Official GTPlanet Member of the Fortnight [Member of the Week]

Wow, just discovered this concept and thread. Great job by everyone! :)
Someone doesn't read the Rewind. :grumpy:

I'll try to. There's this whole non-existent PS3-thing and lack of GT5...well, perhaps I've said too much.
Why arn't you banned yet then?

Because if I enter an argument, I make sure to know what I'm talking about. Also, Super Monaco GP has better driving physics than Night Driver.
That was one hell of a read. I hadn't had the chance to check out the Member of the Week yet, but it was cool. Soemtimes you tendo to forget about the problems of people you don't interact too much with, reading again and remembering about FK's daughter and his medical wooes and stuff and how he has rearranged his life ws truly something.
Since this week's Rewind has been indefinitely delayed due to the influx of everything relating to Gran Turismo 6 (I promise things will be compensated for come next week), let's get this week's Member of the Week festivities underway!

This week's member can be summed up in all but one word: Shem.

1. First and foremost, you're officially the Member of the Week so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized amidst the hundreds of thousands of other members here?

I'm really surprised to be honest. I would have thought plenty of people were in line before me and certainly more worthy than me. I've gone all shy now. *blush*

2. What brought you to GTPlanet and what keeps you coming back?

I'm a relative newbie to teh webz having only used it for email and Wiki up until I joined here a few years back. I realised this place reminded me of my local pub and sort of pulled myself up a metaphorical stool at the bar.

I certainly came for the GT5 info to begin with as I am a rather large GT fan (not 'fanboy') and it took me a little while before I realised there was a whole site here outside of the GT sections.

There are now lots of members who I'm sure I'd miss if I wasn't to log on every day and read their crazy posts. This places is my virtual home on the internet. I feel like the community is genuine and full of really honest-to-God stand-up people who make the experience of frequenting the 'Planet even more worth it.

3. There's a lot to do around the forums so I have to ask: what sub-forums/threads do you frequent most often and why?

I'm an Off-Topic kinda guy preferring to roam the Infield and the Rumble Strip.

I read several threads in the sports section but only really post in the biking thread as I'm a very keen cyclist.

The Funny Pictures Thread was my first subscribed thread and it's always the first thread I go to when I fire up the PC in the morning.

I browse some of the more mature GT threads but try to refrain from posting because...well, GT section.

The Infield would have to be my main haunt as it has a brilliant vibe and all the members there are generally the upper echelons of the site.

I avoid the Opinions and Current Events forum since noticing some of the Infield members coming in with limbs missing and stream hissing from their ears! I don't really have the temperament to be hashing it out with idiots. :mischievous:

4. What was it that sparked your interest in Gran Turismo?

I've always been fascinated with all things automotive and read in a magazine about this upcoming PS title called GT. I got my hands on a copy after pleading with my dad to buy it for me and spent the next few days locked in my room doing licence tests. With the release of the following titles my casual gaming turned into a passion for GT and is currently the only game I play. For me it's more than a game.

5. How did you come up with the name "W3HS"?

I'll answer this one below.

6. A question unique to you, and don't you dare shem it up: You started out as Shem and then changed your name, or should I say mirrored your name. Why?

Shem is the name I've been known as for the majority of my life to most who know me. My dad always calls me Seamus as a small boy and that was shortened to Shem. Others began to call me by that name and it stuck.

I think more people know me as Shem than my real name, Sean.

When I signed up here it was only natural to me to use 'Shem' as my username. It wasn't long before I was endowed with Premiumhood and had the ability to change it. Drunk one night (as was usually the case) I was upside-down on my sofa and liked the look of it that way up. The rest, as they say, is Guacamole.

7. Controversial question time: Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport or both?

Pfffttt. I drove 1 lap of Le Sarthe in GT class Aston Martin playing FM3 and almost swallowed my tongue when I was show how to 're-wind'. That killed it for me.

GT, on the other hand, has been my mistress throughout the years and has never failed to entertain me. People can complain all they like about what is wrong with the series and how it should be but I just take it as it is. Yeah I'd like a bit more immersion and some improved damage systems and more weather/ time variation tracks but hey, we gets whats we's given, no?

