flag so I'll be first, then I wait at the checkpoint so when the flag resets, we'll all be at the same place so I can always get there first. Then I run away. :mischievous:
Andrew: Its perfectly fair, its a strategy, I resorted to that in the end aswell because my cars are crap.
Andrew: Its perfectly fair, its a strategy, I resorted to that in the end aswell because my cars are crap.

No it's not, it's unfair to those who can't do it, no better than punting or taking shortcuts/wallriding in a proper racing game. I agree it's good for when you want to do super jumps or drifting or something, but using it in order to win is plain wrong.:P
Damn, I thought he was talking about camping at the red dot for the flag to come, I have no idea how to do the speed trick, my bad my bad.
No it's not, it's unfair to those who can't do it, no better than punting or taking shortcuts/wallriding in a proper racing game. I agree it's good for when you want to do super jumps or drifting or something, but using it in order to win is plain wrong.:P

100% agree with you! ;)