New to GTP-WRS Online? Introduce yourself

  • Thread starter WRP001
Welcome guys.

I recognize Zach from oink's twitch chat box... Any other recruits of our famous streamer?
Hello guys! I've been watching oinks videos and streams of many of you fast racers, and I'm from the u.s and wondering what days you guys race and times? I race in turtle racing league with some fello racers, all very fast and clean.

I would also like to say hello tigdney if your reading this, man all I got to say your extreamly fast!

Anyways just hopping in saying hello to all you fast racers and maybe I can hop in a race or 2 and just learn from you guys. I know you guys do time trials and F1 races. But do you guys just race cars in general? Like an endurance certain car?

Sorry for all the questions. Just wondering maybe I can hop in with you guys and learn a couple tricks or 2.
Thanks guys!
Hey! Always nice to see a fan :D haha. Of course you are welcome to race in the WRS, but you will need to submit a qualifier to the GTP_Registry to become an official member first. Read here for all information regarding the qualifier.

In regards to what sort of events we run, all our current Online Racing events can be found here. There is a mixture of Weekly races (every wednesday, 2 time slots to suit preference), special events, series (such as the F1 series you mentioned), Academy and more, have a look around there for information on all the racing going on.

As well, you can find the weekly Time trial information in this sub-forum.

But firstly, as I mentioned, if your interested in racing with us, the qualifier is your first port of call.

FRs on PSN are accepted from both of you and so you guys are fully set to participate in our events.

See you on track! :gtpflag:
2 more joined us!
Giovanni (GTP_WiiFreak)
Bruce (GTP_bjh240rs)​

FRs on PSN are accepted. You guys are clear to join any of our events. See you on track! :gtpflag:
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Welcome dudes! I know Zach very good from multiple races I've done with him. He's an amazing driver and I always have fun when I race him. I'll try to get him in for next WRS round at Tsukuba! :gtpflag:
More new drivers! 👍


c4joelito (GTP_c4joelito)
Jogo (GTP_JogoAsobi)

I'm no where near a PS3 (and won't be for a month) so not sure what the status is on the PSN friend requests for the lounges. Hopefully if you've sent the requests one of the other admins can or has already accepted them.

See you on track! :gtpflag:
More new drivers! 👍


c4joelito (GTP_c4joelito)
Jogo (GTP_JogoAsobi)

I'm no where near a PS3 (and won't be for a month) so not sure what the status is on the PSN friend requests for the lounges. Hopefully if you've sent the requests one of the other admins can or has already accepted them.

See you on track! :gtpflag:

Welcome all!

Welcome guys, 👍

Thanks guys! My requests have been accepted.

FRs on PSN are accepted from both of you and so you guys are fully set to participate in our events.

See you on track! :gtpflag:

I know I'm a bit late on this, but thanks to everyone. (:

I've been a bit busy with recent events, but hopefully I'll be able to join in some races soon.
Welcome the newest additions to the online driver registry,

Travis (GTP_Carracer)
Teo (GTP_Peir)
Sig (GTP_Sig)

See you on track! :gtpflag:
Welcome the newest additions to the online driver registry,
Jester (GTP_Jester)
Murbe (GTP_Sherwood)
Ricardo (GTP_XR_RACER_11)

Send your FR to the 3d3 lounges and an admin will accept them as soon as possible.

We're always looking for more US/NA entrants for the Wednesday night races so be sure to join us! This week:

Also, if we get enough interested in the World Cup we will start a third US team (and team CA is still looking for one more driver):

See you on track! :gtpflag:

PS> That pretty much closes out another month of solid growth. We added 24 new drivers in May and another 19 in June! 👍

EDIT: Added Ricardo also.
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Hey I would like to be a part of the WRS

I have created a GTP account: GTP_Cbastjan

What do I have to do ?

Hello, I've been looking for online series to race in after some of the "organized" series I was involved in came unglued. I have a motorsport blog at wordpress called Might be some interesting stuff there to check out. I recently posted about some weird iterations of the Nurburgring that never got built. I must have my sig all messed up. There can't be two guys with GTP_Jester and GTP_F1Jester submitting at the same time. Sorry...I'll get it sorted.
Hello, I've been looking for online series to race in after some of the "organized" series I was involved in came unglued. I have a motorsport blog at wordpress called Might be some interesting stuff there to check out. I recently posted about some weird iterations of the Nurburgring that never got built. I must have my sig all messed up. There can't be two guys with GTP_Jester and GTP_F1Jester submitting at the same time. Sorry...I'll get it sorted.

We've got your submission using GTP_Jester as the PSN_ID and F1Jester as the GTPlanet username.