Monthly Photo Comp - Month 107- Open Theme

  • Thread starter hasslemoff

Sea Bass with Quinoa @ L'Autre Pied
March 2015
Fuji S5 Pro + Nikon 35/1.4G​
Got a bit overwhelming trying to find things to pair, either for complementing each other or contrast, as quite a bit of both between India and Berlin.


Final Entry

The Knot

Canon EOS M ~ Canon 50mm F/1.4
January, 2015
Week 67s theme as chosen by @Boffin is:

I want the theme to be a bit different. I always find it so interesting to see how far I have come since I started shooting. For the next comp I would like people to revisit stuff they shot when they started getting into photography. They can either enter an edit that they did back in the day (if they did edit) or (re)edit it today, but they shot must have been taken within the first week or so of the entrant properly picking up the camera. (Note: not necessarily the first photo taken as a child, more when you started really getting into photography).

So for this theme the six month rule is suspended, and I will suggest allowing the first few months rather than the first few weeks if Boffin is ok with that? Looking forward to seeing what we all come up with!
Ooookay... I studied film ten years ago and I have some negatives around here... somewhere... but not sure if I can get them easily scanned in. I do have one print scanned in from then but at a pretty small resolution by the modern standards, and was taken a couple months into me starting. I started doing digital "seriously" in 2008 if we want to stretch things :P

Final? Entry

Crescent of the Lake

Minolta X-700 ~ Minolta MD 50mm F/1.7
Kodak 100 TMAX (I think) printed on Kodak paper with dodging and burning
March, 2005
So I've been snapping pictures forever, and it's really that early snapping that got me more serious about photography. Is it when I started snapping, or when I actually started thinking about what one would associate with photography (i.e. framing, perspective, focus, etc.)?
So I've been snapping pictures forever, and it's really that early snapping that got me more serious about photography. Is it when I started snapping, or when I actually started thinking about what one would associate with photography (i.e. framing, perspective, focus, etc.)?

Probably the latter. The exercise is both to see how far you have progressed as well as appreciate some of the earlier stuff you produced. I too have been snapping my whole life but it was only when I got the D60 in '09 that I put more thought into it. Its really up to your own discretion as to how far you want to go back. I took some great photos on travels as a 3yo, but they were flukes with perhaps a hint of natural instinct, whereas I tried to put a lot more things into shooting after I got the D60 (with varying levels of success as with anyone starting to focus on everything more), which is where I'll be looking for my entry. 👍

(I didn't want to be so general as to say from your first DSLR, as everyone is different)
I have all kinds of snapshots taken before this, but this trip to China coincide with the time that I started liking photography more and decided to take a more serious attempt at it.


Coffee Break?

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ3

This was about 7 years ago, from a trip in Spain:


Nikon D80 + 18-135mm
I'm not sure that this picture fits to the theme. It was taken when I was in Japan. At that time I was interested in photography to a certain extent, but not to the extent as it is now. But at that particular moment I was trying to get a good picture so I hope I picked the right photo for this week. :)

May 4, 2012

Sony A300

35.0 mm
ƒ/5.6 - 1/1000
May I please submit an entry tomorrow? I know its a recurring theme with me, but I have been flat chat with editing recent and previous stuff for a job application :/

All good if not..
My entry for this week will probably have to be this. I took the picture below in North Yorkshire, England during my 2 month long trip around Europe back in 2012. I'm not sure that this was exactly when I started learning about and trying to do the photography thing, but this was certainly towards the beginning.

Final Entry
Week 68 - Edit From the Past

July 23, 2012
Canon SX260 HS
f/4 - 1/800 - ISO 125
When is the closing for this - I can contribute something this weekend, otherwise, no drama.
I have yet to get a theme for the next week so I will be waiting until I have the theme for that before I close this. Will probably be a day two for that, @Mike Rotch.
Been trying to get back into this recently but all my early stuff is utter rubbish, think I'll wait for the next topic.
Thanks @Solo . I figured let me try get one over procrastination, just this once! edit: The beauty of jpeg and 3.2 megapixel!

Probably Final

Delville Wood WWI Cemetery - Longueval, France
Pentax Optio 30
Last edited:
The next theme as chosen by week 67 winner @ShaolinMasta is:
Spring aroma

Since in that part of Russia where I live long-awaited spring doesn't want to come and sleet pours all day I would like to see something "green" this week, something reminding of spring.

This will close on April 22nd at midnight BST. Apologies for the delayed opening, I've had a very hectic week again. Who ever said university holidays meant no work is a liar.
@Solo Am I still allowed to enter?
@ShaolinMasta Will you allow this? (I wasn't sure you wanted something green-coloured, or "green" as in plants/vegetation?)

If "yes" to both, then...:


The power of Spring


Sony A7 | Voigtländer Nokton 40mm f/1.4
@Solo Am I still allowed to enter?
@ShaolinMasta Will you allow this? (I wasn't sure you wanted something green-coloured, or "green" as in plants/vegetation?)

If "yes" to both, then...:


The power of Spring


Sony A7 | Voigtländer Nokton 40mm f/1.4

Yes to both :) I think it's a great picture and it's well suited to this theme.

It is a pity that I can't participate because I still don't have the ability to shoot something "green". Anyways, I really like all pictures.