Also. :sly:

8. You've recently announced your ambitions to shem the Guiness Book of World Records: walk us through that.

I needed a distraction from a few unsettling evens happening in my life and thought a motorcycle tour would be a good way to get my head out of the BS flying around. It was suggested that I apply for a World Record since I would be covering lots of ground anyway. There it is: Longest Continuous Motorcycle Journey in a Single Country - my attempt. 20'000km+ over some of China's most unforgiving terrain in under 3 months.

It's become a part-time job what with all the planning and preparation that is required but it's more than satisfying thinking abut the end result of all the work that I'm doing for it. It certainly helped take my focus from the negative to the positive and then some.

Of course members of the 'Planet will be privy to updates posted here and if anyone feels like a more in-depth read I have a Tumbling blog which I'll be recording on as I tour (find it in my sig).

9. When did it occur to you that you wanted to do this, and why?

Who wouldn't want to be the proud owner of a Guinness World Record for an endurance feat? It's been a dream of mine to do something on a scale this grand and now I'm finally in the position to do it.

My initial thought was to tour China as a last hurrah and go out in a blaze of glory. While thinking it through certain dramas pushed me to stop thinking and start doing. I guess you could call the means to an end.

10. Mechanical or Membrane keyboard?

What is this...I don't even....?

Oh, that thing with buttons which makes letters appear on the screen?

Honestly I don't know the difference. Mine is black, if that helps?

I could tell you about how I single handedly faced-off with a (approx) 2 ton charging bullock when camping in England's West Country or the time when I was Kung Fu punched in the head by a monkey when hiking the Yangtze river in China, 2009. I guess those aren't really relevant to the question asked though so I'll save them for another time.

11. In the 2011 GTPlanet Awards you were not only nominated for, but won "Most likely to be wheeled off to the nut house" and "Best new member" quite the accolades, and now this. Surely your head must be spinning?

I got the nut house award last year too. :ill:

Honestly, I think it's because I'm very open about my short-comings which do make me appear a bit on loony side. The list of stupid things I've done coupled with my list of mental disorders would certainly...wait, I've already been to the nut house therefore invalidating the award, as I've previously mentioned. (Big shout to Warley Lunatic asylum for the accommodation! :D)

There was a comment made in a thread about who on GTP it would be cool to meet up with and I remember somebody said they'd like to meet me because, and I quote, "...he's the right kind of crazy". I like that, it does just about sum me up. :)

12. Aside from being too famous for your own good do you have any hobbies?

I'm crazy about cycling. I love my bicycle almost as much as my wife and Lord knows I spend more money on it! I get such a rush from going hell-for-leather through city traffic at stupid speeds. I tell people I do it as part of a healthy lifestyle but really I just love going fast.

GT doesn't really need to be mentioned since I'm already on this site, nor, I expect does it that up until recently my favourite hobby was consuming vast amounts of alcohol and doing silly things. I'll leave that at that.

My new hobby is breaking World Records. One a year should be enough since I'm focusing on endurance records which will really test my mettle.

I also have a thing for boxes and bags (not ladies' bags) since I do believe I was a cat in a past life, but the less said about that the better.

13. Given the opportunity, what would you do as a Moderator here?

Probably change Dion's avatar to really wind him up and confuse him.

I'd also make it customary right of passage for every new member in the Infield to take the axletest: every new member, upon gaining premium membership, will be given a week to provide a photo of a till receipt from a supermarket with the following items listed:

1 Pot of Vaseline.
1 Large cucumber.
1 Pair of rubber gloves.
1 Barbie doll.

Failure to provide said image will result in prohibition from the Infield.

14. Are you driving anything special at the moment?

I'm commuting on a military surplus motorcycle. It's a big, heavy old beast but does the job and it certainly won't be stolen as the only people able to ride it and touch the floor have to be over 6ft! :lol:

And a bicycle, of course. ;) Bicycles are always special; what else can you think of that runs faster than the posted limit on beer and spicy wings?

15. Where and when was your very first post here and how does it differ from your posting style used today?

My first post was more than likely in the GT section asking for info or commenting on some topic or another. Generally uninteresting.

