Mr. Yamauchi, why did you and your team decide to apply a 500 car limit to our garage?

  • Thread starter Fire Yoshi
United States
Fire Yoshi
With me being a car collector, I find that the 500 car garage limit can be frustrating. I understand that you created the stockyard so that we can buy more cars after we reach the 500 car limit, but the stockyard can test one's patience with the lengthy loading times. It also cannot be accessed while in an online lobby, which further limits its use. Also, when a car is sent to the stockyard, the dealership removes the icon that shows that you own the car, which makes car collecting a tougher process if you have a bad memory, or if you don't note down which cars you have via some sort of checklist (which really should not need to be done in my opinion).

So here is my question to you, Mr. Yamauchi:
Why did you decide to apply a 500 car garage limit, rather than give us a much bigger limit like we got in Gran Turismo 5? Will you and your team ever make the limit higher in a future update?
It is very frustrating to have this limit. When GT5 could have many more cars.
I dont understand we can only have 500 cars.
.............Was this because of PS3's hardware limitation, I wonder?
I'm no expert but I don't think there's anything in your garage that isn't on the disk already, other than your tune, which is just 1's and 0's and doesn't take up a lot of space. All the garage does is organize and present the data that is already there.
I'm no expert but I don't think there's anything in your garage that isn't on the disk already, other than your tune, which is just 1's and 0's and doesn't take up a lot of space. All the garage does is organize and present the data that is already there.

....................So I take it this is another one of little mysteries PDI gifted us with, huh. Still, Kaz did bang on the drums of "PS3 weak! PS3 difficult!" for a while....:irked:
....................So I take it this is another one of little mysteries PDI gifted us with, huh. Still, Kaz did bang on the drums of "PS3 weak! PS3 difficult!" for a while....:irked:
All part of the promised "human drama" I suppose..:dopey:
I'm no expert but I don't think there's anything in your garage that isn't on the disk already, other than your tune, which is just 1's and 0's and doesn't take up a lot of space. All the garage does is organize and present the data that is already there.

Well, GT4 was so bottlenecked by the PS2 that it utilized the memory card as a RAM expansion (that's why it absolutely would not start the game in GT mode without one inserted, and threw a fit if you swapped cards and exited the game). I can see similar issues with GT6 when GT5 ran into performance problems the more cars you had.
Same difference..... You still have to switch...... shrug...... ;)
Not quite.
With multiple garages, you don't have to 'trade' car for car. You could swap out an entire list of cars faster with multiple garages, as well as organize each garage with different types of cars, if one so desired.
It's kinda a similar, but not the same at all. Multiple garages would be quicker, more effective, more efficient, and just overall more useful.
Multiple garages wouldn't solve a thing,since the basic limit of 500 cars is for reasons of limited memory (faster loading ...). You could have 5 garages of 100 cars sorted in different categories ie: sports,race,lmp... but any additional garages that would top those 500 cars memory limit would have to be compresed /decompresed prior use as it is stockyard now.