Official GTPlanet Member of the Fortnight [Member of the Week]

I would make a competitive series to F1 to attract all the best drivers in the world. Salary caps for all drivers, and budget caps on all teams for development, with a good margin of the Television costs going toward struggling teams, but at the same time still giving race winners their due prize purses. Unlimited testing available. Ground effects would be legal, so low drag, but super grippy racing. And in each contract there's a clause stipulating that in order to participate, you must allow the drivers to take part in a bi-annual spec racing Miata race where all drivers can race on an absolutely level playing field over certain times during the season, this will dispel "well he's got the best car" myths. Drivers would race for charity.
Wardez for FIA President, 2017! 👍 :bowdown:
Nice job, Wardez!

At one point I did consider asking about your username because it looks a bit like you meant to put 'Warden' but the n capitalised itself to exert its dominance amongst the letters but the sheer effort of capitalising itself made it feel really tired so it's lying down for a nap. Your explanation makes more sense though.
Nice job, Wardez!

At one point I did consider asking about your username because it looks a bit like you meant to put 'Warden' but the n capitalised itself to exert its dominance amongst the letters but the sheer effort of capitalising itself made it feel really tired so it's lying down for a nap. Your explanation makes more sense though.

This is now the story I'm going with.
Great job, Eddie! Nice crack on the electronics least it's not the pesticides aisle.
Not yet, anyways - that smell'll* resurface December 6th.

Excellent interview Eddie - it doesn't cover your excellent choice in donuts for the mod room, though 👍

* - well now, that looks odd.
So for the second or third time the idea of both the Rewind and Member of the Week slipped by me and look, it's already Thursday, so the feature (and the Rewind itself) may be delayed until Saturday or Sunday.

Blasted getting caught up in things. :mad:

Now, get to work.
He didn't tell us what kind of glasses. If he's wearing sunglasses right now, he's going to be blind walking around. Sure he'll look cool, but he won't see where he is going and walk into a ditch (Brooklyn doesn't have ditches) brownstone.... that isn't his own *gasp*.
At one point I did consider asking about your username because it looks a bit like you meant to put 'Warden' but the n capitalised itself to exert its dominance amongst the letters but the sheer effort of capitalising itself made it feel really tired so it's lying down for a nap. Your explanation makes more sense though.

Now he's a mod so it could be changed to the more appropriate 'Warden'. Of course, this wouldn't score as well in Scrabble.

@Wardez Nice interview and congrats on the promotion. :D

Now, get to work.

I'm gettin'.

He didn't tell us what kind of glasses. If he's wearing sunglasses right now, he's going to be blind walking around. Sure he'll look cool, but he won't see where he is going and walk into a ditch (Brooklyn doesn't have ditches) brownstone.... that isn't his own *gasp*.

I only wear my sunglasses at night.

Poor T-12...

There's always that one person who doesn't do something the right way and makes the lives of everyone around more difficult, and this week we welcome such a person who forced me to fashion the interview the right way, however, the upside is I'll probably ban him.

Ladies and gents, the newest member to find themselves in the madhouse and answered a question that wasn't meant for him nor even meant to be in the interview at all; welcome Dennisch!

1. First and foremost, you're officially the Member of the Week so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized amidst the hundreds of thousands of other members here?

Better late...never...mumble mumble.

2. What brought you to GTPlanet and what keeps you coming back?

It must have been transmission settings for I think Gt3, can't remember the account I made back then. And then finally, GT5 showed up in the commercials, goose bumps appeared on my arms, I needed some assistance with the game, and came back to GTP.

3. There's a lot to do around the forums so I have to ask: what sub-forums/threads do you frequent most often and why?

Most frequent is the Infield, without a doubt. Decent conversations being followed by absolute nonsense. And after that it must be either the automotive section, or maybe the opinions forum, because I think know cars and have an opinion.

4. What was it that sparked your interest in Gran Turismo?

That was again the power of television, going old school now, back in early '98, I saw it, played it for 5 minutes in the game store (Blue and white Viper GTS FTW) and I was sold.

(My attention was drawn away at this point due to a documentary on NGC about people using pee as body lotion, eye drops and as a drink.)

5. How did you come up with the name "Dennisch"?

My name is (duh) Dennis, the ch I've added because some old Dutch words end with sch.

6. Controversial question time: Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport or both?

I find this question highly offensive. This is GT Planet. GT. Not Forza Planet.

Nah,J/K. I've never touched an Xbox in my life so I can't judge Forza.

7. Because it's finally occurred to me that the question above doesn't allow enough freedom, do you play any other racing games that you perhaps enjoy more than GT or FM?

Does racing in GTA V count? If so, that is good stuff if you have clean racers.

8. GTP 12 is up and about, what are your thoughts?

Love it. Bit quirky on the phone, but that is because we live in a world where we can't have developers integrate the best functions of all mobile browsers into 1 excellent browser.

9. It's going to be plenty lively around here all of next month leading in to December, what are you most looking forward to?

Fleeing into the Infield after visiting the GT6 forum.

10. You interviewed me but now the shoe is on the other foot, how does it feel?

Your shoe smells. And it is too small.

11. If you could live in any video game which game would it be and why?

GTA. Evading the cops by painting your car? Hilversum would be a nightmare for anyone but me.

12. If you could create your own motorsport series what would it entail?

High revving V12 engines. I could not care about the looks of the cars if those engines are used.

