Multi-Class SuperGT Championship - Congratulations Winners!

  • Thread starter GTWelsh
Friendly reminder

  1. Official weight ballast for this round is your points doubled.
  2. GTSport weight changes result in large jumps so you probably won't be able to get the weight exact. If this is the case go to the next available weight up. You will be a bit heavier than the official ballast suggests but so will everyone else pretty much.
  3. Remember to update your weight decals to reflect the official weight.
  4. If you're running more than 52kgs official weight ballast you must also take a 1% power cut.
Thank you
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Qualifying later on guys. Hope to see you all there.

Grid is in the above post.

As is the norm now:
  • Lobby will open at 8:30pm BST
  • The GT300 qualifying will begin at 9:00pm BST
  • The GT500 qualifying will begin shortly after 9:15pm BST
BST = British Summer Time
Race 3 Starting Grid

  1. 1:45.366 Fred_dude
  2. 1:45.468 T5Black
  3. 1:45.547 vrsSTIG
  4. 1:46.116 traels666
  5. 1:46.504 DirtenDK
  6. 1:46.821 mattt1973
  7. [Not Set] dad24dh

  1. 1:54.261 VERT_CJohn
  2. 1:54.721 samdigby
  3. 1:55.384 GT-Welsh
  4. 1:57.717 Allaloneatron
  5. 1:57.749 jimmy281090
  6. 2:01.576 Addy21_NL
  7. [Not Set] FlichFloch
  8. [Not Set] jw_wk1010
  9. [Not Set] Sniparator
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@GTWelsh It wont change my grid space but my actual best lap was 1:57.717. The 1:56.288 was the first lap where the race started a fair way in front of the start finish line due to rolling start.

Okay mate cheers, very truthful of you :) I will change it to a Grid start for future qualifying and hope people don't rear end the guy in-front.
Great racing guys. I had a horrid time with a few dumb crashes and a lot of ****** lines. But it was a lot of fun though!

I streamed the race on our channel. So if you want to see what bad lines, decisions and outcomes look like, come on over!
In all seriousness, we will probably stream the rest of the rounds, assuming we are there for them. Go ahead and give us a like and a follow or something. We don't know what the purpose of the channel is by any measure, but maybe we'll somehow accidentally start putting out decent content at some point.

Thanks again for the race guys, it was so nice to see us all improving a bit on dealing with the traffic and such.

Really sorry I missed it. I had a migraine so jumped into bed when I got home from work. Wasnt enough to be ready for the race. Sorry again.
I had a migraine
They are the worst, hope you're feeling better!


Championship standings updated.

People over 52kgs and running a 1% power cut are now:
  • Jimmy281090
  • vrsSTIG
  • samdigby
  • VERT_CJohn
  • GT-Welsh
  • T5Black
  • Fred_dude
GT-Welsh is on 104kgs but SuperGT caps at 100kgs.

Note: Round 4 is next running the normal rules. Round 5 will be 1kilo per point. Round 6 is ballast free.
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Traels awsome link up looks like that diff is very angry when the tyres are cold.

My behalf Confusion, lack of grip but done a lot better than expected. But it's not about me it's all about these two awsome winners they didn't give up from the word go and I think it's only right we congratulate them again awsome work guys

Round 4 grid will be posted later today.

Autódromo De Interlagos 41 laps 19:15

As usual:
Qualifying on Wednesday opens at 8:30pm BST and begins at 9:00pm BST.
Race on Thursday opens at 8:30pm BST and begins at 9:00pm BST.
Thank you.
Round 4: Autódromo De Interlagos 41 laps

As usual:​
Qualifying on Wednesday opens at 8:30pm BST and begins at 9:00pm BST.
Race on Thursday opens at 8:30pm BST and begins at 9:00pm BST.​

Round 4 Grid


  1. GT-Welsh - 100kgs + Power cut
  2. samdigby - 82kgs + Power cut
  3. Allaloneatron - 12kgs
  4. VERT_CJohn - 74kgs + Power cut
  5. Jimmy281090 - 54kgs + Power cut
  6. FlichFloch - 20kgs
  7. [maybe] Sniparator - 12kgs
  8. [maybe] Addy21_NL - 16kgs


  1. vrsSTIG - 100kgs + Power cut
  2. T5Black - 84kgs + Power cut
  3. dad24dh - 34kgs
  4. Fred_dude - 88kgs + Power cut
  5. traels666 - 42kgs
  6. DirtenDK - 38kgs
  7. mattt1973 - 22kgs
  8. VP_Cobra696

Potential Replacements

jw_wk1010 - GT300

Thank you.​
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All weights and power cuts added to the post above.

Please use these "official" numbers as a minimum, for example, if you can either be 1kg less or 12kgs over, go 12kgs over.

"Power cut" means remove 1% from the standard power. Standard power is stated in the first post in the car list.
how many points did i score race 3? My ballast is what i was running last week

I've added up the results for Round 1, 2 and 3 manually and 54kgs seems to be right.

FYI: the first post has the info on. You can see all race results there, and at the end is a "regs" sheet, with points per position on. Keep in mind that 1st place is on row 2, so it can catch you out looking at it.
Sorry for leaving with such haste, the Nations Cup beckons! See you tomorrow for the race :)
Its cool no problem :)

Qualifying Results are in.

  1. 1:31.148 samdigby
  2. 1:31.639 GT-Welsh
  3. 1:31.820 Jimmy281090
  4. 1:32.363 FlichFloch
  5. 1:32.983 Allaloneatron

  1. 1:23.224 VP_Cobra696
  2. 1:24.883 Fred_dude
  3. 1:24.965 traels666
  4. 1:25.111 dad24dh
  5. 1:25.151 vrsSTIG
  6. 1:25.318 DirtenDK
  7. 1:25.545 T5Black