I doubt my posting style has changed much but my knowledge of computing has certainly improved. It's thanks to GTP that I can post images, link URLs and things like that which I could never do before.


16. How many of your controllers have died because of heavy physical abuse whilst playing a PS3 game?

No controllers but I've gone through...I think...four(?) four and a half(?) PS2s thanks largely to GT4 with a little help from GT3. Those 24 hour races really take it out of the poor console.

Having a bunch of petrol head friends willing to race for hours at a time every night of the week also help concrete their demise.

17. Have you ever accessed the website during an unusual time and/or place?

In a dream. At a wedding. In a mountain top Buddhist temple. Bank. And a few other strange places. None of which, by the way, were mobile devices.

18. What's the longest you've gone without logging onto GTPlanet since joining: Years, months, weeks, days, hours?

You know, I honestly couldn't say. I've had a week ban recently but aside from that there isn't much time of my membership here when I've spent more than a day offline.

19. Who (in your own opinion) is the most inspiring person / people here on GTPlanet ?

That is a tough one. There are so many people here who have given me good advice or been through the works and come out the other side still fighting.

I really do admire the Purpel One's knowledge, as does most everyone, and I think the staff here do a great job. Also, 9.5 / 10 for Jordan and his creation. I could only give the other .5 if the site was changed to ShemPlanet. :)

20. Now it's time for the "Daniel Special": If you could cross a hippo with any other animal - what will the animal be, what will it be called, and why? (Bonus points for creativity!
And it can't be another hippo because that's incest)

A Platypus.

A Platypotamus would lay eggs. How delicious and large would they be!? It could solve Africa's food woes. (Hippos live in Africa, right?)

21. What's the funniest thing you can remember from all of your time being a member here?

To many to list.

I have had many laughs recently from the legend which was EBF2.2 and his wild threads. As TB noted, he probably isn't wasn't a troll, which is the worrying thing.

22. Have you ever participated in any of the racing series' found here?

I tried an FGT championship but the time difference made it really tough to commit.

I also got involved in C.R.A.P. racing for a bit to enjoy some casual racing. I bet you can't guess who they owe the brilliance of their name to? :D

23. Have you ever considered developing your own racing series, and if you have where can we find it?

I did have a few but they all fell to the wayside because of time differences.

I did a lot of B-Spec championships in the past. I was possible the biggest advocate of B-Specing at the time. I ran them for quite a while until I no longer had time or ability to host them.

Check out my Threads Started thing to see them.

24. Anything else you'd like to say?

Don't give super glue (502) to a table of 4 year old kids. Does not end well. :ouch: :dunce:

Thanks for the opportunity to ramble more than usual. Keep up the good work, staff of GTP. 👍

Arcade Mode FTW!

May the Force be with you all.
A Platypus.

A Platypotamus would lay eggs. How delicious and large would they be!? It could solve Africa's food woes. (Hippos live in Africa, right?)

Platypuses are just awesome! Also platypus eggs are really small, but I think you know that, so they'll probably only be 10 centimeters (when mixed) :D:tup:

Congratulations Shem (Shaun) :cheers:.
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Thanks boys and girls, I had good fun answering the questions. I'm thankful for the chance to be MOTW.

I'd like to thank my mum, my dad, Jesus, the Buddhas, Zeus, Mr Crowley, Mohammed, President Obama, Skeletor, the native population of Guam and the lovely bowl of peanuts in my coffee table for all their support.

Thanks boys and girls, I had good fun answering the questions. I'm thankful for the chance to be MOTW.

I'd like to thank my mum, my dad, Jesus, the Buddhas, Zeus, Mr Crowley, Mohammed, President Obama, Skeletor, the native population of Guam and the lovely bowl of peanuts in my coffee table for all their support.

Not as crazy as I would hope from Shem, but still a good read from a deserving member.👍👍

Also, good luck on the world record.
B spec? Come on, Shem.

