Money/Credit Grinding

  • Thread starter Lingliz
What car did you use for the IB Championship?

I used the 15th anniversary Hayura but it was a mistake. it was way too twitchy and I had to baby it too much while trying to run the field down. I got gold with it on every race but Mt Panorama because I got spun out terribly and was like 32 secs back.. I had to bust ass driving to catch up back to 4th place
So far im still doing the Route X Special Stage race....

I have a GTR R34 Skyline '00, Mclaren MP4-12C, Mercedes Benz AMG VGT, Honda Civic SiR VTEC '91 all fully tuned and all with NITROUS.

It's a pretty boring race though :/

...but 4mins 16secs for $43K is good
isnt that the tracks where 90% of the time spent on straight lines, where people test their top speed ? i think i'd rather grind somewhere else. I could literally fall asleep on that track !
I used Audi R18 15th Anniversary to grind "Like the Wind"'s Indy. 4 minutes for 42K credits. Not bad

...90+ minutes for little more than a million dollars, that's not bad to you? Wasn't the pay out better in GT5 if I remember correctly, also the track that you do it at is quite boring.
At least let's try to convince as many as possible to not buy any credits. If we manage this, then maybe they will do like they did with GT5 and abandon this credits for money strategy.
I know right.

Good luck telling that to some people. I know someone who bought $200 worth of GT6 credits. I was like O_O when he told me that.
...90+ minutes for little more than a million dollars, that's not bad to you? Wasn't the pay out better in GT5 if I remember correctly, also the track that you do it at is quite boring.

Yes its very boring but its the only way i have found so far
Yes its very boring but its the only way i have found so far

Oh I understand, that posted was directed at the user that said it didn't seem like it was a bad deal (or like grinding) at all. An hour and half at that payout is laughable, especially considering some of the cars people are going for to compete in say certain GTP groups.

Any better choice?

My comment wasn't about better choices, I'm simply saying if it's a horse then don't try to fib and making out to be something else. At this point in time it is grinding and rather than trying to be PC about it, let's just call it what it is.
Hi guys
I've been playing GT6 for about 11 hours now, I have obtained the Super Lisence.
I am money grinding, however i would like to know if there is a better race to use.

I am currently doing the LIKE THE WIND (Special Stage Route X) which after 4mins 16secs i win 43'390 Credits.
I use my Nissan Skyline GTR R34 '00 or my McClaren MP4-12C. Both of them hit 270mph with ease so i always win this race.

This race is giving me approx: 607'000 Credits per hour. (rather boring though).

Is there a better way to get more credits via the game and not through buy ingame credits with real money?


Lingliz (Malta)
Wait for B-Spec - hopefully your Ai driver will be able to do it for you !
I like the payouts gt6 has got at the moment. One persons grind is someone else's fun. I'm sure that when i get to the point where i want to get multimillion credit cars then it might start getting tedious but that will be when seasonals are being patched in in the future. At the moment though, loving the game. slowly building credits and just enjoying all the races.
I loved GT1 and 2 where you had to grind just to buy a turbo or better tyres... but that was when it was actually difficult to win races. Winning now is so easy just using stock cars, that the only point to earning credits is to by sexy cars. And, you not a lot to do that !

So because the Ai has been dumbed-down each year, the fundamental reason for grinding has changed, and so the importance of winning big bucks has been amplified. Unfortunately, the new micro-transaction element is beginning to look very sinister... if I were cynical, I'd say they;ve deliberately reduced payouts, so people will be forced to buy credits.

Of course, they also want want people to keep playing and buying monthly DLCs, so they had better be careful just how far they push this !!! It may well bite them in the ass !
International A
52,900 every 3 minutes
Crank up downforce a bit and set top speed to 180

This is the fastest credit earning grind I've found, but you must own a NASCAR obviously.

