Official Mission Hall Thread (help, hints, general discussion, etc.)

  • Thread starter justin_tyme
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Zoom GT4
Is there any way you could make a "Walkthrough" or "Guide" for all the missions.

Thanks 👍

I've done them all... and making a guide for all of them would take a damn long time.

I've made 2/3 of one for the final mission, which is the hardest mission by leaps and bounds. Other than that, there already are tips for the other hardest missions, those being the (23) skyline slipstream, and the superbird 3 lap battle at seattle. Just sift through here and if you can't find it, ask for help on one mission at a time, and only ask ppl to do extensive guides if you cant pass it AFTER practicing for a good amount of time.

But as for your other q before: you dont need to do the missions... however it is the only way to get a couple of cars, and you need to do it to get 100%.
apparently it's different for everyone, i found the superbird mission easy, got it my first try, but been spending hours on the nurburgring mission >__<
i see many people having trouble wit the superbird mission but all u gota do is brake way early than u think and guide through the corners. it took me 2 trys. the first time i crashed at the first left to right hairpin cause i didnt know the brakes where that bad. 2nd time i jsut braked early like crazy and i ended up passing the first place car before the final lap. Those are one of those races where driving slow is faster than pushing it.
some guys on page 7
+ 1'49.873 - Flugplatz
+ 1'40.794 - Arembergkurve, just after entering into Fuchsrohre
+ 1'32.915 - Adenauer Forst
+ 1'19.250 - Breidscheid
+ 1'06.704 - Bergwerk / Kesselschen
+ 0'55.198 - Klostertal
+ 0'40.745 - Hohe Acht
+ 0'31.277 - Eiskurve
+ 0'25.307 - Sprunghugel
+ 0'13.339 - Dottinger Hohe
+ 0'04.909 - Tiergarten

i think i skiped this one or something

this is what i think a close to perfect if not perfect run would be
low 1'48s
high 1'38s
high 1'27s
high 1'16s
2-3 secs slower than these and ur fine

hope this would help some people
Aurra Sing
apparently it's different for everyone, i found the superbird mission easy, got it my first try, but been spending hours on the nurburgring mission >__<

Well that would make sense, considering the nurb mission is the hardest...
Super Jamie, the strategy I've implemented worked pretty well when I raced the Honda Odyssey and the Amuse S2000 GT1. I believe I completed the Nissan Cube slipstream battle (for you Scion haters, you better be glad you're racing the Cube than the Scion xB/Toyota Bb) as well. The only one I've struggled with was the Skyline one. I'm going to keep trying that strategy. I think my best margin to the lead driver was about... 2.9 seconds.

So yeah, pass at the last moment. Then defend your position and grow the gap by moving all the way into the inside. Get as far away from the racing line as possible so that your rival cannot catch you. Then when you see another car, zoom past at the last moment, and do the same to the rest of the pack until you catch the leader. All my strategy is about is that you get into the racing line only when you want to share a leading car's draft. So I'd recommend that if you are at least 5 seconds ahead of a car you just passed, but maybe 2 or 3 seconds ahead of a car you're trailing, simply get back onto the racing line, make the draft work, and then get out of there.

With my strategy, how many of you found success in following my advice? I think it only works if you can cut into the leading car's margin without attracting any other racers trailing you. And when you lead the race, just keep going into the very inside so that you don't give 2nd Place a chance to catch up. But when you're closing in on a leading car and you left the pack behind by a serious margin, you have all the time in the world to overtake. By employing this stratgy, I've only lost once (Mission 23).
Got it down to .770's right now, and that's with a few small errors. One thing I've noticed with the SLR is that it loves being thrown into corners, slides riiiiight through them very easily.

Now I just need to stop pushing so hard in spots where I don't need to push so hard, keeps messing me up early on. And those damn 5s penalties are absolutely ANNOYING. I hate it when I have an awesome lap going, just to have it go down the toilet because I bump one of the AI drivers! :crazy: :dunce:

Did mission 10 last night. And I found out that you can just tear straight across the chicanes. I know it's cheating but it makes it so easy!
Did mission 10 last night. And I found out that you can just tear straight across the chicanes. I know it's cheating but it makes it so easy!
Man, if you have to cheat to pass M10, you're going to be screwed when you get to M34. :lol:

I know several people have beaten M34 with a DS2 in manual, but has anyone beaten it in automatic with a DS2? I don't feel like getting used to manual on the controller, because I'm eventually going to get the DFP soon and I figure I'll just learn it there. But wondering if it is possible in automatic, and if not, how close has someone gotten.

Sorry if possible repeat post in thread, have to leave for work soon and don't have time.
da viper
Its gay?... oookkkkaaayyyy :odd:

What i meant was, Auto makes it soo much harder than manual, just take the 15min and learn manual.
I confess to cheating on Mission 10, but it was pitifully easy when I did so. on M34, are you saying its just absurdly difficult, or that you can't sail across the chicane?
M34 is just way harder with Auto, i can finish in 9:08 in manaul but i cant even get round the track in auto, the gears are so important to controlling this car. I could probably do it if i hold the gears with the buttons but the defies the point of auto
i love a challenge but there is only so much u can take!
the comp plays dirty in this game.
unlike gt3 u can knock them out of the way with ease, in this its actually quite diffcult.
so how hard is it with manual then? and can you or can you not go across the dirt on the chicane?

you could i suppose but i didnt.

Its not hard at all with manual. if you know the track and all
I've done them all... and making a guide for all of them would take a damn long time.

I've made 2/3 of one for the final mission, which is the hardest mission by leaps and bounds. Other than that, there already are tips for the other hardest missions, those being the (23) skyline slipstream, and the superbird 3 lap battle at seattle. Just sift through here and if you can't find it, ask for help on one mission at a time, and only ask ppl to do extensive guides if you cant pass it AFTER practicing for a good amount of time.

But as for your other q before: you dont need to do the missions... however it is the only way to get a couple of cars, and you need to do it to get 100%.

👍 Thanks for the replies. I'll make sure to practice before asking for help. Let's hope I survive :scared:

Good luck to ya 👍
Thanks to this thread I beat Mission 23 on the first try! Can't wait to try out my Zonda Race Car a run! And about Mission 10, I really don't think it's very hard, it took me three tries, one of which I f'ed up the last turn cuz I was checking the gap between me and second. Just brake a little later than everyone else and use the bricks. And draft. ALOT.
If i practice nurburgring in arcade mode on a stock slr mclaren, what kind of tires and driving aids should I use to match what is used on mission 34?
i also admit to pushing a few of the cars off the road. Does anyone have hints for the drafting missions. I tried the scion cube mission and i couldn't seem to catch up.
These missions are very educational, even if they are frustrating at times, because they teach you about the cars and the tracks and about proper driving techniques. It is also good that there is variety in the missions, because what might work with one car at one track will not always work with another car at another track, and so the variety provides for a more balanced and rounded education.

Some can seem impossible, and I am indeed wondering how I am ever going to succeed at missions like the final Nürburgring scenario. Even good driving is going to cut it close, but that is the whole point. Knowing you gave what you thought was your best but that you still have time to make up forces you to try new lines and techniques, anything to shave a little bit off your times.

It teaches you how to race, since it does not allow you to compensate for sloppy driving with a modded-out car. In the missions where you do have a noticable performance advantage, like the perfect lap scenarious, you also have a noticable time disadvantage to counter for that and to force you to still drive properly.
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