13. Tell us something interesting about your hometown.

It is where most of the Dutch TV networks and studios are. It is nicknamed Hillywood. And the crime rating has risen quite a lot last years. Thanks, Obama!

14. Let's say GTPlanet was another persons brainchild, could you see the community being as prominent as it is now?

I hate "what if" questions. What if I pee'd champagne, would you drink it?

15. Do you have any hobbies we should be made aware of?

I have a telescope to spy on the neighbours watch the planets and stars, I like to go fishing, but not the lazy type of sitting in a chair watching a float hardly move.
As a former mechanic I still like to work on old cars. And of course video games.

16. Are you driving anything special at the moment?

I have a 1976 GMC Sierra Classic. For the non car people out there, that's a 2500kg piece of American steel I drive trough small Dutch towns.

17. What's your favourite video game, currently?


18. What songs have been on repeat for the past few days?

The radio stations here don't have a repeat button.

19. Why did you choose that avatar, and why is it not a monkey? (Don't ask me, I had nothing to do with this. :lol:)

The Honey Badger is awesome. And it eats monkey for breakfast, while hunting dangerous snakes.

20. Games, how do you like them?

a) Pre-Order, I want them on day one.
b) Sealed at first price drop.
c) Used.

Pre-order. But I only buy 2 games max. a year nowadays.

21. With the PS4 coming in the holiday season this year, is it the right time to consider moving up to the next generation?

No. The PS3 has plenty of life in it, and seeing that the PS2 had new games well into the lifespan of the PS3 I am not to worried about the PS3 not getting new games anymore.

22. Manual or automatic?

If it weighs more than 1400KG : insta-automatic. Unless it is an old muscle car. Anything below I really don't care.

23. Desert island disks - what 3 albums would you take to a desert island?

Now why do I want to go to a desert island and only bring music? I could think of hundreds of other things to take along which would help me survive on that island.

24. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being likely to go to the nut house, how crazy would you rate yourself?

I have calmed down quite a lot over the years, so I'll stick with a 7,5. For now.

25. Who is your favorite race driver and why?

Ehm. Ehm. I don't really idolize people like that. I just prefer racers to entertain me with fine racing and awesome crashing.

26. Where and when was your very first post here and how does it differ from your posting style used today?

I am pretty certain there will be a post somewhere in the depths of the archives of me asking a few questions about cars in previous GT games. But I just can't remember the username I used back then. But for my second coming it was a not so bright start. I started a thread about starting a new sub forum for people who complained about GT5. So, I complained about complaining.

27. How many of your controllers have died because of heavy physical abuse whilst playing a PS3 game?

1. And it was in a stressed part of my life, I recently found out that most of the joints in my body are wearing down faster than they are supposed to, and while playing a game of Call of Duty 4, online, it didn't go my way, and I still had the strength in my hands of being a mechanic full time, the poor DS3, or Sixaxis didn't stand a chance, I broke it in half, walked outside and the parts went flying off into the distance! And that was also the last time I got angry playing a game.

28. Have you ever accessed the website during an unusual time and/or place?

Unusual time? In the middle of the night when lying on the couch. And the unusual place must be pool side on Crete, during my summer vacation.

29. What's the longest you've gone without logging onto GTPlanet since joining: Years, months, weeks, days, hours?

I'll stick to my GT5 time for this one, I'd say days. Tops.

30. Who (in your own opinion) is the most inspiring person / people here on GTPlanet?

Most Premo's have something to share that can help other people, almost like a real family. And Danny. I have to mention Danny, otherwise he'll be haunting my house at night.

31. Is your body ready?

The more important question is : Is yours?

32. Now it's time for the "Daniel Special": If you could cross a hippo with any other animal - what will the animal be, what will it be called, and why? (Bonus points for creativity! And it can't be another hippo because that's incest)

As humans are animals too, and Daniel came up with this ridiculous question, I would like to see a hippo climb on Daniel for some sweet not so tender love making, which btw will end up on Youtube.

33. What's the funniest thing you can remember from all of your time being a member here?

The members who go out with a bang. Always hilarious.

34. Have you ever participated in any of the racing series' found here?

Nope. Online racing made me realize I should have start using the analog stick or steering wheel 15 years ago, I played all my racing games with the D-pad, when GT5 came along the D-pad just didn't work anymore, so I had to learn most finger tricks all over again. And now I suck at racing. Especially with them Aliens racers floating around.

35. Have you ever considered developing your own racing series, and if you have where can we find it?

Nope. My life outside gaming and internet is to hectic for me to plan races.

36. Anything else you'd like to say?

I love all of you.

Bonus Question: These two additional inclusions are the brainchild of a staff member and must be answered as if you were a contestant on Jeopardy!, i.e. "What is a Computer?"

B1: George Clooney played this character in Ocean's Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen.

B2: This horror icon is referred to as "The Shape".

B1. Who is Danny Ocean.

B2. Who is Michael Myers.

Now gimme my money!
Oh well, at least now I can watch F1 for the spectacle of the race instead of actually caring who wins! Well, maybe I'll do that at Port Imperial.

EDIT: Dang it, Vettel won again? Oh that's okay, he's the same age as I am and making Millions so I am just jealous.

EDIT, EDIT: No, I am annoyed.
It was bound to happen, right? :lol:

Congrats, Mr. Honey Badger. :)👍

That was not nice... :(
"The Honey Badger is awesome. And it eats monkey for breakfast, while hunting dangerous snakes."
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