Its a good race, but its quite a challenge to come first... i came first twice and third once...
However there is a lesser time frame and more credits, so yes this is a good race to grind and less boring but not 100% guaranteed 1st place. :) NICE SHARE THOUGH :D
no not at all i could do a b spec race while at work at have 100k when got home and the online payouts are very low ohh and not to mention that seasonals only 10 or 12 grand is not much compared to what i could make on gt5

B-spec is not available yet. It will be, and we all will be grinding. No one wants to be patient. Enjoy the game, have fun, and RELAX.
It was exactly the same in GT5 at the start of the game, then around christmas time the crazy seasonal events started..

It wont be long before it happens on gt6 and we get credits thrown at us..

Just be patient..

I doubt it because then that would defeat the purpose of having people buy credits in the PSN Store.
I actually like grinding to buy cars but I'm starting to think GT6 really does have much weaker payouts than GT5

I've done so many races and the highest payouts are still only 15k. The payouts in GT5 weren't great either, but I'm starting to think GT6's are a lot worse.

I think I'm gonna take advantage of the next money glitch because there's too much grind right now.

They might fix it, and bring us back the log in bonuses and stuff but that could be months away. I'm not gonna grind for this entire week, only to have 2 million credits. At this pace, that's how long it's gonna take to get the Veyron or Delta Wing
I doubt it because then that would defeat the purpose of having people buy credits in the PSN Store.

Although winning the seasonal events is not THAT easy. Many won't be able to win and get 300,000 credits in a 10 minute race. So there will be still be some that are prepared to buy a million credits rather than grind for 2-3 hours.
B-spec is not available yet. It will be, and we all will be grinding. No one wants to be patient. Enjoy the game, have fun, and RELAX.

Can't relax. I already want the Ferrari P330 ($20 mil) and my Bobs are missing to grind it out.
I'm not expecting GT5 seasonal level payouts, but I think a good compromise could be had if the payouts were increased somewhat once you had unlocked the ending movie. You'd still have your (relative) scarcity at the beginning of the game, but it'd make grinding a lot easier once you finish career mode. Good idea? Bad idea?
I doubt it because then that would defeat the purpose of having people buy credits in the PSN Store.

Seeing as Kaz is already talking about GT7 coming in 12 months, I think we'll be seeing some hefty CR events, tickets or something like that within or around 1 month...through-out GT5 PD gave us christmas "presents" of some kind or another..

All PD is doing at the moment is not overloading the online, by making cars/credits hard to come by it means less people online as more are tying to build up their garages/cr balance..

Imagine what it'd be like if everyone jumped online from day 1, it'd melt the PD servers..
Why would anyone be worried about grinding yet?

Payouts are more than sufficient to play though the events - I'm about half way through IB, have only needed to buy a few cars so far and have around 2.7 million credits.

Who knows what will come deeper in to the game and what all the prize cars are going to be?
I like how the game doesn't throw that much credits and cars at me. In GT5 it was way to much early on for my taste.
Although winning the seasonal events is not THAT easy. Many won't be able to win and get 300,000 credits in a 10 minute race. So there will be still be some that are prepared to buy a million credits rather than grind for 2-3 hours.

Not sure why you quoted me or even what your point is according to my post but let me clearly state where I stand on this issue of the payouts, microtransactions, ect. I don't mind if I have to grind for cash as opposed to having big payouts like in GT5. I really don't care either way. I however will not spend real money for in-game credits. If you, or anyone else wants to and does, that's up to you and I will think no less of you or anyone else that does this. All I said was, in my opinion, that I doubt that we will get the high payouts due to credits being able to be purchased in the store. If I'm wrong, then so be it, but I just don't see it happening.
Although winning the seasonal events is not THAT easy.

It is. I'd say easier than GT5 and that's why the payouts are lower.
Payouts will increase over the life of GT6. Login bonuses will appear as well.
Wonder if PD can track the accounts that use the glitch.

It would be interesting to see if those accounts got locked by PD.
The best way to get a lot of credits is Motegi on the nascar events. 100k in 6 mins so in 2 hours you could have enough to buy a Deltawing. :-)
We will not be discussing this here. Continue on discussing regular tips on optimal career mode race grinding.