
  • Thread starter Burnout
Hi Burnout :burnout: you've got to earn your position.. Even though it does look quite attractive in my opinion it isn't as good as some think:

- You may find yourself reading threads word for word to spot abuse, where as a member has the freedom to just scan about
- If you break a rule or give offense :argue: then you'd probably have your Mod place taken away and look 10x worse than if it was a normal member..
The other members who have heard of the secret mod forum may see you as part of a isolated group?
Having more power than other members may make some people feel angry or not as important?

Naturally I'm not speaking from experience :lol: So it's probably best that the mods themselves put up a post, as I'm purely speculating?
Moderators are specially selected members chosen by me to help control other members who would abuse the guidelines set down in our Acceptable Use Policy and Forum Rules. You MAY NOT ask to become a moderator - moderators are all selected by me and I will contact you privately about the issue if/when the time arises. When selecting moderators, I DO NOT look at the length of time a member has been registered or their post count (however, a certain amount of positive participation in the community is expected). I look for smart, intelligent, friendly, helpful, level-headed people to become moderators, and displaying all of these qualities will put you at the top of my list.
Originally posted by Jordan
I look for smart, intelligent, friendly, helpful, level-headed people to become moderators, and displaying all of these qualities will put you at the top of my list.

Is there an official list, or just a running tally in your head? Sure would be fun to see the list (:
Originally posted by LoudMusic

Is there an official list, or just a running tally in your head? Sure would be fun to see the list (:
Just a running tally in my head, as I mentally size up people by reading their posts (I think I read a lot more than most people realize)... ;)
Originally posted by Y2TUSCAN
Where is Josh?
Did he leave with X or something?

Yeah, that's right.

Odd one, that - he seemed to blame alot of the nonsense that went on that fateful weekend the chat was briefly introduced on himself and with that, left the forum.

Bit of a loss, that - I had a bit of time for Josh.
Dude, you're a super moderator?

I knew you were super long before you became a moderator (even your car is super) but I didn't know you were a super moderator. I just thought you were a moderator who was super. Get it?
Originally posted by M5Power
Dude, you're a super moderator?

I knew you were super long before you became a moderator (even your car is super) but I didn't know you were a super moderator. I just thought you were a moderator who was super. Get it?

Flattery will get you everywhere - well, except maybe there.

Yup - had a little promotion this week - so be nice to me or I'll start making unfortunate little edits to your posts. :D

'_' - boo hoo. :lol:
I distinctly remember the episode of The Simpsons, vat_man, where Homer dresses up in that elephant costume at Apu's funeral. One of the funniest Simpsons, in my opinion.