Also congrats 👍 altough to be sincere, I hoped for a bit more depth, since you're way more deep than that, but no worries, I have the infield for that.
So I'm married now apparently, but we'll get to that later because the Rewind is back to it's normal format and the Member of the Week is officially back in the swing of things as well, so without further ado welcome Katiegan to the Member of the Week madhouse!

1. First and foremost, you're officially the Member of the Week so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized amidst the hundreds of thousands of other members here?

I don't really know what to say. To be honest, I'm very surprised! I take it everyone else declined the offer, then? :P

2. What brought you to GTPlanet and what keeps you coming back?

It was originally suzq044 who brought GTP to my attention. We were both members of another forum and I was aware that she used to frequent this one too, and then she introduced photomode competitions on the other forum much like the ones here, which finally made me see what was going on here. This was probably late 2010/early 2011. However, I didn't pluck up the courage to sign up here until June 2011.

3. There's a lot to do around the forums so I have to ask: what sub-forums/threads do you frequent most often and why?

I roam quite a bit. I'm weird and I don't subscribe to threads, I like to go through the forums in order and see for myself if anyone has posted. I usually start out in the Racing Series section, sometimes I'll go into the Clubs & Leagues section to see if anything interesting is happening, then I'll go to Cars In General and take a look through the Did You See Anything Good Today? thread. I'll pop my head into the Member's Rides section and have a nosy at what you're all driving, then I'll go to the madness of the Rumble Strip and the Infield.

4. What was it that sparked your interest in Gran Turismo?

Back when I was around 8 or 9, a friend of mine bought GT4 for his PS2 and we used to play it at his house. We never played the game properly, we used to always race each other at the oval test track in Arcade Mode. I was browsing a local market one day and I saw GT4 for sale, so I asked my parents if I could buy it and I did. Even after I bought it for myself I only ever played Arcade Mode, because I always thought it was too 'grown-up' for me!

5. How did you come up with the name "Katiegan"?

There's quite a story behind that. Originally my username was 'wolfdragon97', because that was my old PSN username. I created it when I was 12 during my phase of loving wolves and dragons, and I was born in 1997, so that's how that name came about. Then in August last year when I treated myself to a year of red I wanted to change it, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to change it to 'Katie' or 'Hoonigan', so I asked on Twitter. Fellow GTPer Classic replied to my tweet and suggested I combined the two and used 'Katiegan'. I loved the idea so much I've used it for my username everywhere since. If the name is already taken I add a '53' to the end. :D

6. Controversial question time: Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport or both?

To be honest, I like both, despite only owning a PS3. Said friend who introduced me to GT4 has since turned into a bit of an Xbox/Forza fanboy, and we've had many an arguement over that, but I've played Forza a few times on his Xbox (and even made my own speedy little Mitsubishi Colt) and I quite like it. They both have their strengths and weaknesses, so I like to think they're equal.

7. You're relatively new here so it must have come as a surprise that you're Member of the Week, thoughts?

It was indeed! Most of the past members of thy week have been here for quite some time, so to be such a new member compared to them and still be chosen for MOTW is quite an honor!

8. Finally found an avatar you're going to stick with, huh?

:lol:! As I'm sure you'll know it was GT-R who bet me to keep the other one for a month. I succeeded, but I can't gurantee this one will stay for that long!

9. A month or so back you were asking for help on how to go about starting a blog, how's it been so far? (Feel free to shamelessly advertise it as well)

It's going rather well. I had a bit of an absence from it all because of exams and such, but I've started posting a little more now. It still hasn't got much on it, and it's a bit of a baby blog at the moment, but feel free to have a read of it! Hoon Platoon is the name of it.

10. Mechanical or Membrane keyboard?

Uhh... ninjas! I'm no keyboard guru so I'll just go with that.

11. What was it that started your addiction to Monster Energy drinks?

April 2012, at a Pontins resort in Wales. I asked for a can of Monster Energy and never looked back. I'm quite surprised it took me that long to get into the drink.

12. You're a proud hoonigan, what was it about that that caught your attention?

A mix between my love of rallying and discovering a certain 45 year-old American. Ever since 2010 when the Hoonigan brand was formed I've been a proud hoonigan and loved the art of hooning. What's not to love about automotive aeronautics?

