Multi Class Endurance. Catalunya. 03/11/2019.

  • Thread starter El_Beardo

Where shall we race?

  • Autopolis

  • Blue Moon Bay Infield A

  • Catalunya

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That's almost as confusing as when I tried to read Sarah's ecotoxicolgy PHD thing :lol:

If you ever need help with pre-Christian European history though, give me a shout :cheers:
European history is a hobby of mine, so a nice discussion is always a welcome addition to my routine :)

Anyway it turns out my confusion is justified. After a half hour or so of debate with my class we decided there must be an error or some step that was omitted from the question.

Everyone else, being pragmatic engineering types, just went ahead and solved with the values they had.

Me, the artistic-minded creative type, instead spent an hour questioning the very fabric of my reality. And then just asked them. And then just solved with the values I had.

Ready to spend 90 mins trying to chase @GOTMAXPOWER? Yes. Yes I am.

Side note Googling "laughing in 911 meme" didn't give me the results I was hoping for.

European history is a hobby of mine, so a nice discussion is always a welcome addition to my routine :)

Anyway it turns out my confusion is justified. After a half hour or so of debate with my class we decided there must be an error or some step that was omitted from the question.

Everyone else, being pragmatic engineering types, just went ahead and solved with the values they had.

Me, the artistic-minded creative type, instead spent an hour questioning the very fabric of my reality. And then just asked them. And then just solved with the values I had.

Good to know.

Yeah, I'd have taken your approach. Maybe throw in a little existential crisis, a dash of crying under the duvet, and maybe a slight hint of borderline suicidal panic :lol:
The car just passed tech inspection and being rolled out on the track. The fans look to be well lubricated already. Countdown to green flag begins. What time of day are we running in game, I thought you said dusk? If so, it won't be far off from what it will look like here on the east coast late in the race with the time change.

I see across the pond you were treated to an exciting NFL game in London. :lol: That's football, not futbol. Yeah, the Jax players on my fantasy teams have already put me in a deficit. :banghead:

Made some livery tweaks in preparation for the race today. Now to get in a bit of practice before the main lobby opens up. Will have a practice lobby open for an hour. 0475-4151-6369-0225-7732. Might have to remake it as friends-only if it gets swarmed, so may as well add me on PSN just in case.
The car just passed tech inspection and being rolled out on the track. The fans look to be well lubricated already. Countdown to green flag begins. What time of day are we running in game, I thought you said dusk? If so, it won't be far off from what it will look like here on the east coast late in the race with the time change.

It'll be the latest time slot. 20:00, I think?
23 minutes to go.

The car just passed tech inspection and being rolled out on the track. The fans look to be well lubricated already. Countdown to green flag begins. What time of day are we running in game, I thought you said dusk? If so, it won't be far off from what it will look like here on the east coast late in the race with the time change.

I see across the pond you were treated to an exciting NFL game in London. :lol: That's football, not futbol. Yeah, the Jax players on my fantasy teams have already put me in a deficit. :banghead:

It should be full on dark by the time the race is over. Or maybe that's a month from now. All I know is 1 hour of extra sleep isn't worth the rewiring I have to do to my brain to make sure I'm not late for stuff. :boggled: And I don't want to look at my fantasy football scores. :yuck:
Just having a much needed pre race cup of tea, then I'll open the room.

Has anybody heard from @Qyn?

Hi mate. As above, I've not seen Qyn post today. So, if he doesn't make it, there's a TS-050 slot open. Other than that, I'll give you a shout :)
Alrighty, sounds good. I'll keep refreshing this page. :lol:
Only about halfway through my practice exam, but standing by for action.

Looks like a late nighter on the study front, up at 7 for the exam at 9, probably a rainy half hour walk to get there.

Run warrior_mode.exe
No sign of Qyn on the Discord chat. Looks like @Pigems said they only had 8 for the Miata race. He said it wasn't looking good, but I clicked off without reading whether it got cancelled or not.