13. Other than being a hoon, what other hobbies do you have?

I'm quite a keen camera pointer, I enjoy taking pictures of nature, animals and of course cars. I've only got a little Nikon bridge camera and a tripod so I wouldn't call myself a photographer. I'm also a bit of an artist, I like to draw now and again and I draw lot of Cars fanart. I like to think I'm a brony but with Cars instead. I've also recently started getting into BMX which is very fun, even if I am the only one in my circle of friends with a bike! When I'm not doing any of that I collect Monster cans. I currently have 36 cans in my room.

14. Given the opportunity, what would you do as a Moderator here?

I'd turn the site into a Ken Block fansite and brainwash you all into loving him as much as I do. I mean - I'd be very responsible and look after the GTP community! Yeah... sure... >_>

15. Are you driving anything special at the moment?

I can't legally drive him but he's very special. My first love, Bruiser, my parents' 2003 Ford Mondeo Zetec. We've had him since he was 9 months old, so I've grown up with him and he's very close to my heart. Unfortunately, his health has taken a turn for the worst and we'll have to part ways in the late summer for him to be passed on at auction. I'll miss him. :(

16. You love Ken Block, that goes without saying, but have you seen his 2012 Schedule and Livery Launch video where he's spoofed by Nick Swardson?

Yes, I have seen it many times and I love it! At one point I could say the whole script without watching it. Is that weird? That's weird, isn't it? ...Don't back away from me like that!

17. Where and when was your very first post here and how does it differ from your posting style used today?

My first post was in the... drifting forum asking for a drift tune for a Camaro.

Anybody got a controller setup for a '10 Camaro SS? Been looking all over the net for one and I can't find one :c

I suppose it could've been worse. Also, I never got that tune for my Camaro. :grumpy:

18. How many of your controllers have died because of heavy physical abuse whilst playing a PS3 game?

None, actually. I've squeezed mine a few times in frustration which may be the cause of my squeeky R2 button which is rather annoying. I've broken the stand of my USB keyboard I use for my PS3 after slamming it down on the table. I also once knocked over my tower of Monster cans after throwing a hoodie in anger. I stood there in horror at the mess I'd made for a while.

19. Have you ever accessed the website during an unusual time and/or place?

Probably the most unusual place I've been using the site is a science lesson. I often check on the forum in my IT lessons but I once used the app in science after having a supply teacher who didn't really seem to acknowledge there was a class of students there.

20. What's the longest you've gone without logging onto GTPlanet since joining: Years, months, weeks, days, hours?

Probably a few months between 2011 and early 2012. I don't know what happened but in mid-2012 something made me decide I wanted to come back everyday!

21. Who (in your own opinion) is the most inspiring person / people here on GTPlanet?

Shem. He's been through quite a lot, and even though I haven't been posting in his thread, I've been supporting him from behind the screen. Good luck with your world record too, Shem!

Also, you, Mr. Terronium. Because you manage to find the time to write the weekly rewind and come up with amazing things like this! You're also the most lovable rude egg I know. :P

22. Now it's time for the "Daniel Special": If you could cross a hippo with any other animal - what will the animal be, what will it be called, and why? (Bonus points for creativity!
And it can't be another hippo because that's incest)

A dragon. A hippodragomous. Because, let's face it, a fire breathing hippo would just be amazing.

23. Will you marry me?

Yes. <3

24. What's the funniest thing you can remember from all of your time being a member here?

Oh, there's been too many times here where I've read something and laughed like an intoxicated Jimmy Carr. Because, unfortunately, that's how I laugh.

25. Have you ever participated in any of the racing series' found here?

Yes, in the GTP Global Rallycross Championship. I'm currently 3rd in the Super class championship and 1st in the Limited class championship. :D

26. Have you ever considered developing your own racing series, and if you have where can we find it?

GTP GRC is my creation and you can find it here! Feel free to sign up, but we're low on spaces now. 3 spaces are left in Limited and only reserves and part-time drivers can sign up for Super now. /shamelessplug

27. Anything else you'd like to say?

Great interview, and congratulations to the happy couple! :P
Danny will not be happy about this.
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